Nuclear Safety Research Group
Japanese is here!


 Many-sided Approach to the Realities of the Chernobyl NPP Accident:Summing-up of the Consequences of the Accident Twenty Years After (II) - KURRI-KR-139 (May 2008)

Recent Research Activities about the Chernobyl NPP Accident in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, KUR-KR-79 (July 2002)

Research Activities about the Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl NPS Accident and Social Activities to Assist the Sufferers by the Accident, KUR-KR-21 (March 1998)

CHERNOBYL NOVOSTI (April 1988 - January 2002)

Member of NSRG
IMANAKA Tetsuji, KAWANO Shinji, KOIDE Hiroaki, KOBAYASHI Keiji (order in Japanese pronounciation)

(representative in 2002: IMANAKA T.)

Purpose of NSRG

Through the investigation about risks and demerits of nuclear energy, our group is providing scientific information to the public to consider the use of nuclear energy in our society.

ActivitiesRegular meeting

Open seminar: Nuclear Safety Seminar (list of Seminar in Japanese)

Special themes


Individual topicsThe accident at Monju (FBR)

The Chernobyl accident

Belarus-Japan Symposium in 1994The mine residue issue at the Ningyo-Toge uranium mineOthersPublic relationLecture activities

Law suit activities


Link to related sites

in Japan

Citizens' Nuclear Information Center

Magpie News


Committe for Nuclear Responsibility

Nuclear Safety Research Group


Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University

Kumatori-cho, Osaka, 590-0494 Japan

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