perverting the pentacle is just one way certain factions of the christian doctrine have mitigated their propaganda war against pagan cultures.
another is the image of "the devil": cloven feet, horns, beard, tail.
that is actually the image of the Celtic deity Cernunnos, a fertility god and lord of the forest.
as well, the cloven footed devil is a twist of "pan" from greek mythology.
and while certain christian factions had no problem perverting symbols that were sacred to others, they also had no problem commandeering other sacred
rituals, and naming them as their own.
Christmas is piggy-backing on Yule (the winter solstice) [this has been discussed on ATS oft times].
Easter has close ties with the Germanic deity Ostara, who is a fertility goddess, celebrated in the time of spring, whose symbols are... wait for
it... bunny rabbits and eggs. her name in anglo-saxon traditions is Eostre.
now, i truly do not have issue with Christianity as a form of spiritual practice.
i suppose it is the mudslinger that riles me up. keep your devils to yourself!
PS a blessed Yule, and watch for the eclipse. truly a charmed evening 'tis shall be.
edit on 20-12-2010 by mythos because: word jumble