Suggested wine pairing: Nexxus Color Assure
flows on in its distinctive, goopy way. We’ve lathered and rinsed, and on Thursday and Friday, we’ll repeat.
Suggested wine pairing: Nexxus Color Assure
flows on in its distinctive, goopy way. We’ve lathered and rinsed, and on Thursday and Friday, we’ll repeat.
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So true
Time for the sacred annual Wednesday shampoo hiatus. just to throw a wrench in the works, I’m going to condition. Deal with THAT, Pantene and Suave. Yeah that’s right, I use both of you. I have no loyalty.
Hey, using different shampoos was one way to prevent shampoo buildup for the six months in the ’90s when they tried to convince us that was a problem.
Now, do you mean you’re going to ONLY use conditioner, or that you’re going to shampoo THEN condition, with the implication that you normally DON’T condition? Because I have to advocate for conditioning every time, man.
I condition like mad, son. What I meant was between rinse and repeat (which is where Wednesday falls in Shampoo Week, see) I’d condition. Conditioning BETWEEN the two shampooings. It’s madness!