Tallha Abdulrazaq
College: College of Social Sciences and International Studies
Discipline: Strategy and Security Institute
Department: Strategy and Security Institute
Tallha Abdulrazaq is a PhD student in Strategy and Security at the Strategy and Security Institute. The working title of his research is: “Saddam’s Qadissiya: Iraqi Operational Warfare in the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988”. The research will examine the evolution of Iraqi operational art throughout the course of the war with Iran, and strategic factors that affected the performance of the Iraqi Army in both offensive and defensive operations.
Before joining the Strategy and Security Institute, Tallha completed a BA in War Studies at King’s College London, and an MA in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter. He has also worked as a consultant and analyst for a number of private businesses both in the UK and abroad, and frequently publishes columns and articles for online and print publications such as Al Jazeera, the Arab Weekly, Middle East Eye, the New Arab, Daily Sabah, Middle East Monitor and the History of War magazine. Tallha has also published academic works on Iraq, ISIS and the risk of sectarian terrorism in the country. He is the winner of the 2015 Al Jazeera Young Researcher Award.
In his spare time, Tallha enjoys coaching at his local boxing club and blogging about Middle Eastern politics and security at The War Journal.
Research Interests:
- Operational warfare
- Military strategy
- Islamic history
- Islamist politics and state systems
- Nationalism and ethnic violence
- Countering radicalisation and extremism