Alexander McKeever


Independent researcher/MA student GC Contributor Syria: Opposition/Afrin, OSINT. New Yorker. 🏴.

Queens, NY
Joined March 2016


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    Thread on some of the details we put together for 's report on the murder of Kurdish politician Hevrin Khalaf and her driver Ferhad Ramadan by members of Ahrar al-Sharqiyah 12 Oct 2019.

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  2. An Ahrar al-Sharqiyah commander killed in mid-November fighting with the SDF around the Sharakrak silos, SW of Suluk. (16/17)

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  3. Photo of the group in central Suluk, a town south of Tel Abyad that they captured from the SDF on 13 Oct. (15/17)

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  4. Photo of a car bomb the group captured at a checkpoint near 'Awn al-Dadat, north of the Manbj frontlines. (14/17)

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  7. Here's a recent photo of what is possibly the outside of the al-Ra'i HQ showing Abu Hatem Shaqra meeting with Maj. Gen. Selim Idriss of the SIG. (11/17)

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  8. Currently the group maintains a headquarters in al-Ra'i, military or security facility in al-Bab, presence north of Manbij, in Rajo and Afrin city's eastern side (Mahmoudiyah/Villas st.), as well as in recently captured town of Suluk and frontlines SW from there. (10/17)

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  9. the group's subsequent controversial abuse-filled history has been documented elsewhere including an article of mine from this summer and in the rest of the Euphrates Post exposé. (9/17)

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  10. 3 of these appear to have been Deir ez-Zour factions active in 2013. I haven't found a 'Jund al-Tawhid' active in the area, closest I've come across is from E Aleppo. Profiles of AaS agree most fighters were at one point Ahrar al-Sham affiliated. (8/17)

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  11. As gone over elsewhere, Ahrar al-Sharqiyah was founded Jan 2016, initially including Liwa' al-Bara’ ibn Malik, Liwa' al-Ahwaz, Liwa' Dir‘ al-Ansar and Liwa' Jund al-Tawheed. (7/17)

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  13. Shaqra remained part of Ahrar al-Sham for the time being, settling into the northern Idlib town of Sarmada. According to Euphrates Post he then built up connections in order to obtain funding for his own group - EP uses the frequent and vague term 'gulf financing.' (6/17)

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  14. In late 2013 or early 2014 Shaqra made his way across the desert to Deir ez-Zour, essentially just as large-scale fighting broke out amongst the Syrian opposition and IS. Soon after, as part of its rapid rise, IS took control of the province, forcing the opposition west. (5/17)

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  15. Rather than return to DeZ, Shaqra apparently went to Damascus, where by late 2011 he was taking part in insurgent activity, such as an attack on an SAA checkpoint at Harran al-Awamid. At some point while in Eastern Ghouta he joined Ahrar al-Sham, rising in their ranks. (4/17)

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  16. Both the Euphrates Post and STJ reports mention that before the war Abu Hatem Shaqra was working in construction Jordan. According to our sources he returned to Syria in July 2011 joining the opposition during the early stages of the conflict. (3/17)

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  17. The group's commander, Ahmed Ihsan Fayyad al-Hayes ('Abu Hatem Shaqra'), was born in 1987 in the town of Shaqra, NW of the city of Deir ez-Zour. He worked here as an agricultural laborer for a bit. (2/17)

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  18. My colleagues at STJ uncovered some info relating to Ahrar al-Sharqiyah for the Hevrin Khalaf investigation we recently published, in particular related to the groups commander Abu Hatem Shaqra. Below is a (random) related thread: (1/17)

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    The video of a fighter speaking in a Syrian dialect of Arabic who mentions the Muatasim Division has been geolocated to a base near Tripoli. This is the first apparent visual confirmation to the deployment of Turkish-backed Syrian factions to Libya.

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    Two months in: taking stock of Turkey's recent invasion of northeastern Syria and the drastic effects its had on local civilian life. Check out my latest article on a new website I've created...

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    Syria: More than 235,000 people have been displaced from southern Idleb since 12 December, including at least 140,000 children. Ma’arrat An-Numan and its surrounding area is now reported to be almost empty of civilians.

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    Opposition outlet reporting that 250 Syrians affiliated with the SNA or living in Turkey after fleeing HTS in Idlib will go to Tripoli to assist with translation, coordination and logistics, basically as interpreters between TSK and GNA; h/t

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    Drone footage of Russian air force airstrike geolocated in Abu Habbah (بو حبة), .

  24. the website is still a work in progress... I mainly created it to archive work published elsewhere, but will be putting up original content like this on it occasionally.

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    I can confirm a meeting between Syrian National Army (SNA) commanders & Turkish intel re dispatch of SNA to fight on Turkey's behalf in Libya. No forces have been deployed yet according to my sources. SNA contacts told me many would be willing to go for $

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    Prison guards tried to poison the guy who filmed Eric Garner's murder by NYPD by putting rat poison in his meatloaf

  27. some other random christian stuff from jordan, palestine, and lebanon

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  28. Merry Christmas everyone here’s a Catholic priest celebrating the Mass at sunrise in Wadi Rum this past July

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  29. last grasps at/last gasps of*

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  30. well this would be one way Turkey could avoid last grasps of TFSA autonomy playing spoiler against TR-Russia machinations in the NE

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    1601 Hugh O'Neill, O'Donnell & allies lost the Battle of Kinsale to Lord Mountjoy. Had it went in the Irish favour, Irish & world history would be very different, from the Ulster Plantation to the settling of America. Follow for more.

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    Y’all are still doing this? What does the ‘d’ stand for? What does the ‘a’ stand for? Dawlah al-Islamiyah. What does that mean? Islamic State... 🤷🏻‍♂️

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    It’s 22 years today since the Acteal Massacre, where 45 people were killed by a right wing paramilitary in Mexico. The victims—including 21 women, four were pregnant—were members of a Christian organisation that supported the socialist-libertarian EZLN militia. (Via Demoler)

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    For all certain conservatives complain about “coastal elite domination,” they sure like coming to New York to complain about *our* way of life.

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    From Arabic gospels - Nativity and Annunciation to the shepherds in the field printed 1591 at Medici Oriental Press, Rome. HMML also has a copy of an Arabic/Latin grammar book, printed by press (SJRB 565). SJRB 587 in vHMML Reading Room:

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    Italian arms have been sold to Russia, transported to Syria, & used by sanctioned Syrian Army militia breaching European trade & arms safeguards. After 12 months of digging w/ , , we show how they got to places like this 👇👇

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