/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Anonymous 01/23/2020 (Thu) 22:51:46 No. 3252 >>3253 >>3254
I'm posting here. Are you happy now?
>>3252 Death to California
>>3252 Yes. >>3253 And jews. And niggers. And lefties. And faggots. And globalists.
>>3254 And don't forget neo-nazi retards.
((( >>3255 )))
>>3255 kys nigga 卐
me too whats up niggers?
beep boop beep
>says something negative about whites >someone starts to talk about niggers mutt's law
I came inside my cat again. Whups. Damn them devil drugs.
This is so fucking awesome so far. Hope this site is not mining my data or some other shady activity. I did really miss 8chan. It was down for like 6 months. I'm a white nationalist, but definitely not a Nazi just to clarify for the following joke: Long live 8chan! The Thousand Year Reich cannot be destroyed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErtPOyeMqf4
But seriously, I hope this website doesn't die again.
>>3286 I enjoy poo poo too!
>>3286 BO is pro free speech and chill although I won't deny we have a few odd balls here. If you can get the word though to other fellow nationalists that'd be great.
/pol/ is dead tbh newfags killed it post cunny
>>3288 >>3289 Pee Pee is Free Speach
>>3290 CP is free speech.
>>3287 >>3288 >>3290 >>3291 Shitposting fags what is BO? Otherwise >>3188
(29.67 KB 370x350 klj04.jpg)
>>3292 Board owner
>>3294 Ok. I wonder how he pays for this website though. Donations? Ads? Hopefully he is in it long term and can get ads like the original 8chan had if need be.
>>3295 - in this post I interpreted "board owner" as "website owner" "Board owner" is kind of a vague term tbh. 8chan is a Futaba-style imageboard. 8chan ("the imageboard") might be referred to as a "board", but maybe with less frequency than any board (e.g., "/pol/") on the imageboard is referred to as a "board".
>>3292 I'm honorary /pol/ BO. Post cunny.
>>3268 sure nigga
>>3286 8chan was owned by a race traitor, who married to a chink nigger, who lives in a nigger country and whose administrator is a chink nigger too. The sequel, 8kun doesn't even have /pol/ board, so good riddance
>>3289 ok nigger, we know you want a /pol/ board like the other chans where every thread slighty compromising is deleted
>>3295 The FBI is paying me to keep this site online.

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