CKEditor 5 PoC
- Setup a "new-blog-editor" feature flag
- Allow loading of old blogs using the old components
- Install CKEditor 5 and use the inline mode to make it resemble our existing medium-editor as much as possible
- Install the CKeditor 5 plugins that allows conversion of markdown into our medium html
- Limit the styles and functionality as much as possible. We want to create a bloat-free experience with minimum toolbars and chrome that fits into the overall site.
- Users should only be to chose from predetermined styles.
- Make sure we provide the ability to quickly create bulleted lists and numeric lists
- Make sure we can easily copy text from wordpress sites and other rich copy sources
- New blogs should be tagged with an attribute that marks them as "version2"
- New blogs should load in the new editor
- Old blogs should load in the old editor
- Make sure we can save on the backend
We're going to roll this out as a POC behind a feature flag
We'll create a card to stand up a built package repo for a blog editor with all our plugins packaged and minified
If the v1 blogs can be displayed and saved with the new editor, we can just turn it on with the FF
If we can't successfully redisplay working blogs, we'll tag the new blogs with v2 on the backend
changed due date to December 20, 2019
added 1 deleted label
added scoped labels
changed weight to 24
marked this issue as related to #1967
changed the description
changed due date to January 14, 2020
removed 1 deleted label
added scoped label
assigned to @benhayward.ben
unassigned @eiennohi
changed milestone to %Sprint::01/01 - Xerothermic Xenartha
changed milestone to %Sprint::01/15 - Youthful Yabby
added scoped label and automatically removed label
added to epic &34
added scoped label and automatically removed label
marked the task Make sure we can save on the backend as completed
marked the task Make sure we can save on the backend as incomplete
- Developer
added 7h of time spent at 2020-01-17
removed label
added scoped label
added scoped label and automatically removed label
marked the task Make sure we can save on the backend as completed
marked the task Old blogs should load in the old editor as completed
marked the task New blogs should load in the new editor as completed
- Developer
- New blogs should load in the new editor
- Old blogs should load in the old editor
They are in separate modules with separate routes to access. Does this check the above boxes or are we wanting to re-arrange the layout a little?
Edited by Ben Hayward marked the task Make sure we can easily copy text from wordpress sites and other rich copy sources as completed
- Developer
marked the task Make sure we provide the ability to quickly create bulleted lists and numeric lists as completed
marked the task Install CKEditor 5 and use the inline mode to make it resemble our existing medium-editor as much as possible as completed
marked the task Allow loading of old blogs using the old components as completed
- Developer
For sanitization first, a blog containing approx 3,333.4 lines of XSS attacks (24435 words - hard to seperate when its all tags though). As
triggers our spam filter I omitted examples containing thatEdited by Ben Hayward - Developer
- Developer
marked the task Users should only be to chose from predetermined styles. as completed
marked the task Install the CKeditor 5 plugins that allows conversion of markdown into our medium html as completed
- Developer
- Limit the styles and functionality as much as possible. We want to create a bloat-free experience with minimum toolbars and chrome that fits into the overall site.
A great resource to generate the toolbar section of the editor config:
- Developer
todo other than the above:
- Connect up media uploader
- Get align / indentation working
- See if we can auto-save copy-paste history - since its built into the toolbar maybe this is easy to do.
- Developer
Brian Hatchet: @ben is reporting that the POC is going very well and fits out requirements well. There is only the issue of plugins.
Brian Hatchet: Plugins are a bit of a stretch. It looks like we're going to have to do custom builds if we want to mix and match. If you try to import prebuilt modules (like plugins), they start throwing cross dependency errors.
Brian Hatchet: Easy enough to do a custom build with everything we'll need, but we will be adding a step to the build process
Brian Hatchet: Or ... creating a fork
Ben: Yup, it is going smoothly so far, except for the hurdle of needing to load a plugin to enable alignment. I used the balloon editor to make it, but unfortunately it seems to be missing alignment options.
Ben: Adding it as a plugin I believe will encompass either, making our own build, or forking the BalloonBuild as a submodule and adding a few lines to enable an extra plugin.
Wrong Ben
added scoped label and automatically removed label
- Developer
Sorry about that @ben!
added 4h of time spent at 2020-01-23
added scoped label and automatically removed label
changed the description
added scoped label and automatically removed label
added scoped label and automatically removed label
added 30m of time spent at 2020-01-24
added scoped label and automatically removed label
mentioned in commit engine@81eb2fbd
mentioned in merge request engine!448
mentioned in merge request !733
marked the task Setup a "new-blog-editor" feature flag as completed
marked the task Limit the styles and functionality as much as possible. We want to create a bloat-free experience with minimum toolbars and chrome that fits into the overall site. as completed
marked the task New blogs should be tagged with an attribute that marks them as "version2" as completed
- Developer
Some issues apparent when trying to edit an old blog in the new editor:
- Alignment (we need to look at making a custom build for this)
- We need to implement the upload adapter to manage image uploads - left out as because we are going the custom build route, the adapter will be different.
- Rich-embed doesn't appear in the editor but remains there when opening a v1 blog in v2. Other tested styling remains (other than alignment)
added 2h 30m of time spent at 2020-01-27
added scoped label and automatically removed label
- Developer
Spent around 5 hours last night and 2 today.
added 7h of time spent at 2020-01-28
- Developer
Should be ready to go but the sandbox is acting like the feature flag isn't set. You can still see the blogs if you go to the v2 url, but editing a v2 blog does not link to the v2 editor, because of the lack of feature flag. Awaiting Emi's docs on this.
added 2h of time spent at 2020-01-28
added scoped label and automatically removed label
mentioned in issue minds#864
added scoped label and automatically removed label
changed milestone to %Sprint:01/29 Abatic Aenome
added scoped label and automatically removed label
added 1h of time spent at 2020-02-05
added scoped label and automatically removed label
added scoped label and automatically removed label
added 20m of time spent at 2020-02-05
added scoped label and automatically removed label
added scoped label and automatically removed label
added scoped label and automatically removed label
added scoped label and automatically removed label
- Developer
Review env is failing me with an obscure error that Sentry does not pick up. Changes run fine locally.
Flag is turned on:
added scoped label and automatically removed label
removed due date
added scoped label and automatically removed label
- Developer
Not getting any errors from the review site, but this MR requires changes to make it easier to test.
added scoped label and automatically removed label
added scoped label and automatically removed label
- Developer
Took some serious digging but the source of the inability to test appears to be SSR not being supported by ckeditor5.
added 2h of time spent at 2020-02-13
- Developer
Possible fix here
added scoped label and automatically removed label
- Developer
We both need to RTFM. We can bypass SSR here. Thanks @markeharding
added scoped label and automatically removed label
added scoped label and automatically removed label
- Developer
Green lighting emi's fix from Zulip, let's give it a try