What do YOU think about pop culture references to BDsm, kink, fetish --- and our LGBT community?
http://eroticaudios.com/content/Olivia/ ... BTkink.mp3
Thoughts and questions,
Ms Olivia
Hi, Ms. Olivia! Thank you for asking this question!
There's a Japanese artistic aesthetic called Visual Kei (ヴィジュアル系), which includes genetic-male musical acts dressing femininely. The following are some very musical Visual Kei sissies.
I hope everyone enjoys!
Here's a very pretty girlie-boy:
* "YOHIO - SKY☆LiMiT (MV)", YOHIOちゃんねる ( youtube.com/user/YOHIOUNIVERSAL ), Mar. 27, 2012,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INKCPOQL98c ,
https://streamable.com/cv6zs . Mirror: "YOHIO - SKY☆LiMiT (MV) - 480P", rutube_account_1115585 ( rutube.ru/video/person/1115585/ ), Apr. 2, 2016,
https://rutube.ru/video/6a25ef623efbc4e ... d8a53d60b/ . "SKY☆LiMiT", YOHIO ( yinyuetai.com/fanclub/24169 )
May 5, 2012,
http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/h5/407997 .
Now here's a gaggle of girlie-boys. One of the girlies is Yohio, who is featured in the video above.
* "Seremedy - NO ESCAPE [OFFICIAL PV]", Ninetone Records ( youtube.com/user/ninetonerecords ), July 19, 2012,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbTAMzgC7uU ,
https://streamable.com/pom0j . Mirror: "Seremedy - NO ESCAPE PV", JRockisNotDead, July 22, 2012,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1F3_qtUoYE .
And here is a different gaggle of girlie-boys. The song "Omega" by Vexent:
* "Vexent 1st Single 「オメガ」 MV FULL", Vexent OFFICIAL ( youtube.com/channel/UCnNTKQWSPT66wj6BF-zsP4A ), Oct. 24, 2015,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvBx3yqiqc0 ,
https://streamable.com/h3vbh . Mirror: "Vexent -オメガ MV【日本V系/中字】", 溫故知新 ( youtube.com/user/a30303v2000 ), June 5, 2016,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LJih7Q8L-8 .
Here are some more Nipponian soniferous sissies. This is the song "Douke no Hana" by Arlequin, and a truly great music video to accompany it:
* "アルルカン「道化ノ華」PV FULL", GOEMONRECORDS ( youtube.com/user/goemonrecords ), Dec. 18, 2015,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMwzUZWE30I ,
https://streamable.com/nzh4l . Mirror: "アルルカン「Arlequin」- 道化ノ華「Doke no hana」(PV HD)", Jonatan Visual Fan ( youtube.com/channel/UCn6TuC62DQJY0D7EfEFnEdQ ), Nov. 6, 2015,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m-zPeIh4sc .
Yet more mind-blowing awesomeness from our girlie-boy friends at Arlequin, the song "Kyoukaisen":
* "アルルカン 「境界線」 MV FULL", GOEMONRECORDS ( youtube.com/user/goemonrecords ), July 3, 2017,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar1GGQi4Eiw . Mirror: "アルルカン 「境界線」(Arlequin - Kyoukaisen) FULL MV", Aya Valentine 2 ( youtube.com/channel/UCAkuPpTRcAf5lZfnwgwV4zA ), Sept. 3, 2016,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bagnECQfh50 . Mirror: "Arlequin - Kyoukaisen", Kisune ( youtube.com/channel/UCjE8f1XRjRyomQr6NsGEuIQ ), July 22, 2016,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztO6OAs8Dgc .
Notice also that the Japanese require more strings on their guitars and basses than do mere ordinary humans.
Here's an uplifting music video by some wholesome girlie-boys:
* "「THE END」MV FULL Ver.", MEJIBRAY OFFICIAL ( youtube.com/channel/UCTxeoEmLjgaQ69DHtJR0EBw ), Mar. 30, 2016,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUhEJ0dRwFo ,
https://streamable.com/0w95r . Mirror: "MEJIBRAY -「THE END」FULL HD", Yuwa ( youtube.com/channel/UC1kDamVEJtduOPn4aF5d0aA ), Mar. 23, 2016,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDTYpFjCFv0 .
Here's some more girlie-boy music from Japan, the land whose boys are prettier than most countries' girls:
* "Pentagon「POPCORN MONSTER」MUSIC VIDEO", Naomi Shiroyama ( youtube.com/channel/UCT1qiu4kVcTQru5lvTJYG7w ), June 14, 2016,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqHbk6ZcvB4 . Mirror: "ペンタゴン「ポップコーンモンスター」(Pentagon - Popcorn Monster) FULL MV", Aya Valentine 2 ( youtube.com/channel/UCAkuPpTRcAf5lZfnwgwV4zA ), Sept. 3, 2016,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elyGxFEqRO4 . Mirror: "Pentagon - Popcorn Monster", Kisune ( youtube.com/channel/UCjE8f1XRjRyomQr6NsGEuIQ ), July 17, 2016,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5jnFXT7OMY .
Yet again from Japan, the land of musical sissies: the song "Shounen Waltz" by Pentagon:
* "ペンタゴン 「少年ワルツ」 MV FULL", GOEMONRECORDS ( youtube.com/user/goemonrecords ), Jun. 22, 2017,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXwLJj5FvCE ,
https://streamable.com/jjmll . Mirror: "ペンタゴン Pentagon - Shounen Waltz PV", Itoshisa ( dailymotion.com/siouxcisioux ), Jan. 27, 2016,
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3oq65i .
More by Pentagon:
* "ペンタゴン 「Jesus phobia」MV FULL", GOEMONRECORDS ( youtube.com/user/goemonrecords ), June 22, 2017,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-a_UttYzlM . Mirror: "Pentagon (ペンタゴン) - Jesus Phobia MV", megurine luka ( youtube.com/channel/UCSmiqUYrN3VCdeD00eBdwJA ), Nov. 14, 2015,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vluh6h1g3W8 ,
https://streamable.com/v9mxn .
A different gaggle of girlie-boys:
* "∞INFi2TY 1st Single「Once for...」MV:HUMANS", Official INFi2TY ( youtube.com/channel/UCF-Olqp1RCf_11qO8xYvX3w ), Sept. 30, 2015,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM3jbYwJ940 ,
https://streamable.com/yl6l4 . Mirror: "∞INFi2TY 1st Single「Once for...」MV:HUMANS", Tsurugi85 ( dailymotion.com/chaospl85 ), Dec. 2, 2015,
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3gl9d6 .
And here comes more sonically-unchallenged delights, from the land of harmonious girlie-boy sprites. The following music video is from the band featured previously, none other than the one and only ∞INFi2TY! Yes, you heard that right, boys and girls. So get ready for excitement!
* "∞INFi2TY 「Just the beginning」 MV Full", Official INFi2TY ( youtube.com/channel/UCF-Olqp1RCf_11qO8xYvX3w ), Apr. 5, 2017,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sCSlEQsbQg ,
https://streamable.com/sm75g .
Some more euphonious Nihonese sassy sissies. The church within which the below music video was recorded is the same church featured in many Visual Kei music videos. My apologies, but I don't know the name of the church. But it sounds like my kind of church! A girlie-boy church!
* "メディーナ (Mediena) - SORROW MV", Kiryu999 ( youtube.com/user/ulysse2704 ), Dec. 22, 2015,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uXQ-f26pXs . Mirror: "メディエナ__(Mediena)__Sorrow", Kenji Narukami ( youtube.com/channel/UCK8xX33quOeNPSeNaNjxYfQ ), Jan. 30, 2017,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwkPG6pHiYU . Mirror: "[FULL PV] Mediena - SORROW", アペニン山脈の山と雪 ( dailymotion.com/narita-keiichi-it ), Dec. 23, 2019,
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3j5gl4 .
A little-known fact in the West is that every Japanese person is born with a fully-formed guitar in their hands. This isn't commonly known outside of Japan as the Japanese keep their birthing process rather secretive. Even the Japanese people without arms can shred harder than Eddie Van Halen and Yngwie Malmsteen.