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Madeline's Reviews > A Feast for Crows
A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, #4)
Hey everyone, George RR Martin here. I thought I'd take some time off from planning my intricate and complex storylines (spoiler alert: everyone has sex with everyone and then kills each other) to introduce A Feast for Crows, the long-awaited fourth installment in my epic fantasy series! You guys are in for a treat, this one is awesome.
So the last book was quite a ride, huh? There was that craziness that was the Weddings of Death, Tyrion killed his father, , Jon Snow finally got cool and is now Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Arya continued to be a tiny BAMF, Bran looked like he was finally moving towards a real plot, and Daenerys decided to temporarily shelve her whole unleash-the-dogs-of-war plan and be a queen for a while. Also I made Christmas come early for Madeline when I killed off Catelyn Stark, only to bring all her hopes and dreams crashing down when it turned out that Catelyn is a zombie now and will never die. Hee hee hee.
Anyway, with all that cool stuff, you probably thought that this book was going to be made of awesome, what with all the fallout from the stuff I described above. And it will be, but unfortunately my attention to detail and complex storylines finally came back to bite me in the ass, and it turns out I couldn't devote an entire book to all the plots I started in the last book. So I divided them into two volumes, and saved all the cool people for Book Five. Want to read about Jon Snow, Daenerys, and Tyrion? Too fucking bad.
Don't worry though, this means we get to meet lots of fun new characters, like Theon's crazy uncles and a lot of random people from Dorne. They each get just one chapter, of course, because they only exist so I can have a perspective to show all these events from (my changing single-character viewpoint structure has also begun to bite me in the ass, unfortunately) and you'll probably never see them again, but that's what makes it fun!
It's not all bad, at least - Arya's still here, even though she's not doing much murdering or really much of anything. This is where Arya learns how to be more awesome, so she can wreck everyone's shit later - or maybe not, because in the last chapter we see her in, she's just gone blind. Is it temporary, or permanent? You'll just have to buy the next book and find out (maybe)!
And hey, I gave you guys some Cersei chapters, finally. And yes, she's just as much of a psycho bitch as you always suspected. You're welcome. Also Jaime chapters - bet you didn't think he would turn out to be one of the only decent characters in the series, huh? (of course, if he's becoming one of the good guys, that means I'll probably murder him soon) And there are more Samwell Tarly chapters! Everyone loves reading about Sam, right? Guys? Guys? Where are you going?
Don't worry, the next book will be all about Tyrion and Daenerys and Bran (look, it's going to pay off soon, I swear. Really guys, he's going to be interesting eventually.) and all the other cool characters that I totally ignored in this book and that you really wanted to read about. As for all the character-based cliffhangers I established in this book, will they be resolved in the next volume? Probably not! I am George RR Martin, and I demand your money and your tears!
PS: Quit bitching at me to write faster. You'll get your books when I say you get them, and not a day sooner. Don't push me, or the next volume published will be titled A Siege of Tears and it'll be nothing but Jon Snow, Bran Stark, and Samwell Tarly sitting around and thinking about how inadequate they are. Do not test me on this, nerds.
So the last book was quite a ride, huh? There was that craziness that was the Weddings of Death, Tyrion killed his father, , Jon Snow finally got cool and is now Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Arya continued to be a tiny BAMF, Bran looked like he was finally moving towards a real plot, and Daenerys decided to temporarily shelve her whole unleash-the-dogs-of-war plan and be a queen for a while. Also I made Christmas come early for Madeline when I killed off Catelyn Stark, only to bring all her hopes and dreams crashing down when it turned out that Catelyn is a zombie now and will never die. Hee hee hee.
Anyway, with all that cool stuff, you probably thought that this book was going to be made of awesome, what with all the fallout from the stuff I described above. And it will be, but unfortunately my attention to detail and complex storylines finally came back to bite me in the ass, and it turns out I couldn't devote an entire book to all the plots I started in the last book. So I divided them into two volumes, and saved all the cool people for Book Five. Want to read about Jon Snow, Daenerys, and Tyrion? Too fucking bad.
Don't worry though, this means we get to meet lots of fun new characters, like Theon's crazy uncles and a lot of random people from Dorne. They each get just one chapter, of course, because they only exist so I can have a perspective to show all these events from (my changing single-character viewpoint structure has also begun to bite me in the ass, unfortunately) and you'll probably never see them again, but that's what makes it fun!
It's not all bad, at least - Arya's still here, even though she's not doing much murdering or really much of anything. This is where Arya learns how to be more awesome, so she can wreck everyone's shit later - or maybe not, because in the last chapter we see her in, she's just gone blind. Is it temporary, or permanent? You'll just have to buy the next book and find out (maybe)!
And hey, I gave you guys some Cersei chapters, finally. And yes, she's just as much of a psycho bitch as you always suspected. You're welcome. Also Jaime chapters - bet you didn't think he would turn out to be one of the only decent characters in the series, huh? (of course, if he's becoming one of the good guys, that means I'll probably murder him soon) And there are more Samwell Tarly chapters! Everyone loves reading about Sam, right? Guys? Guys? Where are you going?
Don't worry, the next book will be all about Tyrion and Daenerys and Bran (look, it's going to pay off soon, I swear. Really guys, he's going to be interesting eventually.) and all the other cool characters that I totally ignored in this book and that you really wanted to read about. As for all the character-based cliffhangers I established in this book, will they be resolved in the next volume? Probably not! I am George RR Martin, and I demand your money and your tears!
PS: Quit bitching at me to write faster. You'll get your books when I say you get them, and not a day sooner. Don't push me, or the next volume published will be titled A Siege of Tears and it'll be nothing but Jon Snow, Bran Stark, and Samwell Tarly sitting around and thinking about how inadequate they are. Do not test me on this, nerds.
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A Feast for Crows.
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Reading Progress
Started Reading
June 1, 2012
Finished Reading
June 15, 2012
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June 15, 2012
"AND THE CERSEI CHAPTERS BEGIN! I've been waiting three books to get inside her head, and let me tell you, folks: it's violent and paranoid in there, and I am loving it."
June 17, 2012
"Oh my god, Petyr: either you want to fuck Sansa or you want to be her dad. PICK ONE, YOU CANNOT DO BOTH."
June 19, 2012
"Characters I do not give a crap about: any of the Greyjoys, everyone from Dorne. People I love reading about: Tyrion, Daenerys. Guess who's glaringly absent from this book? This is bullshit, Martin."
June 19, 2012
"Characters I do not give a crap about: any of the Greyjoys, everyone from Dorne. People I love reading about: Tyrion, Daenerys. Guess who's glaringly absent from this book? This is bullshit, Martin."
June 21, 2012
"So Sansa is still stuck with Petyr, who has told her to use the alias Alayne so no one will figure out who she is (and, y'know, save her from the creepy murderer because that would be just terrible), and now the chapters from Sansa's perspective are titled "Alayne." Somehow, out of everything that has happened to Sansa so far, this saddens me the most."
June 22, 2012
""If [Cersei] had only married Rhaegar as the gods intended, he would never have looked twice at the wolf girl." There's one for you, Jon-Snow's-parents-were-Lyanna-and-Rhaegar conspiracy theorists."
June 23, 2012
"Arya just drank some potion, and the last sentence of the chapter goes, "When she woke up in the morning, she was blind." I flipped ahead, and there are NO MORE ARYA CHAPTERS in this book. GOD DAMN YOU MARTIN."
June 25, 2012
"Even a little thing like "being dead" cannot stop Catelyn Stark from completely misreading a situation and doing something to "help" that actually makes everything much, much worse. I hate more than any of the real villains in this series."
June 27, 2012
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message 1:
rated it 2 stars
Jun 19, 2012 11:19PM
Dammit, Madeline, I was meaning to read this series and now you've ruined it for me.
Hah hah hah, he's gonna pull a Jordan on all of you! wait and seeeee!
I'm stuck somewhere in the middle of this tome and you just nailed it. Especially the part about Catelyn Stark - I think she is just there to punish us readers.
And let's be real - if Marten's endgame is "war of six queens" it's not going to happen until Book Ten, if we're lucky. Marten doesn't exactly burn through his plots quickly.
Yes. No one ever reads books because they have excellent characters and good plotting. You got me there.
"Want to read about Jon Snow, Danaerys, and Tyrion? Too fucking bad." HONESTLY THOUGH.