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    My latest article for @ArabReform_EN Foreign Backers and the Marginalization of the Free Syrian Army

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    Noria Analysis - Sri Lanka - "From Arms to Politics: the Struggle of the Tamil Diaspora" -

  3. ترجمة عربية لمقالي في مبادرة الاصلاح العربي: الداعمون الخارجيون وتهميش

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    الجيش الحر مقسّم ومشرذم إلى حد بعيد بحيث يصعب عليه تجنب أن تُفرض عليه أجندات لأطراف خارجية

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    On the topic of FSA marginalization, replugging this excellent paper by :

  6. Une mise au point très utile par : POUR EN FINIR AVEC CETTE HISTOIRE DE GAZODUCS

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    [C'ÉTAIT ALEP] Le 1 rend hommage à , ville martyre au passé millénaire, synonyme d’un cosmopolitisme assumé et centre économique fort.

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    makes good points against de-escalation. 1. Rebel de-escalation has incentivised regime escalation

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    Important release! Our updated Map "Competing actors, fragmented territories" & . Based on our fieldwork

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    Must Read - How foreign backers try to turn Free Syrian Army into proxies.

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    ومحاولة الداعمين الأجانب تحويل إلى وكلاء قراءة لفيلكس لغراند باللغة الإنجليزية

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    Foreign Backers and the Marginalization of the Free Syrian Army 10-page report by for

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    Read: How foreign backers try to turn Free -n Army into proxies. :

  16. I am discovering this blog by way too late. great analysis

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    Dernière publication Noria - Comment joue stratégiquement avec les trêves en , par

  18. My latest on : strategy of Jabhat al-Nusra/ Fath Al-sham in regarding the truces in Syria

  19. Ma dernière publication pour : La stratégie de Jabhat al-Nusra/Fath al-Sham face aux trêves

  20. Le mouvement kurde entre le maquis et les urnes par

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    Ankara Threatens Halting One In, One Out' Deal Over Syrian Refugee Crisis

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    Referendum today --> Our latest Analysis is on Sudan - : Maneuvering the Status of Minority in

  23. by For those still wondering why people are risking their lives crossing the Mediterranean sea

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    Release - On wednesday, Noria is back with an on exiled populations in - -

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    Further Updates: The Complete List of Vetted Syrian Rebel Groups Supplied With BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missiles.

  26. Background on ISIS's last incursion in Yarmouk by V. Napolitano : Yarmouk: a War of All Against All

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    More than two years of reporting and fieldwork, the most comprehensive archive on the conflict is here -

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    Noria coverage - "Sunni revolution & Community divisions" and " & the State"

  29. Aux origines de l’État islamique par Matthieu Rey

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    Série d’entretiens de Noria - dimension plus perso de la crise en : "Retour sur quelques trajectoires sociales"

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    interogation by Jabhat al Nosra of Harakat Hazm prisonners who admit to have attacked check point in maarat al noman

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    Syria: : 'What can't be looted or sold it is destroyed "according to S… , see more