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Operation Barbarossa

No.8095654 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Could have Germans invade Moscow if they hadnt waster their time in Yugoslavia helping Italy? If they had started operation Barbarossa earlier they could have make it in time before the winter. Also would USSR surrender after losing their capital of would they fight to the last man ?
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No.8099864 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Where did the slavs originate from? It seems they arrived en masse in Europe some time between the hunnic invasion and the 600s a.d when the Byzantines first recorded them, so where did such a numerous people come from before then and why did they arrive?

No.8097243 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Were Native Americans truly peaceful loving gentle people before the white man showed up as is told by liberals, white women, conspiracy theorists, etc or were they the brutal savage wailing barbarians that we see in the John Wayne films and Vnnforum? Which position is more accurate?
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How did they fix themselves?

No.8099341 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Japan were the most Savage barbarians of WW2, never apologized and still don't get nearly as shit on as Germany, plus now they're pacifists known for quirky cartoons for kids nowadays
How did that happen?
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No.8072575 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>when you find out Sicily was ruled by Muslims for 200 years
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Historical Photography thread (non-military)

No.8099015 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Everytime I see photo threads here its always something to do with military history, so let's post everything else in this one
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No.8098947 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>control of all the major russian cities
>support of large swaths of the army
>only faction with a coherent leadership
>only faction with a coherent ideology
>many opponents are just bolshevieks light
>the potential foreign allies of the whites are either in the process of disintegration or bleeding out on the western front
was there ever a doubt the Bolsheviks would win the civil war?
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No.8097156 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>enslaved by kemets
>enslaved by persians
>enslaved by greeks
>enslaved by romans
>enslaved by hittites
>genocided in germany
>genocided in russia
>victims of the most racism in the modern age

Historically Jews have been the fucking punching bag of mankind and the minute they finally get something going for them you have the gall to be antisemetic? We should be praising these people for still existing after all they went through
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No.8097169 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How exactly does a country do absolutely nothing of importance throughout its entire history?
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Let me tell you about Islam. Its a evil religion

No.8089457 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I hate Islam and everything that it represents. Islam is a meme religion and its not a religion of peace. Islam and Muslims make me sick at their mere presence. I want to go and take a shit on a koran and piss in a mosque and smear their putrid murals with my fecal matter because thats what I think about Islam. Historically speaking Islam has been responsible for millions of deaths because they preach an and western doctrine. Women must cover up, their holy bible says to kill the infidels for Allah, they worship a pedophile who murdered the Jews and unbelievers. It us intolerant towards gays, minorities and other groups of people. They preach hatred every day and I'm sick of Islam being praised in history. There is nothing to praise about a sick twisted ideology like Islam.
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