Commit 724615af authored by Ben Hayward's avatar Ben Hayward

Removed changes to app module

1 merge request!712Plyr play error
Pipeline #108423566 passed with stages
in 47 minutes and 19 seconds
......@@ -75,30 +75,9 @@ import { UpgradesModule } from './modules/upgrades/upgrades.module';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
dsn: '',
dsn: '', // TODO: do not hardcard
release: environment.version,
environment: (<any>window.Minds).environment || 'development',
beforeSend(event) {
try {
// discarding errors without stack traces
if (
event.extra.__serialized__.stack === '[undefined]' ||
event.extra.__serialized__.stack === '[native code]'
) {
return null;
// checking stack frames for packages to ignore.
const stackFrames = event.exception.values['0'].stacktrace.frames;
for (const stack of stackFrames) {
if (stack.filename.includes('plyr')) {
return null;
} catch (e) {}
return event;
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