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  1. Clean Needles Combat HIV Infections - WebMD


    Aug 13, 2001 · Clean Needles Combat HIV Infections. Unlike drug addiction, HIV cannot be cured. And drug users who get the AIDS virus from a needle can spread the infection to their non-drug-using sex partners. Fears that the easy availability of clean needles will increase drug use have little scientific data to …

  2. Cleaning Equipment for Injecting Drugs | The Well Project


    Jul 11, 2018 · If you cannot buy new needles and syringes from a pharmacy, look for a needle exchange program (also called a syringe exchange program). Needle exchange programs can give new syringes and needles to people who inject drugs without a prescription in order to prevent the spread of HIV and other blood-borne diseases.

  3. Bleach: Should it be recommended to disinfect needles and ...

    • Real-world studies among people who inject drugs have demonstrated that using bleach to rinse needles has little or no protective effect against HIV transmission; 1,2,3,4 however, bleach has been found to be effective at killing HIV in syringes in laboratory settings.5One study conducted in the community found that people who reported always using bleach to rinse their needles had no reduced risk of HIV transmission compared to those who reported sometimes or never using bleach,2 while anothe...
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  4. Cleaning shared needles? | Go Ask Alice!


    Fill the syringe with clean water again, shake it up, and squirt the water out. Repeat this step a few times to avoid injecting bleach into the body. While bleach may be the recommended disinfectant, it may dull the point of needles and break down the rubber in the syringes over time.

  5. Friend to Friend :: Cleaning Needles & Syringes


    Disinfection of Needles and Syringes With Bleach. To do this, completely fill the needle and syringe (to the top) with bleach several times. The more times and longer the syringe is completely full of bleach (at least 30 seconds each time), the more likely HIV and other bloodborne pathogens will be inactivated.

  6. Giving Addicts Clean Needles Cuts Spread of AIDS, U.S ...


    ASHINGTON -- The Federal Government's first comprehensive study of whether giving clean needles to addicts can help prevent the spread of AIDS has concluded that it does and that the Government should finance a significant expansion of such programs. The Federal panel reviewed programs in the United ...

  7. Is bleach effective at inactivating hepatitis C? | CATIE ...


    Disinfect the area with a solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts waters. Let sit for 10 minutes (at least). Wipe up the bleach solution using paper towel, disposable rags or cloths. Place the gloves, paper towel, rags and cloths into a durable bag and seal it. Wash hands thoroughly.

  8. AIDS-Infected Needles: Urban Legend? - Seeker


    Thus even if someone got ahold of a quantity of AIDS-infected blood (or even the HIV) and put it on needles (or anything else that might get into another person's bloodstream) to put in airline food, the virus would likely be dead long before the plane took off. Furthermore the flight attendants heated up...

  9. FAQ: Will bleaching IV-drug needles and syringes before ...


    There is some evidence that cleaning your needles and syringes with laundry bleach can lower your risk of getting HIV. In laboratory studies, HIV in syringes was killed after contact with undiluted bleach for at least 30 seconds. Watered-down bleach did not work, and …

  10. How to Sterilize a Needle: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow


    Jun 23, 2010 · Before you sterilize the needle, make sure to wash it. This removes any dirt, grime, or blood left on the needle. This is extremely important if you have used the needle before. Make sure to clean inside the needle if it is hollow. Use a clean or sterilized syringe

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  11. Related searches for how to disinfect aids virus on needle