Rena Netjes


Studied Arabic & Hebrew. Fmr Egypt/Libya corresp . Joined the Conflict Research Unit of as Associate Fellow.

Joined January 2009


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    Istanbul Hub for Arab Dissidents. My interviews with Egyptian fmr presidential candidate and TV news show host of in .

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    Turks persbureau: twee Nederlandse vermeende terroristen zijn door de Turkse regering op het vliegtuig naar Nederland gezet

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    3. First video of alleged Syrian fighters linked with SNA geolocated in 's Tripoli near the Salah al-Deen-Qaser Bin Ghashir Road.

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  6. Leader of the Military Council in govt of National Accord (of Serraj in Tripoli) denies the arrival of Syrian fighters to Libya.

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  7. قائد مجلس عسكري في حكومة الوفاق ينفي لعنب بلدي وصول مقاتلين سوريين إلى ليبيا via

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    -Fighters are saying they liberated a camp\base from "Magous=refers to Iranian Shia" without naming it -They didn't mention area or Libya but made fun of Haftar's name -at 00:39 they say they're Moutasem Brigade -nothing visible that confirms it's from Libya -accent is Syrian

  9. I would not think that many people who fled Idlib because of the regime and Russia, once or twice (Eastern Ghouta, Deraa, Daraya aso) would flee to an area where the regime and Russia are invited again in all honesty. Or where its leaders do deals with the regime.

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    Schokkende reconstructie stikstofakkoord PAS in . Wéér blijkt hoe rijksoverheid alles en iedereen voorliegt: "Ik heb rapporten herschreven. Of je gooide er een onhandige grafiek uit. En daarna dwong je onderzoekers een handtekening eronder te zetten."

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  11. Naguib Sawiris, isn't that the one who is proud of doing business with North Korea?

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    what's left of Sejo Prison near in Aleppo northern countryside aftermath unknown explosion this morning, sources inside SNA said it wasn't SVBIED but unknown airstrike. Prison was for ISIS and SDF captives, at least 12 were killed.

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    In solidarity with , our demonstration today, in front of the Russian Embassy in STOP and war crimes in , STOP THEM NOW.

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    مظاهرة في أمستردام للتضامن من إدلب والمطالبة بإيقاف المجزرة بحق المدنيين، والتنديد بالصمت الدولي.

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    بوتين قاتل من مظاهرة اسطنبول

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    A Syrian demonstration in Amsterdam Now to call the international community to speak up and stop the genocide in Idlib, Syria.

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    Now in Turkey; turkish citizens and syrian students demonstrate together To

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    Er is niet veel belangstelling voor Assadslachtoffers.

  20. Als je hier met 'n paar mensen spreekt - en ben heus wel wat gewend - de horror verhalen die je dan hoort v mensen die vastzaten in 'n regime gevangenis of een familielid hebben die daar vast zit. "Ik hoorde 't geschreeuw v vrouwen die verkracht werden, kinderen werden gemarteld"

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    An explosion (possibly airstrike) destroyed al-Maasara prison near Azaz. It is a prison run by the Levant front in which captured ISIS members are kept.

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    30 rockets were fired at the Kirkuk base where 1 US contractor was killed & 4 US troops injured. That’s a big attack & the first to claim US casualties. The military suspects Iran-linked Kataib Hezbollah was responsible

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    235,000 displaced in 16 days 235,000 displaced in 16 days 235,000 displaced in 16 days 235,000 displaced in 16 days 235,000 displaced in 16 days 235,000 displaced in 16 days 235,000 displaced in 16 days 235,000 displaced in 16 days 235,000 displaced in 16 days

  27. Oeps. Eerste kwartaal 2019 was de stijging zelfs 31%. (Nederlandse pensioenfondsen eat that)

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  28. "Een groeiende vraag..en relatief weinig nieuwbouw."

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  29. "In het 3e kwartaal bedroeg de waardestijging in Amsterdam maar liefst 27,4%" #2018

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  30. Deze had ik gemist, van vorig jaar: Amsterdamse kantoorpanden zien grootste prijsstijging ter wereld via

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    Die obsessie met de islam kan ver gaan.

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    GRAPHIC: Jewish population in Europe, 1933 and 2015 (US Holocaust Museum and American Jewish Year Book)

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    What future for Syrian refugees? Neighbouring countries host now more than 5,6 million registered Syrian refugees and 85% of them do not intend to return home in the near future. To know more, download the report →

  34. Exact. En als je enkel voor je eigen groep opkomt kom je niet voor mensenrechten op, dacht ik.

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    Hello everyone, citizens and journalists of Istanbul. Please don’t forget the protest for Idlib today in Taksim at 3pm, starting at Odakule and walking towards the Russian Consulate. See you soon!

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    Replying to

    So, is it Turkish troops on the ground or Syrian militias? Especially given the latter denied they will be involved. What about Tunis, where does it fit into this interesting jigsaw? Who says politics & intl relations is boring, with the right scenario, it can beat soap operas 😁

  37. מודה אני על לחם שנחת לשולחני שלא אהיה רעב שלא אדע כאב

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    U.S. intelligence officials tell me they believe Iranian-back militias to be the culprit for the rocket attack on K-1 Base in Kirkuk, killing a Pentagon contractor and wounding several U.S. service members and Iraqi personnel on-site. Roughly 11 to 14 rockets struck the base.