Commit 18b11072 authored by Ben Hayward's avatar Ben Hayward

Refactored and added entity type check

1 merge request!461WIP: Fix/signed wire threshold export 2004
Pipeline #117959347 failed with stages
in 65 minutes and 30 seconds
......@@ -43,16 +43,15 @@ class threshold implements Interfaces\Api
if ($isAllowed) {
// Sign URI so that user can view it.
$signedUri = new SignedUri();
$signed = $entity->custom_data[0]['src'] ?
$signedUri->sign($entity->custom_data[0]['src']) :
if ($entity->type == 'activity') {
$response['activity'] = $entity->export();
$response['activity']['paywall_unlocked'] = true;
$response['activity']['custom_data'][0]['src'] = $signed;
if (isset($entity->custom_type) && $entity->custom_type === 'batch') {
$signedUri = new SignedUri(); // Sign URI so that user can view it.
$signed = $signedUri->sign($entity->custom_data[0]['src']);
$response['activity']['custom_data'][0]['src'] = $signed;
} else {
$response['entity'] = $entity->export();
$response['entity']['paywall_unlocked'] = true;
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