
BIG NEWS: I'll be working in Square Enix since January 2018!!
My first RPG was Final Fantasy VII and that game changed my life 17 years ago to make me pursuit a dream and come to Japan. Now in 2018 Fantasy will become Reality
1:21 PM · Nov 28, 2017Twitter for Android
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It will be a big challenge and the path to get here was harsh (really, it's not like I'm lucky or smthg) but I'll try my best! Thanks a lot for all the messages :D
Of course I won't be able to reveal ANYTHING so don't try to ask me but you can always follow me for my daily life twits about Japan, games, anime, my cosplays or the stuff that can be revealed about my work
Thank you so much for the support! I alone wouldn’t be able to achieve this dream and leaving my country and friends was indeed a difficult decission but thanks to my lovely girlfriend who moved with me to the other side of the world it was easier! :***
My first day at work was great and I know lots of stuff cannot reveal but I'll tell you a thing: Square Enix is currently hiring lots of new employees from overseas even they don't know Japanese. IF YOU HAVE THE SAME DREAM AS ME TO WORK HERE DON'T LET IT GO AND CHALLENGE YOURSELF
Los que me leéis más o menos ya os lo oleríais ;D (aunque a Sil se lo dije antes xD y fijo que se chivó) Gracias :D es un paso importante pero es sólo uno más !
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I just noticed as well I'll be working in the same company as Hideo Baba (Tales of ex-producer) so he'll be probably shocked when we meet again. Last time we talked was in the TGS and in that time I didn't pass the interview in Studio Istolia, his new studio in Square Enix
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Gracias :D Vamos a ser compis de industria al fin (porque me niego a llamar a los juegos de smartphone industria del videojuego aún) y lo más curioso es que voy a ser compi en el mismo grupo empresarial que Hideo Baba xD
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Muchas gracias!! No es algo que se consiga en poco tiempo sin duda. Han sido muchos años de esfuerzo y sacrificios pero al fin estoy un paso más cerca. Ánimo y recuerda estudiar mucho japonés xD
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