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Hollywood loves an extended universe. Unfortunately they seem to build that universe with movies and shows that literally nobody wanted. So Porter. suggested we ask our readers to show us what movies would be welcome additions to the numerous cinematic universes populating the zeitgeist.
And we gave a stack of bills to our favorite.
Please note: These won’t work on people who can’t read.
What if extended universes were actually worth visiting?
January 17th, 2020 • 17/01/20 • 5:04 am
Damn it. I meant to put Cap's shield in the dish rack. Everybody imagine it's there.
January 17th, 2020 • 17/01/20 • 3:03 am
#5 I am throwing my money at the screen, is this helping make a new Dredd movie possible?
January 17th, 2020 • 17/01/20 • 3:46 am
#3 - Earth-That-Was has nothing to do with the Battle of Serenity Valley.