Are we Germans, the British and Scandinavians closely genetically related?
We look very similar...
7 Answers
- Anonymous4 years ago
- marleyLv 44 years agoReport
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- Gray BoldLv 76 years ago
Yes. The Scandinavians are descended from Germanic tribes which migrated from Germany to the Scandinavian countries. So are the British. They are descended from the Anglo and Saxon Germanic tribes which migrated from Germany to Britain.
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- 6 years ago
Yes. as has been said, they're largely Germanic.
Well, if looking at the UK, the English are largely Anglo-Saxon and Danish (so both Germanic in some sense), though the Scots, Northern Irish and Welsh are Celtic.
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- BatlowLv 66 years ago
All closely related but in different degrees. Like southern Europeans would be less white and Brithish and Germans more alike but not as white as the Scandanavians. Same mixture butdifferent degrees but Scandanavians, especially the Finnish have more white blood.
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- 6 years ago
Brits don't really look like Germans if you ask me.
Every human is probably genetically related.
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