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#Libya - Voices from#Benghazi calling out for the end of the war. A strong, brave move that means a lot for many Libyans across the country. Hoping these voices are heard and can contribute to bridge the deepening rifts within Libyan society.… -
Very glad to read positive comments about our latest policy brief on
#Sirte. It is one outcome of the mentorship initiative of#Libya-based junior analysts we started almost two years ago@MEDirections to support Libyan analysis capacity & contribute to the policy debate. -
#ليبيا#سرت كيف حافظت مدينة سرت الساحلية على استقرارها النسبي، رغم أهميتها الاستراتيجية لطرفي الصراع الحالي؟ ما هي الاستنتاجات التي يمكن أن يستفيد منها صناع القرار؟@MEDirections@EuropeanUni اقرأ ورقة عمر الهواري الجديدة … -
#Libya#Sirte How has stability in the coastal city been maintained despite the city's strategic importance to both sides of the current conflict? What insights does this offer for policymakers addressing the Libyan crisis?@MEDirections new policy brief … -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
Middle East Directions Programme | Newsletter n.11 - …
#Libya#US and#Europe inaction opens the door to multipolarity in Libya, with#Turkey and#Russia jointly filling the vacuum they left.@emad_badi -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
#Libya - Putin talks to Erdogan (who has threatened to send Turkish forces in support of anti-Haftar side). - Putin talks to Macron (France has supported Haftar) - US ambassador says even if there were a military solution “such a high cost...that it would be a Pyrrhic victory.” -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
Looking for a project assistant for our activities in
#LIBYA:#ProjectCycleManagement. Deadline: 12/01/2020 Starting: 16/02/2020 Very good command of English. Fluency in Arabic. For more info and to APPLY -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
The situation on the ground in
#Libya is far more complicate than the mainstream information is reporting.In this brief
#podcast with@Beccamurr and@CollombierV we tried to analyse the main factors at play#Tripoli#militias#drones#insights@RobSchuCentre@EuropeanUni… -
#Libya world powers fighting through flying robots connected via satellites; armies of street gangs and mercenaries engaged in urban warfare to control a corrupt regime; bystanders immersed in virtual realities... but consequences felt by civilians@Raineri_L -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
+++ new release on
@SecPrax as fighting becomes more intense and brutal around Tripoli, the paradoxes of a war increasingly with fewer and fewer fighters. From media bots to drones,@Raineri_Lu reflects on the de-humanization of war in#Libya … -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
Practitioner approach to post-conflict by
@sarhangsalar on the case of#Iraq which went through 4 major wars over the past decades (the latest vs ISIS made 5 millions IDPs)cannot do reconstruction without handling social distruction, or new wars will come -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
Our panel on Exiting War Economies with
@NarboneLuigi at#MED2019 is going to startStay tuned -
“And Haftar’s style of governance will force his opponents into an protracted insurgency. That conflict could indirectly give new life to weakened radical groups like the Islamic State or inspire some new jihadi mutation opposed to the tyrant in Tripoli”…
“If (Haftar) takes power, the militia firmament in Tripolitania will continue, reconfigured, rebranded, under Haftar’s loose authority—a co-option strategy he’s employed toward armed groups elsewhere in Libya”.…
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
Looking fwd to further discussing on these topics on Saturday morning 9-10,30 in Rome at
#MED2019, at the panel on ‘Exiting War Economies: Economic#Stabilisation and Reconstruction in the#MENA’@ispionline@NarboneLuigi@RobSchuCentre@EuropeanUni… -
On the battle for
#Tripoli, its impact on the#South and the international dynamics that have led to the current escalation and risk provoking further instability for the years to come >>> Listen to our latest@MEDirections podcast, with@Beccamurr#Libya…
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
Director Middle East Directions Programme
@RobSchuCentre@EuropeanUni@NarboneLuigi will be one of the top speakers of#Med2019, the conference on the future of the Mediterranean by ISPI and@italymfaDiscover more at
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
What is the new paradigm of
#stabilisation?@stg@RobSchuCentre… -
@MEDirections roundtable today,@Beccamurr and I discussed Haftar’s LAAF strategy in#Southern Libya since January. While cooptation / promises are traded against allegiance of key local communities, what can be the consequences of antagonizing the Tebu? -
Great discussion with
@Beccamurr today@MEDirections@EuropeanUni with insights from Rebecca’s visits to#Tripoli frontlines over the past months. Numerous drone and airstrikes seem to have seriously affected the morale of anti-Haftar -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
Next Tuesday
@MEDirections with@Beccamurr to discuss the ongoing#Libya war and impact on the south. Thanks to Rebecca and Mauricio Morales for the nice photo!… -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
Don't miss our roundtable with
@Beccamurr@CollombierV on#Libya’s endless#war:#Tripoli’s battlefield and its impact on the southDecember 3th, 11-13, Villa Schifanoia Everyone is welcome
Don’t miss a great discussion with
@Beccamurr next Tuesday. Waiting for you all at@MEDirections@EuropeanUni!… -
Looking forward to
@W_Lacher's upcoming book!… -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
Idriss Deby, previously Haftar’s strongest proponent in the Sahel, on shifting assessments of Libya in the region: “It’s true that several of us (heads of state) thought that a strong man was needed to save Libya. We haven’t found him yet.” …
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
A plenty and insightful week on the
#MiddleEast and#NorthAfrica at the@RobSchuCentre of the@EuropeanUni: two roundtables on#Lebanon (tomorrow) and#Syria (Thursday), plus a further one on#Libya on 3 Dec with@Beccamurr Stay tuned and join us! -
#Zintan, Jérôme Tubiana documents what#EU policies mean for#migrants trapped in#Libya… -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
#ICC Prosecutor#FatouBensouda’s statement before the@UN Security Council#UNSC on the situation in#Libya…
Show this thread -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
In case you missed it, our latest
#ebook on the political economy of the#MENA is a must-read for a better understanding of#stabilisation and#reconstruction in war-torn countries.READ and SHARE it:
#openaccess@NarboneLuigi@RobSchuCentre@STGEUI -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
I wrote this week’s cover story for
@NYTmag How Does the Human Soul Survive Atrocity?” Iraq has suffered nearly 40 years of violence but mental health care is almost non-existent. Read about the man training Iraq’s first generation of psychologists. -
Virginie Collombier Retweeted
Sorry to miss this. For many years now,
@Beccamurr has been one of the most consistent, humane, and nuanced chroniclers of#Libya's oft-neglected#Fezzan region.… -
Deadline extended > still time to apply for the position of research trainer with
@MEDirections#Libya initiative for mentorship of junior analysts. We are in a hurry, and the position will very soon evolve into a longer-term one. Spread the word!…