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[CotM #36] Open Nomination

Posted byu/[deleted]4 years ago

[CotM #36] Open Nomination

Another month is nearing it's end, so you know what that means. Time to vote for the next Character of the Month.

For the Month of June, we have an OPEN NOMINATION! This means you can vote for any DC character, so long as they haven't already won. Who will win out of dozens of DC characters!?

Reminder that all previous winners are not eligible to win again! List of previous winners.

Please Remember...

  • Explain your answer - We continue to promote discussion, and as such, votes with just a name will no longer be accepted. Please explain why you think your vote is worthy to win. If you forget, you will be reminded to edit your comment to further explain your vote. Otherwise, your post will be deleted, and not count.

  • Only one nomination per character - If there is already a vote in a comment for a character, all other comments will be deleted. Please check before you resubmit a vote. All votes for the deleted posts will not count.

  • Vote Accordingly - downvotes have no impact while Contest Mode is enabled in this thread. Show support for characters you want to see win by upvoting the posts suggesting it. If you disagree with a nomination, speak up and let us know why in the comments.

  • Only one character per nomination, only one nomination per person. Group nominations are not accepted.

  • If you know of an image that might work in the sidebar, share it! If it's suitable, it could be used.

95% Upvoted
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level 1
I never again let the fear of failure stop me.
Score hidden · 4 years ago

In honor of getting his own series this month, I'd like to nominate Cyborg. A member of the Justice League, one of the greatest African American superheroes in the DC Universe, and an amazing character in both the original Teen Titans series and the new Teen Titans Go series, Cyborg totally deserves to be character of the month, if not this month, sometime soon.

The textless covers of either the new Cyborg #1 or Justice League #18 could totally work as the picture. Excuse the lack of links to the pics, I admit, I'm a bit ignorant to Reddit formating. But, bottomline, Cyborg is a total bauss.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Much like Starfire, he has a very good chance at winning a future COtM topic

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I like this one, extremely excited about Cyborg's upcoming ongoing. Looks like a fun story + Ivan Reis on art.

level 1
The Hero You Don't Deserve
Score hidden · 4 years ago · edited 4 years ago

Guy Gardner.

Whether he's an entertaining asshole in JLI, a cowboy cop in GLC, a renegade hero in Red Lanterns, or a woman in JL 3001, Guy's always entertaining.

And best of all? Imagine Guy Gardner getting a COTM before Hal Jordan.

Plus, check out all of these different looks

level 1
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Etrigan the Demon. Despite being created by Jack "the king" Kirby, Etrigan is nowhere near as popular as his other characters. He has had some good series over the years (Jack Kirby's series, The Demon 90's series), and has even cropped up numerous times throughout the DCU, however, I think very few people have actually read much of his stories. The Demon, for example, is quite obscure (it's not even available on comixology) which is a shame because it has lots of funny dark humor.

Here are some choice pages from the series from when Etrigan fights Beezlebub

level 1
Score hidden · 4 years ago · edited 4 years ago

Everything you ever needed to know about Wally West, Flash III, The Fastest Man Alive

First Appearance (Historic): Flash v1, #110 (#5 of Barry's series)

First Appearance (New 52): Flash v4, #30

DMull, why Wally? Didn't the Flash already win Character of the Month?

Yes, Barry Allen as the Flash won CotM in another Open Nomination. But giving the win only to Barry highlights one of the biggest problems with the New 52: treating Barry Allen as the once and future Flash came at the expense of erasing over fifty years of character development for Wally West.

DMull, I'm a trade waiter and I only started with New 52 Flash. Who the hell is Wally West?

Wally West, pre New 52, is the son of Rudolph and Mary West and nephew of Iris Allen née West and Barry "The Flash" Allen. When visiting Iris in Central City to get out of his parents' hair for the summer, Wally ends up hanging out with Iris' boyfriend, Barry Allen, who happens to "be friends with" The Flash. The Flash shows Wally how the accident that lets him run happened, figuring lightning couldn't possibly strike twice.

He was wrong.

Wally is turned into a whirlwind of youthful energy known as Kid Flash! He then proceeds to have years filled with adventures with the Flash, on his own in his hometown of Blue Valley, Nebraska, and with his best friends, the Teen Titans. As the years go on, he finds that getting his powers so young screwed up his metabolism monumentally, so if he keeps running, he'll die!

He goes into semi-retirement at this point. He comes out of retirement to testify against the Flash during The Trial of the Flash, and again to help the heroes during the Anti-Monitor Crisis, AKA Crisis on Infinite Earths. During this Crisis, his uncle, the man he loves more than anyone short of his Aunt Iris, sacrifices his life to save the universe.

At this point, he takes up the mantle of The Flash, at highly reduced speeds in comparison to his uncle. However, while reeling from his uncle's death, he becomes a bit of a selfish jerk in his grief. He dates many women, breaking their hearts, and once got burned by Fire, Beatriz DaCosta, on account of slapping her ass 500 times in one minute (JLA : Classified, if you're wondering.)

That all changed when he met the love of his life, reporter Linda Park. Not content to hero worship him or take his guff, for that matter, a romance eventually develops between them. Just when things are looking up for Wally, a ghost from his past begins to haunt him... Barry Allen has returned.

Barry comes back, faster than Wally by a factor of thousands, and settles into his old life, leaving Wally unsettled. After severely erratic behavior, Wally is nearly left for dead by Barry, and seeks out the help of zen speedster Max Mercury, who reveals that it wasn't Wally's metabolism or any hooey like that: Wally was just afraid to replace Barry. This changes once he realizes that Wally isn't the only one who might replace Barry. Turns out our erratic Barry is actually Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash! He traveled to the past to meet Barry Allen, getting plastic surgery as a deranged fan. Seeing Reverse Flash try to destroy Barry's legacy leads Wally to ignore all the mental blocks and take his rightful title as The Fastest Man Alive!

A few years later, he marries Linda, and they eventually have twins, while he continues as the consummate professional teammate in organizations like Titans and the JLA. Eventually, Barry returns for real, and starts working side by side with Wally as one of three active Flashes in the DC universe.

Wally saved the universe multiple times and didn't have to die to do it. He saved the future, the past, and the present, saved an entire universe of radio frequencies, and he did it all while everyone was looking at him like an asshole for not being Saint Barrence the Martyr. Wally was lost at first, but found his way. He fulfilled the job asked of him and more.

His history changes in the New 52, where he'll have to slowly evolve into the character we know and love.

Okay, I get it, you like him. So what?

Any portrayal of Barry you see in television is not created in a vacuum. Many of the qualities you love of Barry in the Flash TV show were originally Wally's as well, especially TV Barry's sense of humor, slight impulsiveness, and oh, Speed Force. In addition, Wally's portrayal on Justice League Unlimited and Young Justice (as Kid Flash) led to him being one of the most popular characters on either show. He has a place in the DC universe, just like Dick Grayson, to show that characters can evolve and mature into something greater than they were.


So, any story recommendations for Wally?

Boy howdy do I have readings for Wally.

As Kid Flash:

Flash v1, 110 "Meet Kid Flash!" Wally's origin.

Teen Titans: A Celebration of 50 Years He is a founding member of the group pre-Flashpoint, so there are many good teamups here for you to check out of him as a young'n, if you'd like. Haven't read it, but it will collected what DC believes are the best Titans stories.

The good news is that the entirety of Wally West's run as the Flash is on the website Comixology. So even if you can't find a trade, you can track down the individual issues.

Flash by Bill-Messner Loebs The first long term Wally as Flash writer, he developed Wally from a bit of a jerk as he mourned Barry's death into a full hero. Some recommended arcs/single issues: Secret Origins Annual #2, Flash #30, "Dancing in the Dark," (recommended by Chris Sims), Flash #48-50 “Fastest Man…Alive!” and Flash #54, "Nobody Dies" (recommended by /u/dirtiimartini)

Born to Run by Mark Waid Framed as a visit with his absent minded grandfather, Ira, Wally's origin is retold (in a much less creepy manner than Flash 110, if I may say so) with Post-Crisis sensibilities.

The Return of Barry Allen. I've already said more than enough about this on reddit. I gave it a very very thorough review here and I kind of already spoiled the whole plot in this article.

Terminal Velocity If Mark Waid had ended his Flash run at Terminal Velocity, that would have been okay. It's definitely the culmination of everything that had happened to that point, and Flash 0, which is collected in the trade as a prelude to Terminal Velocity, is worth the price of admission alone.

Dead Heat and Race Against Time! Meet Savitar, master of the Speed Force! His plans go into motion and catapult Wally through time and space. Will Wally make it back from the future? Find out in these two Mark Waid classics!

Emergency Stop and The Human Race by Grant Morrison/Mark Millar a tribute to Silver Age style stories while still being firmly rooted in the then present, these fill in stories (while still introducing some great concepts to the mythos) stopped Mark Waid from a complete burn out on Flash.

JLA: New World Order I'llhandlethis. Wally's fight against speedster Zum is a hightlight of the first arc of Grant Morrison's JLA.

Wonderland by Geoff Johns: Wally's cut off from the Speed Force... and Barry's back? What the hell is going on, and what role does Linda Park play in this nightmare? Find out in Geoff Johns's debut on The Flash!

Blood Will Run: Someone's been killing every single person Wally saved in his time as The Flash. Find out who's behind these killings and his obsession with the lightning in this volume! Bonus: when a criminal Barry Allen put away years ago unleashes a flesh eating virus on an unsuspecting prison populace, it's up to Wally, Jay Garrick, and Piper to save the day!

Rogues: Some new kids on the block are stirring up trouble for Wally in the wake of Blood Will Run, but old allies and old enemies lend a hand in this prelude to Crossfire!

Crossfire and Blitz While Mark Waid focused on rebuilding Wally, the man, Geoff Johns focused on rebuilding the Rogues, to a great effect. "Zoom is dead." "NOTANYMORE."

Ignition: Whatever happened to the Scarlet Speedster? After the events of Blitz, our hero has has been nowhere to be seen for months. But when Captain Cold is framed for a series of murders he didn't commit, it's time for The Flash to suit up again in pursuit of justice!

JLA: Syndicate Rules by Kurt Busiek and Ron Garney Wally is a consummate professional and team player, and it shows incredibly well in this book in particular. Busiek doesn't get to use him much, but when he does, it's clear that he knows Wally.

The Secret of Barry Allen by Geoff Johns and Howard Porter: "Nobody's perfect, not even the big guy." Barry Allen's biggest secret comes back to haunt Wally as he searches for his missing wife and deals with the loss of one of his closest friends... and worst enemies. Bonus: A tour of the Flash museum with guides Nightwing and Gorilla Grodd!

Rogue War Captain, my good Captain, it's my Rogues versus yours! The new Rogues Geoff Johns introduced, led by The Top, face off against the old school Rogues, led by Captain Cold! The stakes only get higher as not one, but two threats from Wally's past join the fray in the thrilling conclusion to Geoff Johns's original Flash run!

The Wild Wests by Mark Waid: Wally and the kids are back, but they might not be for long if alien invaders have their way! Mark Waid's final Flash story.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Aight, anyways, I agree. Wally deserves to win and get some recognition!

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Goddamn man I love reading your rec' posts. I gotta say ...

Barry comes back, faster than Wally by a factor of thousands, and settles into his old life, leaving Wally unsettled. After severely erratic behavior, Wally is nearly left for dead by Barry, and seeks out the help of zen speedster Max Mercury, who reveals that it wasn't Wally's metabolism or any hooey like that: Wally was just afraid to replace Barry. This changes once he realizes that Wally isn't the only one who might replace Barry. Turns out our erratic Barry is actually Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash! He traveled to the past to meet Barry Allen, getting plastic surgery as a deranged fan. Seeing Reverse Flash try to destroy Barry's legacy leads Wally to ignore all the mental blocks and take his rightful title as The Fastest Man Alive!

This story sounds absolutely amazing. Does one of your rec's have this story in them? Also the Flash TV Show (and the New 52 portrayal) has made me really fall in love with Captain Cold as a character, and by extension the rogues, is he focused on in Crossfire, Blitz, and Rouge War?

level 2
Strawberry and Chocolate.
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Psst. We won.

level 2
Comment removed by moderator4 years ago(More than 1 child)
level 2
Arsenal = greatest DC hero ever.
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I would love to see Wally as KF (60s-80s Wally) win. Switch it up a bit from just having another Flash win, y'know?

level 2
The Flash
Score hidden · 4 years ago

slapping her ass 500 times in one minute

Wait, what? Any context?

level 1
"Human bean juice"
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Eobard Thawne, The Reverse Flash. With the amazing portrayal of the character in the CW Flash TV show this year, and the love for the character on this subreddit and r/FlashTV , this is the perfect time for him as the character of the month. He's been an important part of Flash comics and the DC universe in general for centuries decades, and he was involved with one of the biggest DC events, Flashpoint. The character has a rich history and in my opinion, he is one of the most interesting villains in comics. His psychotic drive to ruin everything in Barry Allen's life is both terrifying and entertaining. He isn't a boring character at all, some would say he's the reverse.

level 1
Comment deleted by user4 years ago(More than 2 children)
level 1
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Captain Marvel - after the excellent Convergence Shazam issue I think it's prime time to recognize him. It's all cruel to have Black Adam win 2 months ago but not Captain Marvel ever :P.

level 1
Milestone comics expert
Score hidden · 4 years ago

President Superman! I recently read through all his appearances and I gotta say his character is awsome! He's like what I wanted to be as a little kid. Minus the president part. And how cool is that?! He's the president! Also earth 23 is pretty awesome too.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I don't have anything against President Superman but we need a bit more with him. So far everything we've seen of him is just kind of novelty "look how this is different" stuff. COTM needs to be reserved for characters who've had stories and these defined personalities that we can get to know. If somebody at DC wrote a mini-series with him I'd check it out.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

You didn't want to be president as a kid?

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Here Here! Calvin Harris for COTM! Simply because he is just too awesome in Multiversity.

level 1
Remember Blüdhaven
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I nominate Slam Bradley, the original star of Detective Comics, and a recurring character in the Cooke/Brubaker Catwoman runs. He's a great character that should really be utilized more often. I'd love it if he were somehow written into any upcoming Detective Comics arcs.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Comic characters teach us so many things.

Superman taught me to always hope for a better tomorrow.
Batman taught me that we can overcome our tragedies.
Slam Bradley taught me the word "Creezus".

level 1
How will you get along without me?
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Well with Darkseid War upcoming, I think it's time for Anti-Monitor's reign!!

level 1
Conform and Comply
Score hidden · 4 years ago · edited 4 years ago

I nominate Batgirl (Barbara Gordon). She's smart, tough, and has that "never give up" attitude just like Bruce. No matter what the circumstances, Barb won't let it keep her down and she'll always come back for more.

Image -

Source - Batgirl #1

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I second that!

level 1
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Bat Cow!

Open registration right? I don't see her fitting in anywhere else. Lets show some love for one of the four legged members of the bat family!

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

She was also integral in taking down a few robbers in their getaway car.

level 1
Superman Blue
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Hal Jordan because he is the only one of the big 7 that hasn't been CotM yet.

level 2
Milestone comics expert
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Has Cyborg been cotm?

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

He's also the only one of the Big 7 who's a mass murderer.

level 1
The Flash
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Arsenal (Roy Harper): He's smart, sarcastic, and he's a badass. I miss the old adventures with Green Arrow, but him working with Jason Todd is still awesome. Let's show Roy some love!

level 2
Arsenal = greatest DC hero ever.
Score hidden · 4 years ago

He truly is my favorite Big 2 character. He's been shat upon by DC soooo many times (drugs, single father struggles, loss of arm, loss of daughter, alcoholism, estrangement by mentor), but he's always bounced back. He represents the lows of life, but keeping your head up. Beautiful character, and his New 52 version is sarcastic and fun in the face of evil.

level 1
"Monarchy, much like life, is inherently unfair."
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Orm also know as Ocean Master by the ignorant surface dwellers.

these have been many changes to characters in the N52 but Orm is one of the best changes to any character. gone is the petty self-entitled ass with magic powers, replaced with a noble man who would do anything to protect his people. and he still has more groath in the futer with the seven seas storyline coming up.

level 1
Score hidden · 4 years ago · edited 4 years ago

With June coming up and DC bringing out a truckload of new titles, it feels appropriate to celebrate by promoting a character who will be getting a solo series for the first time in the month of June. My choice would be Starfire!

Cover of Starfire #1

A solo series is a huge deal for a character. Whether deserved or not, I have to assume that the success of this series will be a big determining factor in the future of the character within the universe (RIP STATIC), so I certainly hope this comic can live up to the expectations of its potential.

I have only read a few issues of the original "New Teen Titans" but I did get to read a short interview by creators Marv Wolfman and George Perez on their inspirations for the characters in the series. Fun fact, these are the guys who created not only Starfire, but Cyborg and Raven. Now I'm gonna butcher this interview summary because I am working off of memory, but from what I recall, Starfire was created, along side Raven, as sort of off-shoots of Donna Troy's Wonder Girl, with both of those characters taking some personality traits of Donna and being expanded upon. (The same was true for the creation of Cyborg, and reintroduction of Changeling a.k.a. Beast Boy, being off shoots of Robin's personality).

Well, after rising to popular glory in the Teen Titans television show, I don't think it is unfair to say that in the New 52 Lobdell and co... mishandled the character to say the least. While the idea of being detached from human notions of sexual modesty due to her alien heritage is an interesting concept, I would say the execution was at a minimum distasteful. I really enjoyed the fact that I could sit down and watch an episode of Teen Titans, and while my favorite character was Cyborg who got plenty of action, my sister could enjoy the show just as much and absolutely saw herself in the character of Starfire. And that's the biggest reason I'm excited about Starfire. I'm so incredibly excited to pick up issue #1 and blow her mind when she realizes its an entire story about one of her favorite characters from our childhood.

I have read Vol. 1 of the Harley Quinn series, and while it is not exactly my speed, I would not deny that it well written, and I trust the Palmiotti/Conner writing combo to handle Starfire's new story appropriately and intelligently. Perhaps I'll be wrong, but after the massacre that was Red Hood and the Outlaws, Starfire deserves a second chance!

EDIT: So for anyone who reads this and wants to know more about the Teen Titans, I just posted this to the subreddit. It's a breakdown of Marv Wolfman reflecting on the New Teen Titans, the first appearance of most recognizable iteration of the team.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I was thinkin' this myself. It's June, it's summer, it's sunny. Let's have a character reflective of all that.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I will say this, if Starfire doesn't win, there's a specific month this year perfect for her.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago


level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Her having eyes is so weird to me. I'm used to seeing the glowing green blanks, but I guess its easier to connect with her if she has actual eyes.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I also vote Starfire.

Starfire was created, along side Raven, as sort of off-shoots of Donna Troy's Wonder Girl, with both of those characters taking some personality traits of Donna and being expanded upon. (The same was true for the creation of Cyborg, and reintroduction of Changeling a.k.a. Beast Boy, being off shoots of Robin's personality).

Want to expand on this a bit more? It sounds interesting

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I have read Vol. 1 of the Harley Quinn series, and while it is not exactly my speed, I would not deny that it well written, and I trust the Palmiotti/Conner writing combo to handle Starfire's new story appropriately and intelligently.

If it's anything like their run on Powergirl, it's gonna be great.

level 1
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Tim Motherfucking Drake! This should be the picture.

The first time there was a Robin not named Dick Grayson, people hated him so much that they voted to have him killed off. So it's pretty amazing that by the time Tim came around, people started to think of him as Robin more than Dick! He's also totally unlike the other Robins; he didn't start out with any natural fighting abilities (although he certainly gained some), but he was born a detective. In fact, he's the only person other than Bruce Wayne that Ra's al Ghul refers to as such! That's a pretty huge honor. And then, when Bruce "dies" and Dick chooses Damian to succeed Tim as Robin, does Tim give up? Nope, he adopts a new identity (Red Robin) and goes on a quest to prove that Bruce is actually alive! Everyone thinks he's crazy, but it turns out... he's right!

So yeah, vote Tim Drake. He'll know if you don't.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

By far my favorite DC character. I vote for him every month.

level 1
The Omega Men
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Batwing! The Batman of Africa never gets the love he deserves. He was one of the best soldiers in an evil army, escaped and was visited by Bruce Wayne and became Batwing.

level 2
Ryan Choi, best boy
Score hidden · 4 years ago

David was awesome. Way better than Luke

level 1
Let There Be Hope
Score hidden · 4 years ago


level 1
Wait a minute..
Score hidden · 4 years ago · edited 4 years ago

I nominate Cyborg Superman.

First Appearance: Adventures of Superman #466.

"He needed someone to hate for what had happened. He chose Superman." - Hal Jordan

Background: Henry Henshaw's fate was tied to the fate of a doomed LexCorp space shuttle Excailbur. Hank and and three members (including his wife) of his crew were exposed to cosmic radiation, resulting in the destruction of their shuttle. Though the radiation destroyed two members of the shuttle, Hank and his wife Terri were able to construct new bodies out of the cosmic radiation.

Returning to Metropolis in an attempt to cure their fellow crew mates by using LexCorp facilities, both Hank and Terri got into a fight with Superman. The result was that Hank and Terri's bodies became unhinged and began to decay.

However, Hank Henshaw was able to transform his consciousness into a LexCorp mainframe. As a result, he was able to control technology. Crafting a small space craft for exporation, Henshaw departed the planet. During his travels he became delusional and paranoid, believing that Superman had caused the deaths of himself and his wife. Shortly after, Hank arrived on Warworld, and forcibly recruited Mongul as part of his revenge against Superman.

Notable Badassery: Along with destroying a Superman memorial plaque in front of the Daily Planet, the Cyborg exiled Doomsday into space and defended the President of the United States from an assassination attempt - Adventures of Superman #500

Destroyed Coast City - Superman (Volume 2) #83

Cyborg Superman successfully took over most of Apokolips, but was destroyed by Darkseid's Omega Beams after a short battle with Superman. - Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey #1-2

Got the attention of the Silver Surfer by attempting to recreate Warworld in another universe. - Green Lantern Silver Surfer: Unholy Alliances #1

Designed a machine that would break Superman's energy down into mulitple components and beam them to different points of the galaxy, preventing Superman from reforming. A malfunction led to Superman being split into Superman Blue and Superman Red - Superman Red/Superman Blue #1

Convinced Superman that Galactus destroyed Krypton. The result transformed Superman into the herald of of the world devourer. - Green Lantern Silver Surfer: Unholy Alliances #1

Recommended Reading: Superman (Volume 2), Green Lantern (Volume 4)

level 1
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I nominate the forgotten hero, Batgirl Cassandra Cain. as Scott Snyder said they have immediate plans to bring her back, and after her recent appearance in Convergence: Batgirl, I think it's time to give her the spotlight.

Cassandra is different from the other Batgirls and Robins because she understood Bruce's mission without it being explained to her... because she couldn't understand the language. It was her mission, too. She was a natural successor to Bruce as Batman.

What made Cassandra interesting was that she was both the world's best martial fighter, but she was also incredibly vulnerable. She couldn't read. She had no real education. She had to learn everything the hard way, because her father, David Cain, was a brutal man who taught her not to flinch when he shot her. Like it was a game. Despite this, she gave everything she had to follow in Bruce's footsteps, literally trading her life to Shiva for one year worth of being Batgirl.

She came up during the Chuck Dixon to Greg Rucka era, that wonderful time in Batman that gave us No Man's Land and Bruce Wayne: Murderer and Fugitive. She played a critical role in both stories, by replacing Helena Bertinelli when she lost Bruce's NML territory, and helping prove Bruce didn't murder Vesper Fairchild after all (by doing real detective work).

Her solo book was wonderful. It had some great comedy, like her trying to date Superboy, and excellent drama, like trying to save a man on death row because she didn't understand capital punishment. Her friendship with Stephanie Brown directly led to Stephanie's turn as Batgirl.

Unfortunately, her character got screwed over in One Year Later, and she never recovered. The less said about how she got thrown under the bus, the better.

Cassandra deserves a better fate than Morrison and all the others could give her after she was ruined by One Year Later. I'm looking forward to her coming back.

level 1
DiDio Comics
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I'm going with Flashpoint Batman, Thomas Wayne.

Why? Because everything he does after meeting Barry in Flashpoint is in the aide of helping a son he never got to know and sacrificing himself.

For those who aren't sure about Thomas' story in Flashpoint, when Barry alters the timeline it causes Bruce to be shot in Crime Alley and he dies in his mother's arms. The subsequent grief drives her insane but it forces Thomas to open his eyes to the world of Gotham and the crime that just robbed him of his son, and he eventually begins his own journey into becoming Batman.

The stark thing about Flashpoint for me is that he knows how wrong his world is, not just because his son was killed but because of how the rest of the world is, he sees the problem and has no problem helping Barry to correct it. This of course is an action that would end up killing him, but he takes on the task.

The final part for me that makes Flashpoint Thomas a great character is when he's not even alive any more, before they change the world back he gives Barry a letter for Bruce to read, and when he hands it over to Bruce........well, see for yourself.

Barry is one hell of a messenger, and delivering a message of a father's love for his son is a powerful message that resonates in comic books but for me has not been done this way before.

So yeah, that's why i pick Flashpoint Thomas. Did i mention he owns a bunch of casinos too? That's brilliant.

level 2
Conform and Comply
Score hidden · 4 years ago

["You're one hell of a messenger. Thank you"] (

Right in the feels...

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I also love Thomas because he's the embodiment of a more realistic response to a child dying than Bruce is to his parents dying. Thomas wants vengeance and since he's an adult, he can make it happen much more realistically than a child who devotes his teenage and adult years to training and becoming a weapon. Also it shows that a parent who witnesses the death of their child is a more powerful and dangerous force than the other way around because he truly has nothing to lose anymore.

level 1
The True Son
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Vibe. He's very laid back but powerful when he needs to be. He's also a family man which everyone could learn from.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Not to mention the fact that he's one of the highlights of the Flash. Can't wait to see how Cisco develops next season.

level 1
Score hidden · 4 years ago

I nominate Wonder Woman, Diana Prince!

With Darkseid War upcoming, and Wondy being one of the main stars, I think we need to see Diana's reign!

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Wonder Woman already won. She was an early honoree, actually. :)

level 1
Score hidden · 4 years ago

god, i hate the new 52 wally west

level 1
Score hidden · 4 years ago

[Ravager] (

The very badass daughter of Deathstroke. Training from both Deathstroke and Nightwing. A member of the Teen Titans.

Was kidnapped and tortured at the age of 14 and didnt show any pain. Gave Cassandra Cain a good fight even before she started her training also before her powers came in then fought her again, winning the fight until it was interrupted.

Beat Wonder Girl twice, once she easily beat her and the other time she beat her she was partially drunk.

Soloed the Terror Titans, beat Clock King, and has beaten an Evil Superboy clone with ease.

level 2
Score hidden · 4 years ago

Teen Titans Go! Ravager is best version of her.

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