Steven Heydemann


Janet W. Ketcham 1953 Chair and Professor, ME Studies, Smith College; Senior Nonresident Fellow, Brookings Institution Center for ME Policy.

DC and Northampton, MA
Joined August 2011


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    Fed study: Trump tariffs backfired, caused job losses and higher prices

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    4 × Libyan Passenger Planes heading to Tripoli, from Istanbul, . I caught this at 9:02 Eastern Time.

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  3. The fascinating tale of ICARDA in Syria. What the earth shall yield”: The Syrian War, Seed banks, and the Coming Apocalypse - Los Angeles Review of Books

  4. Sigh. Meetings In Riyadh to Choose SNC Independent Figures | Asharq AL-awsat

  5. Will Turkey “volunteer” Syrians for combat in Libya?

  6. The “benign” PYD dictatorship of Rojava showing some cracks. Kurdish opposition parties refuse to reopen offices in NE Syria |

  7. How long till Idlib falls? Group: NW Syria at Breaking Point, Warns of More Displaced - The New York Times

  8. Retweeted

    Idlib in northwest Syria is under attack from Russian and Syrian jets. Here’s what one resident told us. talks to of .

  9. Retweeted

    General Assembly approves financing of for war crimes in . A very important vote that allows the Mechanism to function with UN budget resources, giving it more predictability and legitimacy – at United Nations General Assembly

  10. Retweeted

    So much loss and so much need as winter arrives.

  11. Report Documenting Violations by Russian-Syrian Alliance since December 15 in Northwest Syria, many of Which Constitute War Crimes - Syrian Network for Human Rights

  12. Those troops Turkey’s sending to Libya? Turns out they’re Syrian opposition fighters. WTF. Turkey to send Syrian rebel fighters to battle Haftar in Libya | Middle East Eye

  13. Retweeted

    As part of the “popular uprising” in , demonstrations denounce “ ’s” policy and in , demand the release of detainees

  14. Retweeted

    This , like many winters before, force thousands of civilians to flee their destroyed homes to an uncertain fate. A few years ago it was , now Art

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  15. Important read. The imperative of accountability for Syrian perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

  16. Retweeted

    Russian warplanes bomb the city of in the southern countryside of Idlib with high-explosive missiles

  17. Retweeted

    After about 72 of airstrike stoppage, warplanes of the “guarantor” and the regime resume raids on countryside

  18. Retweeted

    Syria war: More than 235,000 people flee Idlib region as Putin-Assad Air Force continues its reign of terror (replete with ongoing WAR CRIMES)

  19. Will Syrian oil revenues contribute to reconstruction? – Enab Baladi

  20. Unidentified gunmen kidnap two officers of Syrian regime forces in Daraa  – Enab Baladi

  21. Well. That’s that, then. Trump Warns Russia, Syria and Iran Not to Kill Innocent Civilians in Syria's Idlib Province

  22. Retweeted

    “There has been little indication that Prince Mohammed has been chastened by the global outrage...Last month, 8 writers, bloggers & journalists were detained. The case of women’s rights activists arrested 18 months ago remains unresolved.”

  23. Retweeted

    Eight-year-old Jamil was deprived of his father since birth. Today Jamil has lost his home too as his family fled death and bombing along with more than 216K people from and countryside. His future is uncertain like so many in recent days.

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  24. Retweeted

    Berlin! Saturday at 1 pm, in front of the Russian embassy! For Idlib, for Aleppo, for Ghouta, for Daraa, and for Syria! Down with the Russian, Iranian, American, and turkish occupations!

  25. Retweeted

    لقاء مع الاستاذة الجامعية ريما ماجد وأحد مؤسسي تجمع مهنيات ومهنيين في لبنان، تتحدث فيه عن تجربة التجمع وكيف تشكل من قلب الثورة. وتتطرق إلى أهداف التجمع، وتنسيقه مع المجموعات، ومدى تفاعله مع تجارب مماثلة في البلدان العربية الأخرى. المقابلة:

  26. From Yassin Al Haj Saleh on the imperative of accountability. Syria war: The love of my life disappeared six years ago, but still I cling to hope | Middle East Eye

  27. Retweeted

    "As the decade comes to a close, I am faced with the dark truth that we live in a world far worse than we did 10 years ago - worse even than we dare admit to ourselves"

  28. Idlib. Massive stream of displaced from Maarat al-Nouman

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  30. Retweeted

    Oman has embarked on a fast track to capital raising, seeking a number of privatizations of state-owned assets, but the investors coming to the rescue are a new kind — states and state-owned entities, many from China

  31. Caesar Act: economic chokehold to adjust political behavior – Enab Baladi

  32. Retweeted

    This graph from the FT article by and shows the moment when the caravan cut off the souk.

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  33. Retweeted

    . is Syrian. He's on a hunger strike in front of the Russian Ambassador's house in D.C. to protest the murder of 130+ civilians, incl 30+ children, & the displacement of 200k+ by the Russian & Assad regimes since the beginning of Dec.

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    ميلاد مجيد

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    Al-Assad militia bombs the town of in the southern countryside of Idlib with high-explosive missiles and heavy artillery

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  36. Retweeted

    Good synopsis by of what’s happening in today. Grateful to for underscoring Assad’s continued use of the most brutal war crimes in pursuit of his goals. We should not stand idly by.

  37. Retweeted

    Russia’s plan to cut off humanitarian aid is part of a larger drive to force aid groups to work through Syrian gov’t. That gives Assad control over lifesaving aid, letting him feed his supporters & starve anyone who resists his cruel rule. in

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    A desperate appeal from a Bahraini dissident who was tortured to confess: His execution has been set for Christmas Day "so that you won't notice."

  39. Retweeted

    It’s incredible that after 8 years of war there are still soldiers who need more refrigerators.