In 2016, many of us objected to the concerted effect of the Democratic establishment and the Democratic National Committee to rig the primary for Hillary Clinton. Later it was revealed that the Clintons have largely taken over the DNC by taking over its debt and the DNC openly harassed and hampered Sanders at every stage. Despite this effort, Sanders came close to beating Clinton, who has never forgiven him for contesting a primary that she literally bought and paid for with the DNC. The simmering rage was still evident recently in Clinton’s attack on Sanders and suggestion that she might not support him if he were the nominee (a suggestion that she later took back). She continued her attacks this week and it has served to remind voters, particularly younger voters, of the DNC interference with the primary election. After the scandal, the DNC pledged to reform itself and reduce the power of establishment figures and superdelegates at the convention. Now, however, Politico is reporting that DNC members are again discussing changing the rules to stop Sanders. This follows the selection of Clinton allies to control the convention and a shocking level of anti-Sanders bias shown by CNN at the last debate. In the meantime, the DNC has been criticized for clearing the way for Michael Bloomberg by changing its rules to help him make the debates.
Reportedly, a group of Democratic National Committee members are discussing ways to undermine Sanders and allow for a convention stop on his candidacy. The plan centers around the superdelegates to reverse reforms and allow them to vote on the first ballot. In other words, the supers would be brought back in to keep Sanders out.
William Owen, a Tennessee DNC member, acknowledged the discussion and said that he does not support the effort. He noted that they agreed it could be “tough.” One would hope so. The plan would make a mockery of all of the prior statements of regret and reform after the rigged primary for Clinton. It would confirm in the mind of critics that the DNC is only interested in creating the appearance of democratic choice and only to the extent that the voters do what the establishment expects.
In fairness to the DNC, the report only refers to a small group and it is unlikely to succeed. However, the fact that it is being discussed is alarming after the Clinton attack and the selection of Clinton allies to head the convention. The fear is that Sanders could win Iowa and come to the convention with the most votes. It would challenge the view that Biden is the unassailable nominee — just as he challenged the same view with Clinton.
These moves are likely to only strengthen the resolve of the surging Sanders supporters. Sanders is receiving the most support among young voters — an extraordinary accomplishment given his age and mainstream opposition. The Democratic Party is clearly not willing to move beyond the control and fealty extended to the Clintons. That could easily force a final reckoning at the convention over who controls the Democratic party.
This is a surprise:
David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me forty-two citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, after sixty-one weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. – this doesn’t even rise to a theory. However, until there is word from Weart, I am not going to even start to consider it.
Lord, preserve us from fools who comment without even bothering to read with comprehension.
Oh wait! Maybe they can’t read with comprehension…
Well, preserve us anyway.
David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me forty-two citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, after sixty-one weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. – over my academic career I have read thousands of articles like the one you posted. Some pan out, some are a flash in the pan. You know that, or should. And being a Humanities scholar there are some really odd things posited in papers at conferences.
I repeat, read with comprehension.
My final word on this continuation.
David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me forty-two citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, after sixty-one weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. – I read the article and the gentleman has some points, however, he is going to have to dig deeper to convince me. To the best of my knowledge, humanities is more my area than yours. However, I am not an expert in musicology. I have only taken a few courses. I will need citations from Weart to back him up.
Gabbard and friends can attract a large amount of the real citizens caught in the Socialist web just buy bolting and forming a real Constitutional oriented party. Let the Socialist choke on their debt along with those who were stupid enoughj to advance them credit.
Milwaukee better increase their fire insurance coverage bigly. Myself, I just placed an order for more popcorn.
One might have thought the rabidly left wing extremist Marxist Leninists would have jumped to support Comrade Bernie. There is an answer. The people who control The Party that controls The Collective are certainly socialist but are even more extreme in wanting a return to the days of the neo aristocratic establishment version of Statist/Corporatists and Corporate Statists salted heavily with Union Leaders (members need not appy) and as such they want complete control.
They can buy Warren any day of the week, A bottle of vodka takes care of Clinton, Rinos are the right wing of the left so no problem there and Iowa ony takes a deck of cards with nothing but Aces. Each has their price for the socialists from the corny state it’s becoming a national moonshine still fo runwanted and unecessary fuel additives that destroy engines which sucks in Detroit as well.
Get the picture. I didn’t mention Citizen once. They aren’t included.
The democrat establishment rears its ugly head.
You could have pulled out one of your old Hillary posts like you always do when things get too hot on Trump. I get that you have to make your village idiots happy and distract them, but it’s getting so predictable from you.
Fishwings, you’re spot on with this. Turley wants to shame Democrats into letting Bernie hijack the party. Then the day after Election Day, when Bernie goes down like McGovern, Turley will write some high-minded column about how liberals were totally unrealistic to believe in Bernie.
In the grand tradition of the packing the supreme court, eliminating the electoral college, and FISA abuse. #by_any_means_necessary
“The plan would make a mockery of all of the prior statements of regret and reform after the rigged primary for Clinton.” Not at all. The plan speaks the truth in plain English – the Democratic Party is rigged. They’ll lie, and claim they’re sorry, but when they take action, they’ll do it all over again..and then lie and say they’re sorry.
I don’t want a socialist to come to power here in the US, as it would lead to deprivation and the loss of our unique freedoms. But you can’t rig the process to keep him out.
The bill has come due for the far Left politicization of our public school system. A socialist would have zero chance of winning if our high school graduates had the most rudimentary grasp of history.
I agree with the note about public schools and high school graduates, but it is at the next level up, with overwhelming left-wing propaganda infiltrating college-level academia, that troubles me most. Thanks for making us all think, which is why I like to follow the good professor’s columns.
E. Warren’s photo needs to be off the media and out of our view. It would not be fair to call her “an ugly dog”. Not fair to dogs. Four legs good! Two legs baaad!
Bernie Sanders was ‘never’ a Democrat. Therefore the Democratic establishment has no obligation whatsoever to accommodate Bernie. A large ratio of Super Delegates are Democratic officeholders at all levels of government. They are city council members, state senators, congressmen and governors. These ‘down ballot’ candidates would have to share the ballot with Bernie if Sanders becomes the nominee.
If I’m a veteran Democratic Congressman, I dont want Bernie Sanders topping the ballot. If Sanders has that top spot it means ‘I’ have to answer for Bernie’s spending proposals. It means constituents will be approaching me, at every campaign stop, and asking how the hell Bernie plans to fund Medicare-For-All and Free Tuition.
For the record Sanders cant possibly explain where the money comes from. Just two nights ago, CBS Anchor Nora O’Donnell asked Bernie how he would fund his proposals. Sanders merely brushed O’Donnell off with total arrogance; actually saying he ‘didnt know’ but implying the money exists somewhere.
That exchange between Sanders and O’Donnell is precisely the reason Democrats have every interest in strangling Bernie’s campaign. Sanders is a fraud and the media needs to keep asking him how he intends to fund his agenda. Bernie should be hounded for answers everywhere he goes!
If I’m a Democratic congressman I don’t want worried constituents asking me if their taxes will surge under Bernie. I dont want them asking me if they’re going lose the private insurance plan their union provides. And again, if Bernie’s not a Democrat, I shouldn’t have to answer any of these questions. Bernie should run as an Independent!
Professor Turley well understands why Democrats should fear Bernie Sanders. Sanders could easily become this year’s George McGovern to Trump’s Richard Nixon. That is exactly what Turley hopes for! Which means Turley’s disclaimer of being politically independent is an absolute lie. With this column Turley confirms he’s a tool for Donald Trump.
I see you’ve decided to join Gainesville and play the Butt-hurt clown this morning.
Tabby what are you babbling about here?? I have no idea what this Gainsville reference is about. I dont follow rightwing media, as you know.
Perhaps you should follow some right wing media. You might learn something to your benefit.
Canuck, rightwing media has been no benefit at all to the Trumpers on this blog, as evidenced by their comments. I dont want to be that dumb.
“I dont want to be that dumb.” But you are content to be a total bigot.
Canuck, his comfort zone is within left wing media bubble. Being exposed to ideas outside of that comfort zone would be too traumatic for him.
Peter’s brain was aborted at birth.
I have no idea what this Gainsville reference is about. I dont follow rightwing media, as you know.
The ‘Gainesville reference’ isn’t derived from Fox News, numbnutz, It’s just shorthand for one of the obnoxious leftoids on this board, who was banned by Darren (after lobbing insults at the host and the moderator) and has used at least four handles on this site. On the same principle, we’ll call you ‘Will Rogers Park’.
Tabby, I’m not kidding when I tell you that for the first several months I commented on this site, I thought you were a woman. And I remember asking, a few times what your gender is. Your written voice is that of a very catty woman; a Maureen Dowd wanna-be.
No straight guy aspires to mimic Maureen Dowd’s catty written voice. Yet you make an effort to sound like Dowd in every written comment. Again, no straight man thinks that’s cool. It’s strictly a chick thing!
Therefore it’s the height of irony that such a catty guy would relentlessly try to smear me as gay on a daily basis. Yet I shouldn’t be surprised. Trumpers work very hard to earn their reputation as deplorables. And that’s why MAGA hats are seen as symbols of an utterly deplorable culture.
LOL! If you put half the effort into finding the left-half of your brain as you do trying to convince people you’re not gay, you’d recognize you are not qualified to spell check, let alone have an opinion of DSS’s writings.
“If Sanders has that top spot it means ‘I’ have to answer for Bernie’s spending proposals.”
He will have to answer for Hunter’s salary in Ukraine though it is the Ukrainian taxpayer that is actually paying. The Dems don’t think about that.
He will have to answer why a transgender 9 year old will be able to veto Elizabeth Warren’s nominees for Secretary of Education.
He will have to answer why Joe Biden thinks he is in Seattle Washington while he is actually in D.C.
While you are excusing rigging the primary, I am happy to hear you have accepted the problems with Bernie Sanders, which are the problems of Socialism.
Elizabeth Warren has similar issues with her plans, which will cost astronomical sums. At least Bernie was honest and admitted that he would raise taxes on the middle class.
These job killers will hurt the poor, and they’ll have more company, as more will be knocked right out of the middle class.
Punishing success carries a price.
I blame the public school system for turning out too many graduates without a rudimentary grasp of what socialism means, or the consequences of confiscatory high taxes.
There is a consistent trend in the Democrat Party to resent anyone pointing out the truth. Jonathan Turley truthfully discussing the DNC’s actions against Bernie Sanders does not mean he’s working for Trump.