The women are either angry with the presence of an infidel or afraid to talk in case the other women see them and attack them. Many say #isis slogans publicly but privately regret traveling. It's a paranoid
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#Finnish woman was awaiting news of what will become of her and the 10 other Finns she says are in the camp. She told me she took are of the Finnish orphans recently repatriated.Show this thread -
I also met a Venezuelan woman who had converted to Islam with her husband and was angry an infidel like me was around. She said she experienced daily Islamophobia in Venezuela and held very radical views.
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The British women asked me what happened to the injured children and some women were worried about their kids health. Note the "some" in that sentence.
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It's sad to see the kids living like this and Europe needs to repatriate all their kids, Ireland included. It's not going to be easy though some of the kids threw stones and make pro isis hand gestures. A woman was murdered earlier this month by isis women in the camp.
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@normcos: Today I went to Al Hol camp where kids don't smile and generally look scared or miserable. The… …. Share this if you think it's interesting.
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