
Mainly focused on observing Iraq, Syria to a much lesser extent. Calling BS regardless of side. Not: Activist/Analyst ||Like is typically an acknowledgement||

Joined January 2016


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    This photo will be remembered for a long time.

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  2. ISOF at the Embassy this morning:

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    This is all you need to know about Talha AbdulRazzaq ()

  4. coming back to this for a second. If I had to give an opinion on why they were moved off the Carrier and ashore, it's because these 12 jets were put on Strip Launch Alert status. The squadron is ready to respond to any emergency.

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  5. so besides Amiri, Khazali, and Muhandis making an appearance, the only othet notable commanders was Kaldani (Babylon Brigade is Badr) and Hamid Jaziyari who is the religious leader for Brigade 18 / Saraya Khorosani. Jaziyari is usually at Anbar.

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  6. Muhandis was present as well, this photo was taken at the gate to the July 14th Bridge, which they later crossed. The security there was minimal, staffed by a security detachment and two Humvees. I don't think any media exists of Fayyadh present at the Embassy though.

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  7. Some things to note since it was disputed today: Yes, Qais Khazali was present with Hadi Amiri at the Embassy grounds. The photo with Falih Fayyadh is from Hurriya Square in Karrada, which he published on his FB page.

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  8. The 82nd Airborne deployment is pretty self-explanatory in terms of moving troops and supplies on a large scale, hence why so many planes were involved. A C-17 can hold over 100 troops, while their equipment can be carried on pallets via additional aircraft.

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  9. I guess I'll keep this thread going. About the reports regarding USMC F/A-18: those guys out of Beaufort are the Corps contribution to the Carrier Wing. In other words they were already sitting afloat which is why they got to Kuwait so quickly.

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  10. Retweeted

    fate have some sense of irony, during Oct protest, he insists to push Shia/Iran in context, even it clearly Iraq security was doing the killing

  11. It just occurred to me: Kaldani made his PR round at the Embassy because his unit (Brigade 50/ Babylon Brigade) was the one who warned the Coalition patrol near Qayyarah against having an open presence. Dude was out to seal his reputation despite no Brigade 50 presence.

  12. Retweeted

    When Iranian diplomatic buildings are attacked، western pundits claim it reflects the will of Iraqi people. When outraged Iraqis occupy the US embassy in response to the massacre of Iraqi soldiers fighting on the front lines against ISIS, pundits claim it's orchestrated in Tehran

  13. Help me understand something, is the identity of the DOD contractor killed at K1 known yet?

  14. Yeah almost like KH didn't grow to 3 Brigades with a completely enclosed Iraqi leadership. Crazy how everyone underestimates their level of autonomy. "Direct Operational Link" is a dressed-up version "Iran-backed" with intent to blame Tehran. Not the brightest of moves.

  15. 361 Iraqi Security Forces were Martyred in battles with ISIS in 2019.

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    هذه الصورة التي تداولت لفالح الفياض في ساحة الحرية (الطابقين) لتشييع جثامين شهداء الحشد الشعبي وليس كما نشرته بعض الصفحات بانها قرب السفارة الامريكية في بغداد.

  17. Retweeted

    هذا الفيديو الذي انتشر في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي قديم ولا يعود للوقت الحالي.

  18. Retweeted

    Military spokesman for Iraqi PM: breach of the Green Zone by protesters happened suddenly & caught us unprepared. There was a large group mourning death of PMF members but we did not expect it to breach Green Zone.

  19. Retweeted

    Today this pic of NS Advisor Fayadh surfaced indicating he was amongst the crowd in front of the US Emb. This isn’t inside the IZ b/c: 1-spiral lighting fixture on the left doesn’t exist near Emb 2-no ads for fridges in IZ 3-“point” conference took place @ , not IZ

  20. Security Media reported within the hour that the perimeter of the Embassy grounds has been fully secured.

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  21. And yes it's true that PMF got orders to withdraw and they complied. The personnel withdrew back to Karrada which is where they came from originally. They did so in response to the Prime Minister's request. It wasn't possible during the earlier hours due to civilians presence.

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  22. Also noticed that some media are calling these 25th ID guys "snipers" Those ACOGs or ACOs, whatever the US Army calls it, have a magnified zoom. That's all they could do at that distance, only observe. Even the SALUTE report on the notepad proves this.

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  23. From last night when a section of MV-22s arrived on the Embassy grounds. The USMC Security Forces are trained to deal specifically with Embassy crises and specialize in close quarters combat on top of the infantry training they already have. Via FLIR from an orbiting AH-64

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  24. Can we just start a GoFundMe for Pregent to get a chance at Muhandis already?

  25. Retweeted

    One of the women who lost her son due to illegal USA air strikes. Shame on all of you. She has every right for justice.

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    By the way you can literally see the Army SF soldiers standing on line to block the entrance. We can stop the fearmongering now.

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    Here's the Iraq Army Special Forces Division logo, on the Lieutenant Colonel's uniform.

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    Another image of the same vicinity showing the Iraq Army Special Forces troops. They're literally posted at the gate but I guess context doesn't matter to some people.

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  29. Retweeted

    These are soldiers from the 56th Special Forces Brigade, they have nothing to do with the banner or graffiti.

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  30. Retweeted

    لحد الآن ليس لدينا خبر قاطع عن الانفجارات التي سمعت في قاعدة سبايكر البعض يؤكد والآخر ينفي مازالنا نتواصل مع الجميع ...

  31. The last Martyr of 2019. God rest the souls of the dozens of ISF who testified this year.

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    نسئل الله العزيز القدير ان يجعل العام الجديد يحمل الخير لبلادنا والامن والامان لشعبنا ، كل عام وانتم بخير.

  33. Retweeted

    In 1991, an American president called on Iraqis to rise up. It ended in hundreds of thousands of Iraqis being slaughtered by a dictator while American planes flew overhead.

  34. Even Jund Imam got a banner up there. Others include Ansar Awfiyah, Kataib Imam Ali, Asaib Ahl Al-Haq, Kataib Sayyid Shuhada, and Kataib Hezbollah.

  35. I guess another Brigade Combat Team gets their turn to sit and do nothing in Kuwait. With how things are they'll probably take the next cycle after the Armored BCT comes home. It's been a few months already.

  36. 5 terrorists eliminated. All of them Syrian nationals.

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  37. By the way, media claimed that the Ambassador was evacuated as a result of the protests outside of the Embassy, the reality is that he's been away on Holiday Leave.

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  38. ICTS guys earlier My guess is they chose the Type 07 Arid camo to distinguish themselves from the Army SF personnel present on the Embassy grounds.

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  39. Minister of Interior and Federal Police Commander present tonight as well. ISOF-1 unit was mobilized as well.

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