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Anonymous 17/07/03(Mon)01:59 No. 12989 ID: cd0914 Replies: >>12993

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What does anonymity mean to you and why is it important?

Nero Rand !HZseOmXfoc 17/07/06(Thu)15:15 No. 12993 ID: 7d4565

> mean to you
I prefer its universal uses, that the traditional persons can use. Liken that, I am a fan of its' enforcing freedom to navigate without authoritarian (read; consequentialists) implications come down from businesses or governments...

But personally, I prefer it for the opportunity of original thought. Casting off the shackles of moderate conformity to speak, some people say a person is known when they have skin in the game and I say the only test is power and freedom.

I would say that the libertines are correct, but I prefer rationalism with my egoism and hedonism.

Anonymous 19/12/21(Sat)21:36 No. 14317 ID: 90cb45

awesome thread, sucks that it got ignored

we must be aware of danger. anonymity is virtual stealth that we use as a tool to escape and prevent encounters with thought predators

Anonymous 19/12/22(Sun)10:28 No. 14320 ID: c86d3e Replies: >>14375

The rules and laws of the world are often draconian and insane, and the punishments levied on those caught is almost always horrifyingly disproportionate. Right now, literally everyone is breaking some idiotic law that protects nobody, and could have their life turned upside-down if not ruined because of it. Think a loving parent who spanks a child once and then loses custody because of a CPS investigation, or of the millions of people who pirate music but that one lady who got sued by the RIAA for millions of dollars.

Without privacy, which is the basis of anonymity, these laws will come down on you. The police state will always watch you. Accidentally lose focus for a second while driving and exceed the posted speed limit? You get a ticket. Every minor infraction you make day-to-day will be used against you in service of the rich and powerful.

Which is, of course, the other cornerstone of anonymity. Total equality. It doesn't matter who the fuck you are if you post anonymously. You could be a world leader, a billionaire, or a homeless pauper siphoning Starbucks wi-fi on a laptop dug from the garbage. Doesn't matter. Without a name or a face, one can only be judged and valued based on what they say or do. It's the ONLY POWER afforded those, like us, who weren't born into it.

Anonymous 19/12/22(Sun)14:06 No. 14322 ID: 9ddf63

For me anonymity is both freedom of expression and a form of catharsis . Both are essential to the modern man.

Without true freedom of expression (meaning without fear of reprisal) there is repression and without the catarsis of releasing that repression comes self destruction.

Anonymous 19/12/30(Mon)04:26 No. 14338 ID: b11048

Anonymity means a sense of freedom and fluidity for me. I can pretend to be anyone and pretend to believe anything I want, and you can't tell if I'm being serious or not. It's important today because our society encourages total conformism, and total anonymity remains one of the only ways where individuals can express themselves without any societal repercussions whatsoever.

Anonymous 20/01/16(Thu)20:10 No. 14356 ID: a79c36 Replies: >>14374

You're making a couple of assumptions with the question itself. That is, that anonymity means something to me, 'mean' means something to me, and that either the concept elucidated by me or the thing itself is important to me or somebody/something(a technicality, but not necessarily a person) else. So what I'm saying is it's a somewhat unclear question. But to play along with what I assume you meant, anonymity means freedom, freedom from repressive governments and corporations, the line between the two is blurry. I'm beginning to wonder the importance of certain (not all) anonymity services at this point anyway, since some anonymity services are trying to make it harder to access websites and so on that contain materials they disapprove of such as child pornography. I suppose that i2p and TOR exist not really for free as in freedom transfer of information, but as a way of undermining the Chinese and Russian governments. You can make your own decisions regarding whether that is noble or ignoble. I do not like the US. I guess that VPNs and so on are good and important for pirating music and movies, which I think pretty much everyone does now, even without VPNs, which is sort of like fucking without a condom.

Anonymous 20/01/22(Wed)08:22 No. 14374 ID: 0ac552 Replies: >>14375

>Which is, of course, the other cornerstone of anonymity. Total equality. It doesn't matter who the fuck you are if you post anonymously. You could be a world leader, a billionaire, or a homeless pauper siphoning Starbucks wi-fi on a laptop dug from the garbage. Doesn't matter. Without a name or a face, one can only be judged and valued based on what they say or do. It's the ONLY POWER afforded those, like us, who weren't born into it.

Am I a manchild for being in my 20s and watching guys play GTA games? Anyways, I like watching videos from DarkViperAU more than Hugo One in some regards because DarkViper twitch chat users seem to be more anonymous than dumbass Hugo One Twitch chat users and mods. However, DarkViper speaks on too many topics for my liking; DarkViper seems to allow the chat users to be more free which is nice. Hugo One speaks on too few topics IMO, and he does not allow the chat users to be free enough. Mods=fags is a real concern. It's annoying to see some moderator turd (who watches some fag play video games in a video where they don't really do anything interesting or get the world record) tell other users to not make the slightest infraction on their rules under threat of ban or something. Seeing many stupid usernames and users of various status levels (read: "e-penis" or "varying degrees of patheticness if they bought the statues") can also be annoying.

>'mean' means something to me, and that either the concept elucidated by me or the thing itself is important to me or somebody/something (a technicality, but not necessarily a person) else. So what I'm saying is it's a somewhat unclear question.

I have a notion of what you're saying here, but could you elaborate? I'd be appreciated.

Anonymous 20/01/22(Wed)08:36 No. 14375 ID: 0ac552

>>14374 was supposed to reference >>14320

Also, with Twitch, users are not anonymous because they want themselves to be recognized as a discernable individual. Maybe they want to have some gay ass relationship with other users or the streamer (lacking social skills?). Maybe they want to make a name for themselves? (As in, username, which seems dumb.) Maybe they want to have power by moderating, power which may seem important to a child or teenager, but which doesn't really matter. Maybe it's so when they show their support with donation or whatever that they can be seen as a discernable individual, so there is a sense of countability (as in numbers of people).

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