ドキュメンタリー映画「主戦場」について―About the documentary film, “The Main Battleground of The Comfort Women Issue” (和・英文)(平成31年4月19日)
日本会議 > オピニオン > その他 > ドキュメンタリー映画「主戦場」について―About the documentary film, “The Main Battleground of The Comfort Women Issue” (和・英文)(平成31年4月19日)

ドキュメンタリー映画「主戦場」について―About the documentary film, “The Main Battleground of The Comfort Women Issue” (和・英文)(平成31年4月19日)

ドキュメンタリー映画「主戦場」について―About the documentary film, “The Main Battleground of The Comfort Women Issue” (和・英文)(平成31年4月19日)


本年4月20日より、国内において、日系アメリカ人ミキ・デザキ監督制作による「慰安婦問題」を扱ったドキュメンタリー映画「主戦場 The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue」が公開されます。









About the documentary film, “The Main Battleground of The Comfort Women Issue”

On April 20, this year, a documentary film directed by a Japanese American, Miki Dezaki, “The Main Battleground of The Comfort Women Issue” was released in Japan.

We have to inform the members and the supporters of Japan Conference that there are many false accusations of us in this film that cannot be overlooked.

This film contains interviews about “the comfort women issue” with some organizations in Japan, South Korea and the US, and 20-odd individuals, such as journalists, scholars and intellectuals, some of whom have attended conferences arranged by us or written articles in our magazines.

In this film, owing to the editing, it looks as if some people are speaking on behalf of Japan Conference and it is misleading to viewers. But, in fact, they are expressing their personal opinions that are not necessarily reflecting our official stance.

It is interviewer’s responsibility to show clearly whether each opinion is personal or on behalf of any organization such as us. The interviewer of this film should have checked with our office to find it out.

Moreover, in this film, Japan Conference is described as an organization which intends to revive the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, oppress the basic human rights and get back to the prewar Japan by exerting power to influence Japan’s political world. This is a made-up story and a totally groundless delusion.

Japan Conference, since its foundation, aims to amend the Constitution of Japan to meet the changing reality surrounding Japan.

Japan Conference has never aimed to revive the Constitution of the Empire of Japan nor has denied the principles of the Constitution of Japan.

We would like to emphasize the fact that while making the film, the director, Mr. Dezaki, and the producers have never contacted us to verify the facts nor interviewed with us.


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