メンバー紹介/Member Profile
(Former Members, Guest Members, External Supporters/Cooperators, and Learning Cafe Visitors are NOT Included)
Kohei: Participated ESI 2014, ESI 2016 coordinator.
DK (Manager of this website), Participated ESI 2014, Alumni Ambassador 2017-2018.
Mami: Participated ESI 2016, 2018 ESI February Coordinator, 2019 ESI February Education Fellow
興味ある分野 (Interested Areas):開発経済学, 国際貿易論
Go: Former ESI/DSI coordinator, suggested establishment of VIA Next Innovators, original author of the VIA Next Innovators outlook, main author of VIA Next Innovators plan for 2016-2019, suggested Facebook utilization, and contributed to the enlargement of our team.
Kazuya: Former ESI coordinator, co-author of VIA Next Innovators plan for 2016-2019.
K & Miho: Finished ESI/DSI, contributed to promotion, co-author of VIA Next Innovators plan for 2016-2019, and created our logo.
Manatsu: Finished ESI, exported VIA Next Innovators model to south Japan.
Maria: Former ESI coordinator, created ESI promotion slides, co-author of VIA Next Innovators plan for 2016-2019, and suggested Instagram/Deskgram utilization.
Natsuki & Rena: Finished ESI/DSI, provided advice to VIA Next Innovators.
Yi: Social Innovation Programs Director @ VIA Programs
And thanks to many others who supported the improvement of this website and expanding the philosophy of VIA Next Innovators to other regions!!!
In addition, your visit to this website is highly appreciated!!!