Advanced Privacy Mode On

Say Goodbye to Cookies.

Cookies follow you around to track your behavior and target you with ads to sell you things. OneSearch doesn’t use cookies. Period. Your privacy is what we care about most. Learn More

No Ad Tracking or Personal Profiling.

OneSearch doesn’t track or share your personal data with advertisers. With OneSearch there’s no retargeting, so you're not followed and bombarded with ads based on your searches or user profile data. Learn More

History is Not Always a Good Thing.

OneSearch doesn’t store or use your search history. Learn More

Search Term Encryption.

Enter a search term, and we'll encrypt it. Simple as that. When you use Advanced Privacy Mode, your search term will be encrypted in the OneSearch URL. On top of that, the page with your search results will expire within an hour to help keep your search results from being viewed by others (in case multiple people use the same device). OneSearch helps you explore the Web more securely. Learn More

Pure unfiltered results. Always.

OneSearch doesn’t use your search habits or profile data to filter or optimize search results. OneSearch gives you a wider, deeper range of results without bias. Learn More

Share links with confidence.

Links to search results you share with friends or family will expire within the hour when you use the Advanced Privacy mode. Learn More

Advanced Privacy Mode On