Statist and RWLPTBA - Anarcho-Peoplewhoopposeus

MyLittleTripod's avatar
Published: September 25, 2015
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© 2015 - 2020 MyLittleTripod
Now taking a break from Delta"It's not bigotry when I do it"inHighDefinition and switching my focus for once.

This time it's on a user on Deviantart called BlameThe1st who is self proclaimed Right-Libertarian who made a comic series called "Statist vs Anarchist" which are about as Anarchist as you'd expect from a Right Wing Libertarian. Here is the original unedited piece from his series( ) , a bullshit attempt to straw man and dismiss actual Anarchists on the basis that one of them (Chomsky) just happened to think we shouldn't put our ideals above the lives of people who need some sort of welfare in order to survive.

Oh and Blamethe1st, how about you actually;

A) Read Anarchist Literature that isn't AnCap bullshit. (Maybe Proudhon, Bakunin and Kropotkin should be a start. Or go up on

B) Understand the arguments Chomsky was making in support of Welfare and Social Democratic Policies in the present (Not "Fixing the Roads" as you put it.).

C) Make an argument about Anarcho-Syndicalists that's based on their core ideals and NOT just what one of them said (You do realise that not all Anarchists, especially Anarcho-Syndicalists make Chomsky's argument right?)

UPDATE: Apparently BlametheFirst did make some sort of 
response to this. Granted it was just a emoticon that basically gives off the message "I not actually gonna bother refuting it so I'll just laugh at it"  But I'm glad the creator saw this.
Also for the other user who was saying that defending the Welfare State is "just an excuse", we don't have a huge federation of Mutual Aid Societies that can act as a viable alternative to the State Welfare System yet, and they certainly aren't gonna just crop up  overnight once the State is gone. They still need to be set up and in the meantime people still need some sort of welfare to survive on. The point of the comic was that until we're in a position where people aren't in need of State Welfare and Friendly Societies are the better alternative, it's ridiculous to be callous about this and just say; "there should be no state so we shouldn't support any welfare state whatsoever either". Real life demands we look at what's really happening, not just ignore it because it contradicts our opposition to the State.
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Strongman20's avatar
Strongman20Hobbyist Traditional Artist
Okay he didn't have a rebuttal I'LL HAVE A REBUTTAL.

This comic of yours is strawmanning him contrary to you saying he's strawmanning anyone. Taxation is THEFT no matter how you put it. Long run, short run, spent on good things, spend on the vulnerable, tax the rich, etc. It's theft period. Taxation the rich isn't going to do any good if enough is never enough with the government. In fact, the middle class would end up getting taxed too because the rich would run out of money. 

Socialism works until you run out of other people's money and it doesn't even work in the mean time. 

Anyways if get rid of taxes you'll have people keeping all of their money waiting to be put into the free market instead of the government's pocket. So take the over 20 trillions dollars the government has spent and instead let the people keep it rather than being in debt. 

With that money you can fund jobs, businesses, goods, services and ANY charity you need to take care of ANYBODY. Taxes don't even need to be temporary. 

The welfare state sucks and shouldn't be replaced with anything other than private charity or the free market. I mean creating dependence doesn't exactly make people not poor anymore.…

Yeah, thanks a lot Lyndon Johnson. 

And it's okay for ancaps to question the philosophy I questioning is how you determine whether or not you should be/should continue being a part of something or not. Ultimately however, you're going to have to agree with anarcho-capitalism to be part of it. 

Also ancaps are okay with people being ancoms in terms of everybody forming their own communities. We can be ancap and you can be ancom just don't force us into it. Remember, ancaps are against foreign intervention so they're not going to try and just fix up a bad foreign society with an agenda in mind. 

Your comic did make me laugh though I mean it seems like you had fun making the ancap rage all funny like that. 
kyrtuck's avatar
kyrtuckHobbyist General Artist
Haha, yes!  Thank you for this!
Flane-Erenaeoth's avatar
Flane-ErenaeothHobbyist Traditional Artist
This distressed red and black anarchist is me on a daily basis. You captured all my emotional problems in 4 stick figures. It is the eternal internal chaos of desiring equality and less suffering so strongly that I simultaneously pour myself into the idea of a mutual self-regulating federation of communities whilst also voting in elections to protect the Welfare State.

Warsie's avatar
WarsieHobbyist General Artist
lol. To be fair, there are accelerationists who would say 'tear it all down makes the revolution more likely'
RedAmerican1945's avatar
RedAmerican1945Student General Artist
Thank you for making this, really just shows how anarcho capitalists and right wing libertarians are idiots who need to put down atlas shrugged. :)
MyLittleTripod's avatar
MyLittleTripodHobbyist General Artist
Oh and before anyone accuses me of theft and plagiarism, this falls under the parody clause of Fair Use.
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