Mzahem Alsaloum


Former Spox of The `s NSyA. Founder/Manager. Researcher & Serving LLCs with valuable information from the MENA battlespaces.

Middle East
Joined May 2016
Born January 10, 1993


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    لقطات بعدستي من الأيام الجميلة والصادقة للثورة السورية.. These footage have been filmed by me, DeirEzZor Oct 8th of 2012, we were waiting even the warplanes above of the buildings and streets to defense the revolution, when there was values pushing us to died for them.

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    This is one of the journalists paid for publishing propaganda for his country, which bears 90% of what happens in the north. This is not my point. But he is rudely upset because the latest regime operation will push 2 million refugees to Europe blackmail the West

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    9 civilians killed, 25 injured, in Putin regime air strike on market in , .

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    More than 500 soldiers graduated after completing seven weeks of training in subjects including squad movements, marksmanship, first aid and counter improvised explosive devices techniques at Bnaslawa Training Center in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

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    More good news from Goldman Sachs is the first big US bank to say it won't finance new oil projects in the Arctic.

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    As a result of a -|n airstrike on a market in Saraqeb(aka Saraqib), 7 civilians have been killed. >25 wounded

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    RT : يعزّز المساءلة، من خلال العقوبات وفرض قيود السفر على نظام الأسد والمسؤولين عن الفظائع في . كما يدعم هذا الجهد دعوة الشعب السوري لإيجاد حل سياسي دائم يتماشى مع قرار مجلس الأمن 2254.

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    VIDEO: Knock, knock! raids ISIS terrorist’s home. 🇮🇶🦅 كيفية إلقاء القبض على الإرهابي: 1) إصدار أمر إلقاء قبض. 2) قامت قوات النخبة العراقية التابعة لجهاز مكافحة الإرهاب بغارة ليلية. 3) تم إلقاء القبض على الزعيم المتطرف. 4) التحقُق من المعدات التي يمتلكها الإرهابي

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    When the Smoke Clears Marines with Alpha Company, Battle Landing Team, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, , close with an enemy machine gun position during a simulated raid at the Central Training Area, Okinawa, Japan.

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    Sydney: Toxic bushfire smoke blankets city, creating 'hazardous' pollution levels

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    This podcast features two incredible members of the team who are focused on : Brandon Wallace & Kat Lawlor It’s their first one, so be sure to download & listen! 🥰

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    الوزير : وقّع الرئيس اليوم لحماية المدنيين في ، في خطوة مهمة لتعزيز محاسبة نظام الأسد الذي ارتكب فظائع واسعة في سوريا. يجب أن يقف العالم متحدا في إدانة وحشية الأسد. (1/2)

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    Islam’s reformation: an Arab-Israeli alliance is taking shape in the Middle East | The Spectator

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    La fin de l'année approche. C'est aussi un moment pour se souvenir. A ceux qui sont morts dans le cockpit, vivant leur rêve, en faisant leur devoir. Parce qu'ils étaient comme ça. 🔗

  15. الادعاءات حول وصول قوات سعودية ومصرية الى حقل العمر هي ادعاءات كاذبة. وهي مشابهة للشائعات حول وصول قوات إماراتية وسعودية الى شمال شرق سوريا منذ عام، والتي دائماً مصدرها يكون الإعلام الموالي ل و .

  16. The allegations of the arrival of the Egyptian and Saudi Troops to the Omar Oil Field are false. They are just similar to the rumors of the arrival of / Troops to NE since a year, which all of them have been posted by the Pro-/ media platforms.

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    In the last 24 hours, 22 civilians have lost their life in because of ongoing Assad regime and Russian airstrikes. The violence must end now. The international community must speak out - there is no military solution to this conflict.

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    The President has signed the Caesar Syria Protection Act into law

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    President Trump has signed the NDAA Bill into Law,including the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act into Law,now the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act is US Law

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    Today signed the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection of 2019 into law - an important step to promote accountability for the Assad regime, which has committed large-scale atrocities in . The world must stand united in condemning Assad's brutality.

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  21. President Trump signs the National Defense Authorization Act which includes the Ceaser Bill at Joint Base Andrews. الرئيس ترامب يوقع استراتيجية/ميزانية الدفاع التي تتضمن قانون سيزر في قاعدة أندروز الجوية.

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    أجرت سفن حرس السواحل 🇺🇸الأمريكية وقوات دوريات خفر السواحل الأمريكية اختبارًا سنويًا لنظام الصواريخ الموجهة ( GriffinMissileExercise19)في منطقة العمليات الاسطول الخامس

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    2 options .. if Saudis did this then i really have to thank them . If those reports are nt true : then good for pakistan for nt attending this summit Actually only traitors can accept sitting with Iran/ruhani Shame on erdoF

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    Early this week Russia and the Assad regime ramped up airstrikes across Southeastern Idlib Province, displacing several thousand families.

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    رئيس الوزراء : البرلمان يقر القراءة الثانية من قانون اتفاق الانسحاب من - وهذه خطوة أقرب تجاه خروج 🇬🇧 من الاتحاد الأوروبي.

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    الأرقام تتحدث عن مساهمة بقتل أضعاف السوريين بسبع سنوات مقارنة بمن قتل من الشعب الفلسطيني على مدى سبعة عقود ، لكنهم لا يرون لون الدم السوري أحمر كالدم الفلسطيني تستحق القراءة 👇🏻 مختصر الحكاية

  27. Retweeted

    Today, in line with 2484, the U.S. sanctioned five Malians for their role in threatening peace, security, and stability in . We’re committed to the Algiers Accord to promote greater peace in Mali, and will continue to target those who hinder its implementation.

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    . : "Iraqi forces on Thursday carried out a military campaign to find sleeper cell hideouts of the extremist group in an inhospitable stretch of territory in the western province of Anbar."

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    Weekly update on events in North and East Syria: 📌Russia building new forces under its control 📌Transfers out of Hol camp to Deir-ez-Zor and Iraq 📌Amnesty for members of Kurdish opposition party 📌Ongoing looting of grain silos, scattered clashes around zone of occupation

  30. Retweeted

    I see how bloggers, travelers, and commentators compete to defend the Syrian regime. I have known such people from the time when I was among the Syrian government circles and these people had no honor or working principles. They wrote what they were given. This disgusted me.

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    U.S. Navy patrol coastal ships and U.S. Coast Guard patrol boats conducted an annual test of the MK-60 Griffin guided-missile system in the area of operations Dec. 10-14

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    يا "خونة" الخليج: إيران أم إسرائيل؟ | اندبندنت عربية

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    confirms another 60.000 civilians were displaced by the ongoing offensive in between early December and yesterday. Thousands more are fleeing as we speak (picture from today).

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    Over 40 years in power, the regime in Iran has shown only disrespect for the Iranian people. This disrespect has destabilized Iran’s internal order, weakened its economy, and made it a pariah state in the eyes of the free world.

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    . soldiers provide security and clear and obstacle during the mine detection phase of EOD training in central Iraq, Sept. 3. and ISOF instructors are working together to continue to train and hone the skills of ISOF soldiers.

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    Come work with me! is hiring a women's rights associate to be based in Amman, Berlin, Brussels, London, or Nairobi. It's an early career job and a great opportunity for the right person.

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    In , the terror against Russia lasted for 30 minutes. In , Russia’s terror against innocent civilians lasted the whole night and continues right now.

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    النائب رحمن تشيشتي أدى اليمين بالبرلمان واضعا يده على . تعليقا على ذلك قال: "بصفتي مبعوث رئيس الوزراء الخاص لحرية الدين أو المعتقد، طلبت أيضا وضع و على المنضدة تعبيرا عن احترامي لجميع الأديان" 🕌🕍⛪️

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    Horrible news. "Australian firefighters die as flames circle Sydney"

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    Keep this in mind when the Kremlin complains next time about Western NGOs, media and politicians, criticizing anything about Russia.