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In 2016, 643 Sunni Arab men & boys were abducted by Shia jihadists backed by Iran & sanctioned by Iraq. Their corpses have now been found. Those who shrieked at ISIS' Camp Speicher massacre but are now silent over massacred civilians should be ashamed.…
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Getting requests from German media who have discovered that there’s a war in Libya, now that Turkey is making its intervention official. It was fine as long as it was UAE & Russia driving a war on Europe’s doorstep - but when Erdogan gets involved, alarm bells are ringing.
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Just had a 15 minute phone call from the Metropolitan Police Counter-Terrorism unit because of malicious false reporting against me on their confidential hotline. They told me they believe the reports against me are baseless & malicious in intent, and there is no case against me
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Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
The Popular Mobilization Forces, an umbrella group of state-allied militias — many backed by Iran — called on its supporters to withdraw in response to an appeal by the Iraqi government, saying “your message has been received.”
#TWTFrontPage… -
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Dozens of Jordanians on Tuesday participated in a protests against
#China’s treatment of#Uyghur Muslims. The participants call “China must stop its state terrorism against Uyghurs and international community immediately intervene and put an end to the massacres and violations” -
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Let's be honest here - the Iran Deal unleashed Soleimani in Iraq. We are here because the Obama administration beleived any contraints on Soleimani's activities in Iraq & Syria would derail the JCPOA. Iran accelerated its takeover of Iraq under the protections of the JCPOA.
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Finally, just because my opinion doesn't perfectly fit with yours, it doesn't by default mean I'm shilling for your "enemies". This is the reason the world is so messed up, polarisation of discourse & the idea that someone disagreeing with you implies enmity. Don't be childish.
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The second I'm being censored by any outlet or I sense they're trying to skew what I say, you'll notice my output for them drop off almost entirely except on pieces I can guarantee my independence i.e. by providing comment.
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All media organisations are owned by someone with some sort of interest. That's the way it's set up, there's no such thing as total independence. I would write for any newspaper, even Iranian, if they did not censor me.
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Pro tip: if a guy is a shill for this many states yet seemingly consistently criticises them all, it's probably a sign that he's not on their payrolls. In many cases, I wish I was. It would be nice to be able to buy and own my own house, how about that?
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Qatar. I'm apparently a Qatari shill because I write for Al Jazeera and because I criticise Saudi and the UAE on its blockade. Then they realise I'm simply aggravated the Arabs can't seem to focus on the major threat that speaks Farsi as a state language just across their waters.
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The UK, where I'm from. Tallha MUST BE a British spy! Look how he criticises Muslim countries and even the backwardness of certain Muslim communities! Then they read my plethora of pieces criticising Westminster's policies in the Muslim world. Wut?
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Russia. Tallha wrote for RT Deutsch, he must be pro-Kremlin! Then they read my staunch support for the revolution in Syria & my labelling of Moscow's actions as unequivocal war crimes. Brain implosion ensues.
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Iran. Yes, I've legit been called a pro-Iran shill because I've criticised both the US and Israel. Amazing, considering the vast majority of the body of my broadcast and written work, academic or otherwise, focuses on Iranian expansionist imperialism. Do these people even read?
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Israel. Hahahaha I love this one purely because it comes from my critics' inherent sectarianism and antisemitism. Tallha criticises Iran & AGREES (*gasp!*) with official Israeli policy that the IRGC is packed to the rafters with terrorists and Shia jihadists.
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The US. This is intimately linked to the next two on the list, but then people start to realise that I was the first to describe what Washington has wrought in Iraq since 1990 with millions dead as the Iraqi Holocaust. Some cheerleader for Uncle Sam I am!
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Turkey. He regularly appears on TRT World & writes for them, he MUST be a shill! Then they read my numerous critiques of AKP policies over the past decade & note my televised criticism from inside TRT's İstanbul studio of the way Peace Spring was ended just a couple of months ago
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Saudi Arabia - this one is my favourite. If you remotely defend Saudi civilians' rights to not be bombed by Houthi militants, you MUST be a Saudi shill. Then they read my pieces on the murder of Khashoggi and get a brain spasm.
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I'm loving all the hatemail & screechy tweets I'm getting calling me a shill. No one can ever quite pin down exactly who it is that I shill for, though. Let's list a few of the states I "shill" for, shall we?
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How Iran's actions in Iraq demonstrate a crumpled US influence. Washington did nothing for the Saudis when their oilfields were attacked by Iran's proxies. They're now being besieged in Baghdad at will by Shia jihadist proxies of the IRGC.…
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Iraqis & Iranians have been protesting en masse since Oct & Nov, respectively, against their own governments. Iraqis have also been protesting against the IRI’s influence in Iraq. 1,500+ Iranians slaughtered by their own gov. Yet media coverage & outrage are glaringly lacking
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Every left wing shitposter: So listen, I know you are mad that the dictator in your country has murdered your family and many thousands of other people, but have you ever considered that this is, to me, preferable to "neoliberalism"?
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Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
The question I've been asking USG since 2014 is this: How the F is Mohandes, a designated terrorist, on the GOI payroll with access to U.S. Train & Equip & U.S. Intel as the Dep Cdr of the Hashd al-Shaabi, & Cdr of KH?? Answer:(absolute f-ing silence) then... "it's complicated"
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Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Brett accused those opposed to his strategy in Iraq as opposing American interests and betraying American lives. Now American lives are under threat from the proxies he gave blanket specops and air support to, and he's nowhere to be found attacking Donald Trump.…
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Do you know who's been oddly silent during this Iran orchestrated attack on the US embassy? Good old
@brett_mcgurk the Obama era official who positively supercharged the near total Shia jihadist takeover of all of Iraq's institutions. Why so silent, Brett? Aren't these your guys? -
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Add please the head and the members of the echo-chamber group of
#Obama’s administration.… -
They need to get on and designate Amiri and the other Shia jihadists who hold the Government of Iraq by the nether regions.…
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
The PMF withdrew from the US embassy because the Iraqi government, infiltrated by pro-Iran elements, has reportedly said that it will pass bills to call on a US military withdrawal. This wasn't Benghazi, but whichever way you cut it, the US lost a lot of prestige & influence.
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Alright, this is too funny to pass up. Former Iran president Ahmadinejad sends out a Christmas and New Year message in English, praying that in 2020 Imam Al-Mahdi and Jesus Christ will come together to save humanity. He's literally calling for the end of time with a smile lol…
1:24 -
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Reporting from Azaz on the Russian backed regime attacks that targeted a school being used as a temporary shelter for IDPs fleeing the same attacks in southern Idlib. At least 9 people including children and a pregnant woman were killed in the cluster bomb attack earlier today…
1:58 -
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
One lesson from the attack on the US embassy in Baghdad is how organized it was. No errant rifle fire, no weapons among protesters, no real chaos, a controlled attack that was meant to show power, not harm anyone yet.
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Apparently, the PMF has called on its militants to withdraw from the US embassy in Baghdad. Perhaps Trump's beefed up military presence just averted another Benghazi moment.…
Here Khamenei is all but admitting that Iran is responsible for the attacks on the US embassy in Baghdad. So far, he seems to be correct that it appears the US "can't do anything" against Iran, neither in Iraq nor across the region where Saudi etc are fending for themselves.…
Khamenei is here outlining the fact that the sectarian Shia militias Iran has been supporting represent his regime's interests. Without them, Iran would be nothing in Iraq. However, they control the state and have subverted it at every level.…
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Just a suggestion
@realDonaldTrump but guys you've listed as terrorists like Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis are walking out in the open in Iraq. If Baghdadi & Osama bin Laden were that dumb, the US would have killed them much earlier. Why not target the masterminds rather than the grunts? -
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
In this small grave and under the sounds of bombing, we buried little Mohammed yesterday, who was killed along with a White Helmet volunteer after being targeted with barrel bombs. With this terrible scene, we bid farewell to 2019, one of the bloodiest years
#Syria has -
In light of yesterday's US embassy siege in Iraq, this is the best rendition I've ever heard of "Death to America!"
Tallha Abdulrazaq س Retweeted
Not sure there’s a better way to sum up American foreign policy than invading Iraq as part of the “war on terror” only to have our embassy stormed 16 years later by Hezbollah with the direct support of the Iraqi government we put into place.…