Seasonal measures for Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB)

Latest updates:

The BMSB methyl bromide and sulfuryl fluoride treatment rates have been updated to incorporate specific start time concentration reading and top up requirements for BMSB fumigations.

If you have a Seasonal Pest (SP-M) hold on your LCL/FAK container please ensure you have lodged an MC declaration form before contacting the department. If you have not registered as a Master Consolidator, information is available on the managing LCL/FAK containers webpage.

The department has published a series of factsheets to provide further guidance on conducting effective and compliant BMSB treatments. The factsheets are available on the Guidance for conducting BMSB Treatments webpage.

The department has published BMSB webpage content for the 2019-20 season. This content includes information on preparing to import goods, managing LCL/FAK containers, what happens to your goods on arrival and a BMSB lodgement page for Master Consolidator declarations.

2019-20 Seasonal measures for Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB)

In response to the rapid expansion of BMSB throughout Europe and North America, the department has strengthened the seasonal measures to manage risk of BMSB from arriving in Australia for the 2019–20 BMSB risk season. The department has used a range of scientific, intelligence and evidence based information when setting the measures including data collected from the 2018-19 BMSB season onshore verification activities.

The department has also worked closely with the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries on the 2019-20 measures to ensure both Australia and New Zealand’s BMSB seasonal measures are consistent across the two countries where possible.

For the 2019-20 BMSB risk season, heightened biosecurity measures will apply to:

  • certain goods manufactured in, or shipped from target risk countries, and/or
  • vessels that berth at, load or tranship from target risk countries

The measures apply from 1 September 2019 that arrive in Australian territory by 31 May 2020 (inclusive).

Goods shipped between 1 September and 30 April need to be treated, and will be referred for intervention if they arrive by 31 May 2020.

For goods that are shipped prior to 30 April and arrive after 31 May, they may be subject to intervention as required.

As with previous BMSB risk seasons, you must comply with these measures. Throughout the season we will continue to review these measures based on detections of BMSB and the risk pathways and make any necessary adjustments.

Details of the final seasonal measures for the 2019-20 BMSB season are outlined below.

[expand all]

What are the target risk countries?

What are the measures for vessels?

What are the target high risk goods?

What are the target risk goods?

What about all other goods not listed?

What are the measures relating to goods?

Are there any exemptions to the measures?

What are the treatment options and rates?

Onshore treatment

Offshore treatment

Safeguarding arrangements

Further information on the seasonal measures

Industry Advice Notices

See. Secure. Report.

Last reviewed: 4 December 2019

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