Commit 7d5b8f87 authored by Ben Hayward's avatar Ben Hayward

Update common.module.ts

1 merge request!702Fixed pattern matching for external and internal page links #2133
Pipeline #108421721 passed with stages
in 48 minutes and 28 seconds
......@@ -127,12 +127,9 @@ import { FormDescriptorComponent } from './components/form-descriptor/form-descr
import { FormToastComponent } from './components/form-toast/form-toast.component';
import { SsoService } from './services/sso.service';
import { PagesService } from './services/pages.service';
<<<<<<< HEAD
import { V2TopbarService } from './layout/v2-topbar/v2-topbar.service';
import { DateDropdownsComponent } from './components/date-dropdowns/date-dropdowns.component';
import { SidebarMarkersService } from './layout/sidebar/markers.service';
>>>>>>> 0eb70a775f10cf0c5b9d8f2b45bde7a237f98372
import { EmailConfirmationComponent } from './components/email-confirmation/email-confirmation.component';
PlotlyModule.plotlyjs = PlotlyJS;
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