About Us


Agenfor International, created in 2016 as an independent branch from the long stablished Agenfor Group, is the International member of non-for profit network Agenfor Group, specialized in participative security. Main office is in Milano (Italy), with branches in Padova, Lugano (Switzerland), Tripoli (Libya) and al-Qamashly (Syria). Specific sectors of interests are security and human rights. Our mission is the balancing of relationships between International agencies, states, nations and individuals within the post-modern societies.

The European Convention on Human Rights is the compass we use to navigate the rights of individuals, communities and nations co-habiting under the organization of the State. Over the past years Agenfor has lead several EU funded projects operating in the field of prison and probation, minorities, and counter radicalization.

In doing so, Agenfor has been collaborating with Organizations such as Scotland Yard, Guardia Civil and the Italian Ministry of Justice - Department for Penitentiary Administration, training thousands of practitioners in Italy and abroad and engaging in several dissemination activities through the network Equal is More, coordinated by its swiss office. The network is participated also by the University of Granada, the Fundacion Euro-Arabe (Granada) and the University of Prague.

Agenfor is also engaged in Libya and Syria, with offices in Tripoli and in al-Qamashly, that allow us to produce articles and news on these complex scenarios and collect first-hand information to feed a strategic analytical work. Activities are carried out through a project management team that monitor, write, build partnerships and submit proposals to national and International institutions, and a training team made by both internal and external professionals in the field of security. 

Agenfor International's goal is to ensure security through a better protection of human rights and socio-political participation with a particular focus on minorities, prisoners and other vulnerable groups. Public-Private partnership and multi-agency approaches are a substancial part of our work. We are active in the field of counter-radicalization with training courses and research activities addressing the needs of first-line practitioners from the public and private sectors all around Europe.

We periodically plan proposals in the field of security, human rights and international cooperation to EU and other international funds with the support of an extended partnership that comprises all 28 EU countries and also Switzerland and Turkey. Expert in EU-funded Projects Planning and Management, always looking for new projects, new partners, and sharing informations around the world, Agenfor International is a private non-profit ngo advocating for participative security.

We contribute to harmonize state and citizen’s needs, with a specific focus on minorities and prisoners’ rights, connecting civil society organizations with institutions: we operate in Europe, Switzerland and the Arab and Muslim world (Libya, Syria, Iraq).

Among the projects we got involved in during the period 2008-2019 there are:

  • CRYME: Radicalization within the European prisons;
  • POL-PRIMETT I & II: Metal theft in Europe: an emerging threat;
  • ISDEP: Improving security through democratic participation;
  • EURAD: Sharia's based approach to counter radicalization;
  • UPSIDEDOWN: Protection of underground infrastructures from terrorism;
  • PRISNET: Radicalization and gangs within the Western Balkans prisons;
  • TRANSVERSAL BRIDGE: the emerging threat of Transversal Terroristic Alliances and the radicalization of the EU social climate;
  • TRAINING AID: Mobile Assistance Interagency teams to detect and prevent the escalation of violent radicalization;
  • DERAD: Counter radicalization through the rule of law.

Among the ongoing projects there are:

  • TAKEDOWN (Horizon 2020): Research on the relations between Organized Crime and Terrorism;
  • MINDb4ACT (Horizon 2020): Mapping, IdentifyiNg and Developing skills and opportunities in operating environments to co-create innovative, ethical and effective ACTions to tackle radicalization leading to violent extremism;
  • J-S.A.F.E.: Judicial Strategy Against all Forms of Violent Extremism in Prison;
  • SAT-LAW: Strategic AssessmenT for LAW and Police Cooperation;
  • JP-COOPS: Judicial and Police Cooperation Preventing Radicalization Towards Terrorism;
  • MIICT: ICT Enabled Solution for Migration - Addressing the Challenge of Migrant Integration Through ICT-Enabled Solutions;
  • ARMOUR: A Radical Model of Resilience for Young Minds;
  • PROPHETS: Preventing Radicalization Online Throuhg the Proliferation of Harmonised Toolkits;
  • MIRROR (Horizon 2020): Migration-Related Risks Caused by Misconceptions of Opportunities And Requirement;
  • FAIRNESS: Implementation of the Stockholm’s Roadmap in cases of Terrorism and Radicalisation.

You can get more information on our projects surfing the International Projects section of this website.

We produce researches and analysis for institutions, academies and intelligence communities, videos and documentaries for social media and established media outlets, original training contents for inter-forces agencies.

We connect communities and local leaders or experts to institutions, with the aim to share experiences, information and best practices. We design pilot and test initiatives at MS level to adapt new EU security legislations to existing operational models, legal frameworks and national needs.

For further information about us and our activities please visit our International Projects section (www.agenformedia.com/international-projects), or download our activities reports here below.

PDF iconActivities report 2018 (515.28 KB)PDF iconActivities report 2015/16 (732.92 KB)FilePolicy to manage risks of conflict of interest, 2018 (101.71 KB)