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I'm singing and dancing in my barrack. I look like a fucking idiot but I dont care.
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
Unbelievable: US now reportedly sharing intel with
#Iran Quds Force, which they refused to do for#Ukrainians… -
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
Kataib Hezbollah lost all their battles against
#ISIS when they had no American aircover, do these retards really think they can do something? Kataib Hezbollah during#Mosul offensive could not advance 1 meter if it wasn't for US aircover. Fucking retards.… -
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
Press Release on the assassination of Genral Qassem Soleimani & Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis by U.S drone this thread -
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
نبارك لأحرار إيران والعراق واحرار الشعب السوري هلاك رؤوس الإجرام قاسم سليماني وأبو مهدي المهندس بعد أن أوغلوا بدم شعوب المنطقة كما نسأل الله تعالى أن يقدر شعوبنا على تطهير المنطقة من كل عصابات القتل والإرهاب والاجرام الطائفي
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
صباح الخير من إدلب
صباح أحلى خبر بالدنيا
#قاسم_سليماني media may contain sensitive material. Learn more -
#IRAQ What is going to happen? You'll see new militias popping up with new names (Iranian proxies) carrying out guerrilla tactics against American forces inside Iraq. Iran will never confront the US directly, we know they don't have the balls for that. -
#BREAKING Hadi Al-Ameri: "We call upon all (Iraqi) national forces to unify their ranks in order to remove the foreign powers (Americans) from the country."… -
#IDLIB#IRAN Syrians are celebrating the death of the criminal Qasem Sulaymani by sharing sweets to each -
Muqtada Sadr calls upon the 'Madi Army' for readiness to 'protect' Iraq, important to note that the 'Mahdi Army' has been the the most prominent shia militia who fought American forces years long during through guerrilla warfare.…
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
Sulaymani or what is left of him, nothing more than a doner
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
Two butchers, Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis were killed Good news for all of their victims I wonder if there will be any discussion how the US facilitated them in Iraq? A similar thing happened with the PKK in Syria A good time for Turkey to eliminate PKK
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ISIS would be on the doorsteps of Iran if it wasn't for US aircover, your 'most effective' force is of the same quality of the
#YPG in Syria. I would even argue that the#YPG have been more effective than you fuckers in Iraq. Without American aircover there is no 'effective'.… -
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
آلاف الشهداء السوريين كانوا ضحية إرهابه.
#سوريا#سورية#ايران ##قاسم_سليماني -
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
ألف مبروك للسوريين والعراقيين والأحرار في كل مكان! مع هذا الخبر الفخيم نستطيع أن نبدأ السنة الجديدة على بركة الله!! والهتافات كانت وستبقى : يا إيراني كلبك ودّع!!
#مقتل_سليماني_بداية_موفقة_2020#مبروك_سورية#مبروك_لبنان#مبروك_للعراق#سورية#لبنان#العراق#مقتل_قاسم_سليماني media may contain sensitive material. Learn more -
Warfare has entered a new era, drones are the future.…
Picture shows Sulaymani here acting as America's little bitch during Tikrit war against ISIS, Americans provided him with Special Forces and aircover. Today the little bitch got disposed just like how a hooker gets disposed by her
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
The end of Qasem Soleimani is welcome and long-overdue justice for the thousands of Americans killed or wounded by his Iranian-controlled forces across the Middle East, and for the hundreds of thousands of Syrians and Iraqi Sunnis ethnically cleansed by his militias.
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Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
Also, he fought under US air cover during the battle of Tikrit in Iraq.…
#AL_TAH#IDLIB Clashes ongoing within Al-Tah town between rebels and Assad this thread -
#AL_TAH#IDLIB Heavy clashes between Rebel forces and Assad thugs around the Al-Tah town this morning with the use of heavy weaponry / artillery and this thread -
#BREAKING#IDLIB BISMILLAH#SNA /#NLF wide joint operation against Assad thugs on several Idlib fronts have kicked off this morning, may God be with our heroes and protect them against the Assad this thread -
She's low-key trying to legitimize Assad conquest on the whole of Syria, Elizabeth is an attention-whore trying to make herself relevant for the Syrian cause. History will remember her as an Assadist, what can you expect from someone living on stolen land (Israel)?!…
#SYRIA Russian propaganda channel 'ruptly' shows footage of Syrian thugs in the Idlib CS, looting is what they are known -
Juhayman Al-Hadari / جهيمان الحضاري Retweeted
من ذهب لنصرة المستضعفين في ليبيا أو سوريا لا يسمى مرتزقاً, بل هذا مجاهد و يحسن به الظن, أما من يجلس في أمريكا أو أوربا و يغرد ضد الابطال فنعم بمثل هذا نشك فيه و لا نحسن به الظن, الجيش الوطني يرسل التعزيزات الى ادلب و قد فتحوا قبل شهرين منطقة واسعة بين تل ابيض و راس العين!
Al-Shabab proudly claiming responsibility for the car bombing which led to many innocent killed civilians. Al-Qaida and it's perverted ideology has been a curse upon the Islamic world, these wicked people have been doing nothing than slaughtering muslims since day 1.…
#IDLIB Footage from earlier today shows#SNA fighters going towards this thread -
#IDLIB From earlier today, heavy weapons and military personal going to the frontlines. Main objective is to halt any Assad thug advance further into the Idlib this thread -
#BREAKING#Idlib First batch of Sultan Murad (#SNA) fighters arrived in Idlib! this thread -
#IDLIB#SNA today have send a huge batch of military reinforcements (500 infantry + heavy weapons) to South/East Idlib this thread -
اهل النخوة ! قادمون يا إدلب!…
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