Better User Communication System
The User Communication System involve the design and implementation of communication channels with Minds users. This includes tutorials, onboarding solution (similar to walkme), emails, chatbots and notifications.
The goal is to reduce the churn by engaging the users from their first visit to homepage and make sure that they understand Minds products and philosophy.
The communication will happen at various events and user lifecycle's stages:
- Onboarding
- Change of activity segments
- Reception of Badges
- New features & news announcement
- Weekly/Monthly digest
- Risk of churn
changed the description
added issue engine#625
added issue engine#626
added issue engine#627
added issue engine#628
added issue engine#629 (closed)
added issue engine#630
changed the description
changed title from User Communication System to User Communication System
@ramialbatal I am not sure how useful this epic is. We have a revamped onboarding in progress and many of the other tasks here fall into notifications etc. I am going to close, but please move important issues from here to other relevant epics.