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359. I share the housework with Betty, so I hardly ever do the laundry and she rarely, if ever, does the dishes or the cleaning.
#419例文/ A) … … B) … … C) … … D) … …Show this thread -
#419例文/ Are you being served? Do you drink?#魔法の英会話フレーズ500 The young man sitting near the window is my cousin. English is one of the language spoken in New Zealand.#600選Show this thread -
#419例文/ … … → [#SI2001/#SI3]Show this thread -
358. There is hardly any doubt that their ambiguous reply is meant to delay the signing of the contract on purpose and extract more favorable terms from us.
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Tsukasa Kuwabara Retweeted
Tsukasa Kuwabara Retweeted
#SI2001/#SI3] ~ ・ … ・ … ・ ・ … … ・ this thread -
357. You can hardly assess intelligence from tests. Therefore, just because you get bad grades, it doesn't necessarily follow you are intellectually inferior.
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356. “You look pale. What's the matter?” “I don't have any appetite. Neither the oily food nor the humid heat here agrees with me.” “You will adjust in a while.”
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355. The scandal surrounding the ambassador forced him to resign. It looks as if his brilliant career as an elite diplomat is as good as over.
354. It seemed as if my work associates refrained from criticizing me on account of my being within hearing distance.
353. “It's disgusting the way they exploit and discriminate against the weak. I insist that you take immediate action to correct the situation.”
352. With a depressed expression on her face, she wondered out loud, “Why was it that he abruptly began neglecting his work and eventually abandoned us?”
351. “What is it that makes you so sure of yourself ? You should know better than to confuse popularity with ability.” “So, you're jealous of my success after all.”
350. The gifted poet stood out in her youth, and yet it wasn't until she turned 30 that her sophisticated poetry became widely recognized.
#419例文/ Are you following me? Are you drunk?#魔法の英会話フレーズ500 Do you like boiled eggs? That broken doll belongs to Jane.#600選Show this thread -
#419例文/ [#SI2001/#SI3] 1) … 2) … 1) … 2) … 3) 1) … 2) … 1) … 2) …Show this thread -
349. “In my family, it's my mom who wears the pants, so to speak.” “In mine, it's my dad who calls the shots. He's in charge of everything.”
5. “Is Barbie moving to the suburbs?” “Believe it or not, she is moving into your neighborhood. You may well bump into her one of these days.”
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12. This lizard grows really fast. By the time it is a month old, it will have doubled in length, and within six months it will have reached as long as 50 cm.
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#SI2001/#SI3] 1) … 2) … 1) … 2) … 1) 2) … 3) … 1) … 2) … -
#600選 He can speak French, not to mention English. Is that sleeping dog your father's?#魔法の英会話フレーズ500 Are you coming? Are you excited?Show this thread -
#高校生から始める現代英語 World leaders mark 100 years since end of WWI.Show this thread -
#419例文 …#600選 He was never to see his family again. To tell you the truth, we can't rely on him.#魔法の英会話フレーズ500 Are you through yet? Are you all right?Show this thread -
348. It was during this time in the Heian period that aristocrats lived in luxury and enjoyed wealth and privilege to their hearts' content.
157. Similarly, fallen tax revenue resulted in a cut in public expenditure, which in turn caused great hardship for the construction industry.
419. This micro-motor is less than one-twentieth the size of a rice grain, hence invisible to the naked eye; you need a microscope to see it.
258. “It smells delicious,” Tom said, and just as he reached for a slice, his mother slapped him on the wrist and said, “You must be patient.”
326. “I wish I hadn't lost my temper and said such a nasty thing to her,” Don lamented, “I wish she would forgive me.”
399. The flu epidemic broke out in one of the most densely populated regions on the equator and, consequently, hundreds of people perished.
388. When interviewed, he blamed the lost match on the umpire's decision. “To put it bluntly, I was defeated by the umpire, not by my opponent.”
310. “I advise you to keep away from them. I tell you, they are not to be trusted.” “On the contrary, they would be the last people to deceive you. I have faith in them.”
I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. She was disappointed to hear the news.
#600選 Are you serious? Are you ready?#魔法の英会話フレーズ500Show this thread -
210. The vigorous old man said, “I welcome whoever wishes to come, so do bring as many pals as you can -- the more, the merrier.”