(discuss): Add Minds to Brave Rewards.
User @FireChief:
Brave is a browser with built in adblocking: https://brave.com/one478
They also run a "Rewards Program" -- https://publishers.basicattentiontoken.org/ where content creators can receive Tokens (BAT) from other Brave Browser users. Minds.com is a verified content creator. People who use Brave can tip Minds.com in BAT.
But, what about the end-users?
If you try to add a channel under the Brave Rewards program you'll see Twitter and Reddit and YouTube and Vimeo.
But no Minds.com.
I tried to add my Minds channel (https://www.minds.com/onecrazychief) but, it wants me to add files to the server or change the DNS and I can't do that.
I think that Minds has to reach out to Brave and get themselves listed under the "Add Channel" option for Content Creators.
I bet there are other people here would would like to get tipped in BAT for their Minds.com channel
assigned to @benhayward.ben
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changed title from (): Add Minds to Brave Rewards. to (): Add Minds to Brave Rewards.
unassigned @benhayward.ben
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- Owner
We are in the Brave rewards program, but I'm not sure what's involved with becoming accessible on this page. Will look into it.