新型コロナウイルスの感染者数と死亡者数をまとめたページをご紹介。迅速に報告数を更新しています。左上の白く大きな数値が感染者数。右側の白い数字が死亡者数。左端の縦列が各国からの報告数です→『2019-nCoV Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE』 http://ow.ly/8ahK30qeeAj
A new study from Japan finds that a higher intake of fermented soy products, such as miso and natto, is associated with a lower risk of death http://ow.ly/QYCM50y86OC
A man has collapsed and died outside a restaurant in Sydney’s Chinatown after bystanders reportedly failed to perform CPR out of fears of coronavirus.