>renho.sha (The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan)
>This is the recognition of the Minister responsible for Japan's finances.
>"There are only Japan in the world where the same ethnic group, the same language, and the same dynasty have been kept for 2,000 years."
>To me, "So what?"
>Let's create a society that recognizes diversity and recognizes and supports each other's differences.
>■麻生氏「2000年にわたり同じ民族が、同じ言語で、同じ一つの王朝…日本しかない」 批判呼ぶ可能性
>>Mr.Aso says "There are only Japan in the world where the same ethnic group, the same language, and the same dynasty have been kept for 2,000 years." Possibility of criticism
>>Taro Aso, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, said at a national politics briefing held in Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, on Tuesday.
>>"There are only Japan in the world where the same ethnic group, the same language, and the same dynasty have been kept for 2,000 years."
>>The Ainu Ethnic Support Act calls the Ainu an "indigenous people," and any statement that Japan could be perceived as a single-ethnic state can be criticized.
午前9:41 · 2020年1月14日·Twitter Web Cli
■論点回避 (Begging the question)
>The conclusion is true irrespective of the truth of the proposition that is the premise of inference. Alternatively, the conclusion obtained by assuming assumptions is assumed to be true.
the example above, it asserts "whatever ethnicity or state
(conclusion)" without questioning the "justification of the value of
>Although it is an inversion method, the logical structure is that "ethnics and nations have no meaning and value compared to securing diversity."
●命題の整理(Arrangement of propositions)
>It is precious that Japan has been consistent for 2,000 years
>→ There is no value in ethnic / national coherence. Diversity is more important than that.
●命題の論理構造(Logical structure of proposition)
>Ethnicities and nations have no meaning and value when compared to ensuring diversity.
>A statement asking "So, What?" Has no logic and no consideration, and merely denies the other party's claim.
>Conversely, this is a proof that "there is no logical opposition, so no opposition can be made except by completely denying the other."
>This is the recognition of the opposition first-party specialist in Japan.
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