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    An important article showing some of our work with US government during the first months of Yazidi Genocide. "The Daring Plan to Save a Religious Minority from ISIS"

  2. We have asked Iraqi government to bring all groups under ministry of defense and ministry of interior. We don’t want Sinjar to become a PKK base, we don’t want Sinjar to become anyone’s base. We want it be prosperous and safe region where people of Sinjar protect it. /2

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  3. Turkish air strike today resulted in killing of 6 members of YBS. All are Yazidis from Sinjar who took up arms in 2014 to stop ISIS genocide. They were not PKK leaders or foreign fighters. As I said previously, we don’t want any militias in Sinjar, including YBS, PMU, others. /1

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  4. We have repeatedly asked the Iraqi government to bring all informal armed groups in Iraq, including YBS, under formal structures of Iraqi Security Forces, but there is no answer to our call. continue to fail to address Sinjar security challenges. /2

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  5. Our people are being butchered by Turkey while the world and Iraq remain silent on repeated Turkish aggressions. Turkey, Qatar and few other countries openly supported ISIS, YBS & other Yazidi armed groups were formed in the heated moments of Genocide and saved lives. /1

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  6. Turkey conducted another Airstrike in Sinjar today targeting YBS, a Yazidi armed group formed in 2014. We strongly condemn this act of terror and call on international community, including UN Security Council, to intervene. Iraq must formally demand stopping Turkish aggressions.

  7. المقاومة الحقيقة هو ان تبنوا بلد يعيش شعبه بعزة وبكرامة وان تكافحوا الفقر وتعلموا الأجيال القادمة وتدعموا الأيتام وتوفروا السكن وتبنوا مدنكم المهدمة وتعيدوا المجد لبلدكم. صدام الذي حاربتموه، يجب ان يكون مثالا لكم، كان يعزف نفس اللحن هذا، وفي الأخير رحل ودمرت اجيال واجيال في حقبته

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    Khunaf Elyas, oldest Yazidi survivor of ISIS, dies at age 99. After living in ISIS caliphate for three years in Mosul, she was rescued in 2016 and moved to IDP camps in Duhok.

  9. أتمنى ان يأخذ العراق من بعض الدول المتزنة والعاقلة مثل الأردن وعمان وكويت وغيرها من دولة المنطقة، وان تضع الحكومة القادمة والطبقة الحاكمة نفسها أولا والشعب ثانيًا على طريق الرخاء الاقتصادي والتقدم. كفا شعوبنا من جدال عقيم!

  10. Congratulations to for his inauguration as Sultan of Oman. I could not stop watching the ceremony. We pray for this great country to continue it peaceful and prosperous path.

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    The oldest Yezidi Genocide survivor from IS captivity passed away today after she was rescued . She was kidnapped in 2014 with her family members when IS attacked Yezidis. Photo was taken in 2017.

  12. علاوي نفسه احد العوائق، لم يحضر جلسات البرلمان حاله حال العشرات من البرلمانيين الذين يجدون أنفسهم اكبر واهم من مكانة عضو البرلمان. ولم يساهم في حل أية مشاكل، على العكس، حركاته لا تنسجم مع كلماته ولا تؤثر على الساحة السياسية العراقية.

  13. Iraq won’t be able to pay salaries or do other state businesses if it loses control on the 35 billion dollars in these accounts.

  14. Retweeted

    "We renew our resolve to redouble our efforts to deliver justice to all who contribute to the cruelty of human trafficking, and we will tenaciously pursue the promise of freedom for all victims of this terrible crime."

  15. So far, I have not seen a single statement, or a plan, by Iraqi prime minister, with respect to Iran’s many influences inside Iraq. On the contrary, he acts as the only issue is American Presence. Very untrue. Prime minister should put Iraq as center of his policy.

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  16. Iran started latest series of events in Middle East by attacking US bases first, not other way around. I imagine Iran wanted to react to severe sanctions through complicating US presence in Iraq. Today when speaks of sovereignty, they should include Iranian behaviors.

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  17. Surely Iran knew very first hour that their missile brought down the , but they tried to hide it. They wouldn’t have stated the truth if US and Canadian intelligence community didn’t find out. By now +200 people have been killed &we should remember Iran started it.

  18. One of smallest communities in Iraq, I believe it’s the smallest.

  19. May the soul of rests in peace. He was a great leader for his people, he gave them peace and prosperity, he was a true leader who understand politics and how to deal with a difficult region. Our condolences to people of Oman.

  20. رأي المرجعية في العراق خلال هذه المراحل الحرجة في العراق ومنذ ٢٠١٤ خاصةً كان دائما من العقل والمنطق ولمصلحة العراق العليا، ولكن الحقيقة ان السياسيين لا يسمعون كلام المرجعية في الجوهر، إنما فقط في الظاهر خوفًا من خسارة المكتسبات.

  21. There is also unbelievable corruption in all government contracts & oil sector. Probably the three highest corruption areas.

  22. Courageous fire fighters in Australia. Bravo!

  23. Democracy takes time especially in a country like Iraq where people suffered generations over generations, where mistrust shapes every aspect of life. Add to that that post-2003 leaders were mostly opportunists without a vision for a strong country & a unified nation.

  24. Peace through strength is the best option if you have strength, if not, peace through neutrality, political wisdom, & alliances. Good example of later in Middle East are Oman & Jordan. Iraq should take a similar path for now.

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    Yazda is seeking to hire an experienced Legal Officer to join its Documentation Team. Read more & apply here

  26. Our condolences to families of those killed in in Tehran. We also stand in solidarity with People of Iran and People of Canada as most passengers were from these two countries.

  27. Furthermore, instability will severely impact the collective efforts of national and international actors and NGOs to restore living conditions for communities affected by ISIS, including Yazidi and other religious minorities throughout Iraq.

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  28. We warn all concerned parties that increased instability jeopardizes any victory over ISIS and increases the risk of its resurgence.

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  29. Statement by on Recent Events in Iraq: Yazda is deeply concerned and alarmed by the recent developments unfolding across Iraq.

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  30. 3/ US should ramp up sanctions against corrupt Iraqi leaders (Not on political ground but confirmed corruption), freeze their assets and return their money to people of iraq & build schools and hospitals with it.

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  31. Good point, I just want to add 1) US must respect Iraq sovereignty (No more actions like last one) Show Iraqis that US is not an occupying force, but a friendly force there to help them build a strong nation. 2/ US need to support good Iraqi leaders not corrupt ones.

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  32. I am happy that both Iran and US are showing restrain after a chaotic week. All should remember that there is no good outcome from war when issues are solvable and definitely in this case they are.

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    Last night attacks on US facilities in Iraq are a clear sign that, there is little way for a continuation of US-Iran cohabitation in Iraq, at least as it existed before Suleimani’s and Al-Muhandis death. 1/

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  34. There will be US retaliation and the 52 Iranian targets almost certainly will be hit tonight or tomorrow. Chain of events are converging fast, and the most likely output of all this, is a third regional war in the Persian-Arab Gulf.

  35. 3/ We would like the government of Iraq to present a plan on how it will ensure no terrorist group will re-emerge after coalition forces leaves? how it will be able to defend Iraqi territories? How can they rebuild war-torn cities? How can they sustain a strong economy? All alone

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  36. 2/ It is increasingly difficult for many Iraqis to publicly defend foreign forces to stay, especially for those living inside Iraq, because they will be readily accused of “treason”, “spying” or even as harsh as “Zionism”! People can no longer have an objective opinion.

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  37. In essence, every Iraqi would like their country to be sovereign. We all would like to see a functional state capable of defending its interests &people. Question is are we ready? Can we resist regional influences? Are we united as a nation? Are we in control of our armed forces?

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  38. تحية للجيش العراقي في ذكرى تاسيسه، واخص بالذكر الجنود الذين يخاطرون بحياتهم لحفظ امن الناس ومحاربة المجاميع المتطرفة والخارجين عن القانون.

  39. Don’t know what other options are out there for Iraq: 1/ Be pulled apart by regional and international power, or 2/ Invite another power let’s say as Assad do.. In first case country will have a civil war, in second case same in addition that Iraqis can never dream of democracy.

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  40. Very strong statement by European Leaders in support of the United States. Basically if Iraq risks its relationship with US, it will most likely lose support of entire global coalition nations. via

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  41. The big picture still is voices of reason should intervene and bring calm to situation between US and Iran. Stability in this region is important to millions of people. War always ends with Peace. Why not seek Peace before War starts?!