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The overview of C++20 Range view

The latest C++ draft at the time of writing incorporated The One Ranges Proposal.


So what is a Range, anyway? The C++ Standard Comittee member, Eric Niebler, summarised it well in this article:

Eric Niebler – Eric Niebler

Actually, he summarised it all too well to the point that his code became almost unreadable to an average C++ programmer. One might say, it's practically useless. So this article serves as a quick tutorial for the Range view.

Range is a beefed up Iterator. Just like the Iterator was modeled after a pointer, the Range was modeled after a pair of iterators [begin, end).

The immediate benefit of the Range is the ability to pass a container object directly to your favorite algorithm and it just works. This is because the Containers satisfy the concept of Range.

std::vector v = {1,2,3,4,5} ;
std::ranges::for_each( v,
    []( auto x )
    { std::cout << x ; }
) ;

Or, as its name suggests, Range-based for.

for ( auto x : v )
    std::cout << x ;

"But Range-based for has existed since C++11! It was already there!" You might say. Well the C++11's Range-based for didn't have the originally intended power. This is because the Concepts didn't make it into the C++11. Those good-for-nothing standard commitee members couldn't agree on whether The Concept map shall be implicitly generated or not. The same bunch of idiots who couldn't accept char8_t until C++20, blubbing: "but char is the suitable type for representing contiguous raw bytes" blah blah blah.

Now that the Concepts are there, we can finally embrace the full power of Range-based for.

The Range library has a View. A View is a range adaptor. A View is a Range plus extra constraints(some additional members etc).

Suppose we would like to iterate over the aforementioned vector, but backwards.

The C++17 Range-based for is rather useless for this very very simple task. We have to fallback to the C++98 era reverse iterator.

std::for_each( rbegin(v), rend(v),
    []( auto i )
        std::cout << i ;
    } ) ;

Although we have a lambda expression, it doesn't save much of the ugliness.

In C++20, you can simply use reverse_view.

for ( auto i : v | reverse )
    std::cout << i ;

Yes. That's it. This very simple, and actually readable code prints "54321". Don't worry. There is absolutely no performance penalty, at all! In this regard, C++ is better than Haskell.

Now, suppose that you would like to iterate over 1 to n. The n is a runtime value, so creating a vector object is rather inefficient.

std::vector<int> v ;
int n ;
std::cin >> n ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i != n+1 ; ++i ) 
    v.push_back(i) ;

Fortunately, C++20 has a iota_view. iota(a, b) creates a range of integers in the interval an<b .

int n = 10 ;
for ( auto i : iota( 1, n ) | reverse )
    std::cout << i ;

Now, this code prints "987654321".

There are a certainly a lot of numbers. Assume, we would like to get rid of the even numbers so that we only deal with odd numbers. We can use filter_view for that.

for ( auto i : iota(1, 10)
    | filter( [](auto x){ return x % 2 == 1 ; } )
    std::cout << i ;

This prints "13579".

filter(rule) drops elements x whenever the function rule(x) returns false.

Now let's suppose that we have a function is_prime(n) which returns true if n is probably a prime number. I won't go into details on how we can implement is_prime. If you wish to know, search for the Miller–Rabin test.

This code prints all the prime numbers between 1 and 1000.

for ( auto i : iota(1, 1001)
    | filter( is_prime )
    std::cout << i << ', ' ;

This works. But what if you only want the first 10 prime numbers? We can use take_view for that. take(n) takes n elements from the range.

for ( auto i : iota(1)
    | filter( is_prime )
    | take ( 10 )
    std::cout << i << ', ' ;

This prints "2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, ".

You may have noticed that the code above passes only one argument to iota_view. iota(n) creates a range starting from n and incrementing it indefinitely. That means that if you write a code like this,

for ( auto i : iota(1) )
    std::cout << i << '\n' ;

it would print numbers until it overflows and even continues printing overflowed numbers. It's an infinite loop. It never stops.

take_view can stop the execution of such infinite loops by taking n elements from the corresponding range.

for ( auto i : iota(1) | take(10) )
    std::cout << i << '\n' ;

This code prints 1 to 10 and stops the loop.

We can use iota_view to write an index loop. Suppose that we would like to iterate over integers from 0 to 100. Traditionally, we would write something like this:

for ( int i = 0 ; i != 101 ; ++i )
    ... ;

This works. But frankly, I don't want to write the kind of code where I have to manually initialize a variable, check for the loop terminating condition, and increment the variable, all by myself. What I really want is to iterate over an integer range from a to b. You see, I can achieve this just by specifying a and b. You can achieve this with iota(a, b+1).

for ( auto i : iota( 1, 101 ) )
    std::cout << i ;

Speaking of an index loop, have you ever heard of the FizzBuzz problem? It goes like this: "Print natural numbers 1 to 100. But for numbers that are multiples of 3, print Fizz instead of that number. For multiples of 5, print Buzz instead. For numbers that are multiples of both 3 and 5, print FizzBuzz."

We have already seen how to write an index loop from 1 to 100. Let's write a function fizzbuzz(n) which takes a number n and returns a string it should print to.

auto fizzbuzz = []( auto n ) -> std::string
    if ( n % 15 == 0 )
        return "FizzBuzz" ;
    else if ( n % 3 == 0 )
        return "Fizz" ;
    else if ( n % 5 = 0 )
        return "Buzz" ;
        return std::to_string(n) ;

Now that we have written the function fizzbuzz, we can use transform_view to transform each element in the range into a corresponding string it should print to.

for ( auto msg : iota( 1, 101 )
    | transform( fizzbuzz )
    std::cout << msg << '\n' ; 

Isn't this fantastic?

Finally, you can combine as many views as you like. You can iota it, filter it, transform it, take it, then reverse it.

for ( auto i : iota(1)
    | filter(filter_rule)
    | transform(transfrom_rule)
    | take(n)
    | reverse
    std::cout << i << '\n' ;

You can add even more views after the reversal if you really want.

All the standard library's views can be used either through piping function objects

for ( auto n : iota(1, 100) | filter(rule) | reverse )
    std::cout << n ;

or as a _view class.

iota_view i( 1, 100 ) ;
filter_view f( i, rule ) ;
reverse_view r( f ) ;

for ( auto n : r )
    std::cout << n ;

Both codes do the same thing. Basically, "A | B(args)" corresponds to a view object of "B_view( A, args )".

There are other views such as split_view which splits the range into a range of a range separated by a specific value.

auto str = "quick brown fox" ;
std::vector< std::string > words ;
for ( auto word : str | split(' ') )
    words.emplace_back( begin(word), end(word) ) ;

After the execution, the words become {"quick", "brown", "fox"}

Another example is join_view which flattens a range of a range to a range.

std::string flat ;
for ( auto c : words | join )
    flat.push_back(c) ;

The flattened result is "quickbrownfox".

All the example code above assumes that we use the following using declarations.

using namespace std::ranges ;
using namespace std::ranges::view ;

So how do we write a view? Well, that's rather difficult if you want to write a standard library quality view. But let's try.

Let's write a drop_view which drops n elements from a range.

for ( auto i : iota(0, 10) | drop(5) )
    std::cout << i ;

This code prints "56789".

Here is the implementation.

template < InputRange V >
    requires View<V>
class drop_view : public view_interface< dropVieww<V> >
    V base_ = V() ;
    iterator_t<V> iter = begin(base_) ;
    iter_difference_t<iterator_t<V>> count_ ;
public :
    drop_view() = default ;
    constexpr drop_view( V base, iter_difference_t<iterator_t<V>> count )
        : base_(base), iter( std::next( begin(base_), count ) ), count_(count)
    { }

    template < ViewableRange R >
        requires Constructible< R, all_view<R> >
    constexpr drop_view( R && base, iter_difference_t<iterator_t<V>> count )
        : base_(std::forward<R>(base)), iter( std::next( begin(base_), count ) ), count_(count)
    { }

    constexpr V base() const
    { return base_ ; }

    constexpr auto begin()
    { return iter ; }
    constexpr auto begin() const
    { return iter ; }

    constexpr auto end()
    { return end(base_) ; }
    constexpr auto end() const
    { return end(base_) ; }

    constexpr auto size()
        requires SizedRange<V>
    { return size(base_) - count_ ; }
    constexpr auto size() const
        requires SizedRange<const V>
    { return size(base_) - count_ ; }

    template < Range R >
    drop_view( R &&, iter_difference_t<iterator_t<V>> )
        -> drop_view< all_view<R> > ;
} ;

// I'm not 100% sure this is the correct way to implement range adaptor object.
// If my interpretation of the draft is correct, it should be.

struct drop_range_adaptor_closure_object
    std::size_t count ;
    drop_range_adaptor_closure_object( std::size_t count )
        : count(count)
    { }
    template < ViewableRange R >
    constexpr auto operator( R && r )
        return drop_view( std::forward<R>(r), count ) ;
} ;
struct drop_range_adaptor_object
    template < ViewableRange R >
    constexpr auto operator () ( R && r, iter_difference_t<iterator_t<R>> count )
        return drop_view( std::forward<R>(r), count ) ;

    constexpr auto operator () ( std::size_t count )
        return drop_range_adaptor_closure_object( count ) ;

} drop ;

template < ViewableRange R >
constexpr auto operator | ( R && r, drop_range_adaptor_closure_object a )
    return a(std::forward<R>(r)) ;

Phew, that's Eric Niebler-level of boilerplateness. I think we need to wait for the metaclass to eliminate the boilerplate code. Hopefully, we can have the metaclass within another decade.