Check every single link on
Check all the links, console, caching off, hard reset:
- No https errors
- No new console errors (errors not in production)
links checked
- root
changed milestone to %Server Side Rendering #mvp
added scoped labels
changed weight to 4
- Developer
- Developer
If you're logged out of Minds you cannot view the Minds Blog. Not great for SEO.
- Developer
- Developer brings up the join minds modal before you can read anything.
- Developer
TeeSpring Store is locked, we can't change anything in the store until we appeal the strike.
- Developer
Minds Open Source Group is getting a console error
proxy:1 GET 415
This is also happening in production.
Also a bunch of API post calls that are not in production. May just be verbose.
Edited by Xander Miller - Developer
- Developer
- Developer
I'm seeing lots of activity in the console on and similar pages but I just think it's verbose logging of api calls.
- Developer
- Developer SEO meta tags on the Status page need improvement. A description would be good. We should probably have good SEO for this page for when the app is down and people are searching for why.
- Developer
Copyright needs to be updated on Jury System content policy page.
changed the description
- Developer
- Developer
- Developer
- Developer