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Dr.james Retweeted
I was waiting this for a long time, more than the Death of Qassim al Sulaymani:)…
0:44 -
Yes you guessed it right (Taliban) Stopped being Jihadist long ago when Mullah Omar passed away and Akhtar Mansoor took it over since then Taliban started becoming a cartel, more worried about the continuous production of opium and protecting their fields by coordinating with US
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In 2017 Coalition officials said that war against ISIS is even more successful than what they expected. Today, US officials are saying that "US policy in Syria has failed", ISIS is "resurging", and "US will have to live with the fact that ISIS will have a safe haven in Syria".
the [U.S.-led] coalition may now have to recalibrate. Defeat has just become a much more difficult goal.”
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“Our goal was the defeat of the Islamic State, and they’re undefeated,” said Michael Nagata, a retired lieutenant general who helped oversee the early stages of the campaign against ISIS in Syria, in an interview. “Given how dramatically the strategic situation has now changed -
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The top Kurdish commander in Syria, General Mazlum Kobane told NBC News that he is trying to pull his forces back from Ras al-Ayn, but Turkey is not allowing it. He alleges Turkey does not want Kurdish fighters to withdraw but to kill them.
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Breaking SDF leader Mazloum Kobane declares defeat of his forces in besieged Ras al Ayn city and asks Turkey to open a safe corridor for them to leave and surrender the city.
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#Afghanistan Taliban militia abandoned the village of Yakhah Jaynah in Kunar province after ISIS killed 3 of it's militants in an attack launched 2 days ago, which resulted in ISIS taking complete control of the village. -
CNN reporter Ryan Browne says that he heard similar statements from various US military officials.
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CNN journalist Jake Tapper: US official tells CNN that the campaign to defeat ISIS in Syria is “over for now” and that ISIS “has a second lease on life with nearly 100,000 [people] who will re-join their jihad.” In this official’s opinion, “US policy has failed.”
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Dr.james Retweeted
CNN Turk trying to compare Turkish/TFSA and US/SDF campaigns. Bad attempt though - Afrin fell in a couple of days, while Raqqa was full of ISIS terrorists fighting until death and it took four months to clear
Dr.james Retweeted
Car bomb explodes in the Syrian city of
#Hasaka, close to a prison housing thousands of Islamic State (ISIS) prisoners … -
current events, very interesting…
#Syria As Turkey invades northern Syria ISIS say through their AnNaba newspaper that recent attacks in and around Raqqah are only the beginning more is yet to come They say their leader Al Baghdadi has ordered them to avenge the prisoners held by PKK and they will follow orders -
yeah I'm interested too, to see how YPG/PKK will deal with it... ISIS did it well, still undefeated and extremely deadly for the enemie…
US officials are shamelessly lying today all over the media that they are surprised by Trumps decision to let Turkey invade. Wall street Journal reported 3 days ago that US officials are expecting US to withdraw and let Turkey invade.
Since PKK lovers realized that Trump doesn't care about the Kurds, they have now begun spreading propaganda that Turkey will cleanse the christians and that they are already bombing them
#Syria Local media report that Turkey has started carring out airstrikes against PKK positions. Waiting for confirmation -
This post concludes all you need to know about Lone wolfs and their motivations.
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The anti terror departments will try as much as they can to cover up the fact that the perpetrators of these attacks are at there full sense, they have no mental illnesses, no health issues, no suicidal thoughts. Its matter of ideology, simple as that!!
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The Paris attacker is one of the millions of Muslims who are plotting to avenge for their brothers who are killed, imprisoned, displaced by western forces and their proxies in different parts of the world. I would say we haven’t seen anything yet!!!!
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Enough motivation for them is the fact that the western countries are responsible for the destruction of Muslim countries, as long as the west keeps interfering with the affairs of Muslim people they will have to worry about the security of their homeland.
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The scariest part about the new Jihadi generations are that they are self motivated, self prepared, highly unpredictable, which makes them very dangerous.
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Media report ISIS jihadists carried out 99 attacks worldwide, killing and wounding more than 375 anti-ISIS forces and non-Sunni civilians during the past week.
Dr.james Retweeted
#Afghanistan security adviser says hard-line#Taliban members defecting to#ISKP, merging with#AlQaeda… -
The same sources said that the elements of the "Taliban" entered this area in coordination with the Pakistani army, and gathered there to launch attacks on ISIS positions in Nangarhar.
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Military sources say that ISIS launched an attack yesterday on the positions of the Taliban militia in Spin Gur in Tora Bora region, seizing a quantity of weapons, ammunition, thermal endoscopes and communications equipment.
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#Afghanistan Killing and wounding 20 members of the "Taliban" militia in an attack by ISIS jihadists in Nangarhar More than 20 Taliban militants were killed and wounded yesterday in an attack by ISIS jihadists on their positions in Nangarhar, eastern Afghanistan.Show this thread -
#Syria 20 PKK members were killed and wounded today, and damaging a truck which was transporting them to replace the guard shifts at checkpoints, after detonating an explosive device by ISIS cell in the town of "Thiban" in Deir Ezzor countryside @_Caki__ !!! -
(And thousand's of unidentified bodies) and 3,300,000 people have emigrated from their homeland.
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Crimes of Russia Between 2015 - 2019, the destruction of Russia in Syria: 201 schools were targeted. 190 health centers were targeted. 56 bazaar/markets were hit. 335 times they made a massacre. 6686 people lost their lives. 1928 of them were children and 808 were women.
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#Syria Local media is reporting about a fierce attack by the ISIS jihadists in the vicinity of Sukhna city, and news of the crossing of Deir Ezzor road - Damascus -
#Afghanistan ISIS jihadists claim through their "Amaq Agency" that they have detonated 36 IEDs on polling centers in Nangarhar province during the elections yesterday, killing and wounding around 170 security forces and