

Observing analyzing changes, convulsions & disinformation in the MENA region.RTs are not endorsements. Trolls will be blocked without hesitation. No DMs please.

Joined May 2015


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    Pro-Hezbollah newspaper al-Akhbar printed marking the assassination of Iranian top commander Qassem Soleimani on Friday - on its website with the main photo showing the destruction of a building during the 1983 attack in Beirut and a header titled “Great War of Liberation.” 📸

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    " didn't win the war, he only survived it; the state is now torn, broken & destroyed. However, more importantly, 2020 is likely to be the year when armed resistance spreads through guerrilla warfare into more areas of ." My latest in (Ar.):

  3. Retweeted

    استقبال جثمان ابو مهدي المهندس من قبل المشيعين في البصرة بعد عودته من ايران لدفنه في النجف Crowds in Basra received the casket of Abu Mahdi Al Muhandis after returning from Iran, he will be buried in Najaf

  4. Retweeted

    15 pages of analysis almost entirely dedicated to the impact of 's death

  5. war studies expert " The PKK numbers in south Turkey have gone from 3500-4000 to about 800 in a matter of 3 years, at least 1500 have been killed and the rest arrested by Turkish security forces. It greatly degrades PKK capabilities to launch attacks "

  6. military analyst " Turkey setting up command and control facilities in - looks like at least 2 battalions will be arriving in the short term. Several TAF drones conducting ISR in last 12hrs. "

  7. Retweeted

    1. U.S. messages it's repositioning forces fm areas where IRGC-QF militias are operating. 2. Tells Hashd to move out of Kirkuk 3. Willing to continue ISIS operations w/ internal allies. 4. Disfavor & sanction Baghdad while favoring Iraqi economic sectors where Iraqis want us.

  8. (supporters) claim that the group killed and wounded 7 PMU troops & disabled their vehicle with and IED + small arms fire in the last 48hrs near .

  9. ISWAP claims that it attacked and killed 30 civilians and army troops in the province of Borno in a heavy raid .

  10. claims that it launched an assault with 50+ of its fighters & heavy weapons on SAA-IRGC-Hezbolla forces 25km due south of DeirEzEzzor town near the desert killing/ wounding 22 & destroying 3 vehicles and 2 artillery pieces within the last 48hrs.

  11. Retweeted
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    5) insists it will attack Americans "until they stop their blind support for the Zionist Jews...oppressing our Muslim families in Palestine." A reminder that while Shabaab is often discussed in regional contexts, it still sees itself as engaged in al-Qaeda's global jihad

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  13. Retweeted

    (Video) /Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (): Titled NV [Night Vision] Operations 2 within

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    TRAC INCIDENT REPORT: Lone Knife Attacker, Wearing Suicide Vest, at a Public Park in Suburb, South of Paris,

  15. Retweeted

    This is what the protest movement is up against. False Narratives pushed and easily countered: 1. Soleimani was in Baghdad as a messenger boy for Saudi 2. All Iranians now support the regime. 3. All Iraqis now want the US out.

  16. political analyst "In the 90s Solaimani became a capable spy/field commander and in the 00s he was in charge of Basra uprising vs UK troops. He did provide US with the Taliban order of battle in Afghanistan in '01,but by '03 he was orchestrating attacks against US/UK troops."

  17. There is no troops withdrawal at all, in fact there is a kind of surge going on with btn of the 82nd airborne landing in . The leaked letter simply indicated troop movements internally within Iraq - surprising how some journalists started confirming a departure.

  18. Retweeted

    Kataib Hizbulla in Iraq militias intimidating protesters in their tents in , the speaker is taunting protesters and says “ we raided their tents and they ran away” , this is what protesters have been facing for months, 500+ killed 20,000 wounded. #

  19. intel expert " The Iraq parliament vote means nothing, it was not binding and backed by Iran's allies. If the Iraq Gov. approves it US military will simply stay on and change mission scope & objectives - probably move some bases to KRG nothing else "

  20. Retweeted

    voted today to end a security agreement with the U.S. Read ISW's latest to understand the implications of the vote and what it means for the U.S. and opportunities it could create for

  21. forces pause training, logistical & air support to partner coalition forces (Iraq-i) to concentrate on priority number 1 = force protection.

  22. ISWAP claims that it executed two christian fighters which the group had previously captured in the province of , in

  23. claims killing and wounding 5 PMU fighters near Hawija , also claims destroying their HUMVEE via IED in the last 48rhs.

  24. claims that it killed and wounded 9 SAA-IRGC-Hezbolla troops in a 3 vehicle convoy heading towards north Syria from Sukhna , also destroying one of the vehicles.

  25. claims disabling a SAA-IRGC military truck & disabling the artillery piece it was carrying with a roadside IED near Mayadin, ,

  26. claims it killed and wounded 4 ISF personnel in the district of Muqdadiyya in a second attack within 72hours in ,

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    3) In Dec alone, 's attacks included suicide bombing on Somali military convoy in Galkayo, deadly ambush on SNA in Bay region, & horrific bombing which killed 79+. No signs of progress since Trump ramped up strikes in recent years.

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    2) calls today's op 2nd part of its “Quds Will Never be Judaized" campaign in response to Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Comes one year after Shabaab launched this campaign w its deadly attack on Riverside complex in

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    1) Another deadly attack today, in which it claims killing 17 Americans & 9 Kenyans after 10hour clashes at Camp Simba US naval base in . Comes amid a severe wave of attacks this past year by the group.

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  31. mil analyst " USAF continues to conduct ISR (with drones) over & province as well as launching several sorties (recce) with fighter jets "

  32. intel expert " TAF special forces killed comms between a number of Haftar units 20km south of Tripoli ; following this a drone launched double tap attack on a Haftar command/control vehicle. Too soon to tell if escalation is imminent"

  33. military analyst " Elements of 26th MEU, 75th Ranger btn & 173rd btn are / have deployed to . As expected other btn from 82nd Airborne are arriving in Kuwait, an additional 1500 troops are now in Baghdad bringing US force numbers 6,500 could go to 9,000"

  34. Harry S Truman is conducting drills in the Persian Gulf where it will be joined by several other US Navy vessels very soon (incl. 3 Destroyers/ 1 Landing Ship).

  35. geo-pol analyst " Soon to be Maj.Gen Ismaeel Ghaani is known for his harsh methods in dealing with dissent ; has put down Kurdish uprising in Iran & directed killing of Sunnis in & under Solaimani - he will be the one who directs any 'revenge' action "

  36. Retweeted

    Just so we don't go too soft on Iran in its "great loss". I mean, the media might be referring to them as generals, foreign officials, but when we were under attack from Nazis, we called them Nazis and their evil was expounded .

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    1. Soleimani planned the escalation 2. Soleimani's body moved through places where dissenters were just massacred - the Basij watches the crowd for smiles that are considered treason. 3. Soleimani's Bina'a votes 4. JCPOA fueled Soleimani 5. Iran cheating on remaining signatories.

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    The US will probably use the pretext of fighting Daesh to keep troops in Iraq, says Michael Pregent, a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, after Iraqi lawmakers vote to expel foreign troops

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  39. mil. analyst "K1 base in + AlAsad Airbase base in Anbar on high alert. USAF F15s/F16s & MQ9s & RQ4 airborne over , & near the Iranian border "

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    : artist from changed topic today. .

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