Are we Germans, the British and Scandinavians closely genetically related?

We look very similar...

7 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do we? I don't look anything like the stereotypical Germanic or Nordic person---I am average height, with dark brown hair, hazel brown eyes and a pale skin that actually wil tan. I am 100% (as far as records go) British Isles/Ireland ancestry.

    I can almost always tell Germans from Britons. Germans are generally fairer haired with more squared chins and rounder heads. Scandinavians are fairer still and often taller with long Nordic skulls.

    Britons cannot be grouped together anyway--as different regions are from different groups!

    Welshman and Cornishmen are Britons...but they are celtic, not Germanic

    scots are a mixture of celtic, Scandinavian and some Anglo Saxon (in the Lowlands.)

    Western English people are often heavily mixed with native Britons (celtic.)

    Eastern English have stronger Anglo-Saxon and Norse ancestry but with little pockets of native ancestry as well.

    DNA wise, the most common male haplogroup in Scandinavia is I. There is also R1A

    In Germany the most common is the Germanic R1b, with some R1a and I in the North, and some Atlantic as well

    In Scotland-R1b (Atlantic type), some R1a and I from vikings

    In England. R1b (Atlantic) and Germanic, some I in areas vikings settled, and a small amount of R1a

    Wales/Cornwall-over 80% R1b Atlantic

    The main settling of the British Isles came from the west, from people spreading up the Atlantic coasts via Iberia in the neolithic/bronze ages and not from northern Europe.Those people never disappeared, they just were assimilated into later populations.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Actually according to new DNA results conducted by nat geo, Scandanavians and especially the Finnish have the most amount of northern European blood (white) , they are the whitest. Next would be the Brithish and Germans, who have the same dna. Southern Europeans would have the less amount of northern European blood why you find some really dark people there and look like mideasterners. The rule is the further you are from Scandinavia the less white you'll be. Etc. But different degrees of the same mixture is what europeans are. Mideasterners also have a small amount of northern European blood but alot more asian blood. Anyway, why parts of Europe are darker or lighter because they have variations of the same mixture.

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    • marley
      Lv 4
      4 years agoReport

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  • 6 years ago

    Yes. The Scandinavians are descended from Germanic tribes which migrated from Germany to the Scandinavian countries. So are the British. They are descended from the Anglo and Saxon Germanic tribes which migrated from Germany to Britain.

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    • marley
      Lv 4
      4 years agoReport

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  • 6 years ago

    Yes. as has been said, they're largely Germanic.

    Well, if looking at the UK, the English are largely Anglo-Saxon and Danish (so both Germanic in some sense), though the Scots, Northern Irish and Welsh are Celtic.

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  • Batlow
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    All Europeans are closely related, genetically:

    The human genetic diversity across all of Europe is quite low, compared to many other regions.

    Hope it helps.

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    • marley
      Lv 4
      4 years agoReport

      All closely related but in different degrees. Like southern Europeans would be less white and Brithish and Germans more alike but not as white as the Scandanavians. Same mixture butdifferent degrees but Scandanavians, especially the Finnish have more white blood.

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  • 6 years ago

    Brits don't really look like Germans if you ask me.

    Every human is probably genetically related.

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  • 6 years ago

    Yes. All are Germanic.

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