Suggested wine pairing: port.
I just want to say that depression is real and can make you spend a whole month on the couch. Moreover, spending a month on the couch is terrible for you, and ends up causing lower back issues to the point that, even when you want to get back to drawing, you’re unable to because there’re only two or three positions you can be in that don’t cause unrelenting pain.
New comics once I can do it.
I went to this marionette show
Happy Christmas!
Cold: *bong rip* It’s psychological, man. They’re reminding you that they’ve got us all on strings, like so many fish. Or kites. Depends on whether you feel like you’re being led around by your mouth or your waist.
Xin: Back atcha, buddy!
Holy shiiiit dude, there’s a fish CALLED a kite!
Dude, I don’t want to scare you, but
So what you’re saying is if you go kitefishing for kites, you are doing the leading.
I feel you, man. I can’t honestly say that I know that things will get better, but I do know that there are people who like you and care about you, and other people who don’t know you but like your work. And I really hope that things do get better.
Thanks! My first depression diagnosis came in a different century, so I’m pretty confident it’s not going away. It just especially sucks when it keeps me from doing this creative stuff, because the creative stuff is supposed to be therapeutic and junk.
Anyway, the next ep should be up Tuesday.
pressed random 5 times. 2 was 712. it features a piece of furniture that is either a couch or an armchair, so maybe topical.
Aw man, it’s genuinely depressing when someone I super admire has problems too. I should relate to it, and feel more connected, but instead i’m like “Even him? What hope do I have then?”
Bern: 712, eh? 7+1+2=10. 1 and 0 comprise binary code. Sirius is a binary star, the rising of which led the Greeks to coin the term “dog days of summer,” which, of course, is when everyone starts getting sick of the heat. You might even say they’re “over the burn.”
Cold: Sorry to hear it, man. I wouldn’t “even him?” me too hard, though—I recently told someone my birthday was the day after St. Patrick’s Day. It’s the day before. I FORGOT MY OWN BIRTHDAY.
isto: which is when people most need a couch (or chaise lounge), not an armchair, to apply topical medication.