In their defense, I agree we didn't evolve from people with weird tubes coming out of the backs of their necks.
Or the one on the right where the guy has a 2 ft Penis coming out of his stomach.
So I video games when we see the models getting stuck in the t-pose, that was really them evolving into the cross!?!?!?!?
Not all Christian's deny evolution, hell the Catholic Church excepts it as truth.
It took almost 100 years after the Origin of Species was published, but yes they do
They don’t. They believe in Creationist Evolution. They claim God “evolved” human - which isn’t Evolution (the actual scientific meaning).
That’s like saying Gravity is god “guiding” each object to the ground. That’s not the scientific definition of gravity.
Is this the Human Instrumentality that the cautionary tale, Neon Genesis Evangelion, warned us about?
Damn, how much shellfish did that guy in the bottom frame eat to get so burdened with sin? Vegas buffet?
evolving from a creature with a big hump on their backs with the word sin written on it seem worse
So after resurrection we just go back to middle aged men with bad posture? Seems like a shit deal
man struggles trying not to turn into a snail combats it by turning into a cross
Dude on the right is a zombie risen from the grave (hence the cross) and I can't unsee it
I DoNt KnOw AbOuT yOu BuT I dIdNt EvOlVe FrOm A mOnKeY...
I evolved from a wooden cross!
Ay bro remember that 1 time in history where we were all crosses for a lil bit?
i still don't understand the concept of sin. Trigonomic function sine, yes.
Such a stupid false equivalency here between the two images. By comparing the bottom image to the top it appears that the same person in the top is evolving.
Stages of life
1: Sin
2: More sin
3: Even more sin
4: An astronomical amount of sin
5: C R O S S
6: Person
Ah, yes. That one stage of evolution that we all forget where everyone was a massive wooden cross for a few years.
Good times
Yeah the top one is wrong too. It is not how evolution works.
Is that where wieners end up when you have a really bad tummy tuck doc?
This is hilarious. It's truly amazing that people believe this crap.
Why does the post-crucifix figure look like a meth addict looking for his next hit?
True evolution:sin,sin,sin,praying to a god that allows child murder, having slaves, underage marriage(if raped but I don’t think this makes situation better) killing other people who don’t have the same belief as you, treating woman like they are degenerates, and then piece of shit beings. To be fair it makes sense
You know what. Take the same picture but add another religious symbol instead. Like the adam star or like Allah in Arabic. Then tag her and wish that she "comes around before it is too late".
Why does God blame us for things he designed us to be able to do. That's like me getting pissed at my own lego
So are they technically saying that evolution is true then? Checkmate creationists!
So sin my way through life, die, and arise as a zombie. I'm alright with that.
the back of that last christian doesnt look very healthy either...
The real truth is we came from pirates, not primates.
Scientists may point to the fact that we share more than 99.9% of our DNA with primates, but I like to point out that we share over 99.999% of the same DNA as pirates.
And climate change is caused by the decrease in the number of pirates.
Join us in celebrating the goodwill of his noodly appendage.