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Browse other issues from this year

Vol. 2 No. 10 · 22 May 1980

Emma Rothschild

Hangchow Retrouvé


Kenneth Ballhatchet, Eric Stokes, Margaret Gardiner, James Greene, Yorick Wilks, Mark Haworth-Booth

Martin Amis

On the Edge of the Cliff by V.S. Pritchett
The Tale Bearers: Essays on English, American and Other Writers by V.S. Pritchett

Neal Ascherson

Russian Hide and Seek by Kingsley Amis

Karl Miller

Unreliable Memoirs by Clive James

Frank Kermode

The Reign of Sparrows by Roy Fuller
Souvenirs by Roy Fuller

Leo Pliatzky

The Government of the United Kingdom: Political Authority in a Changing Society by Max Beloff

Antony Jay

Informed Sources

Michael Hofmann

Poem: ‘La Nuit Américaine’

S.L. Goldberg

Deconstruction and Criticism by Harold Bloom, Paul de Man, Jacques Derrida, Geoffrey Hartman and J. Hillis Miller

Wayne Booth

Plains Song: For Female Voices by Wright Morris

Christopher Ricks

Trying to Explain by Donald Davie

John Dunn

Jesus by Humphrey Carpenter
Aquinas by Anthony Kenny
Pascal by Alban Krailsheimer
Hume by A.J. Ayer
Marx by Peter Singer

Peter Clarke

The Shorter Strachey selected and introduced by Michael Holroyd and Paul Levy
Lytton Strachey by Michael Holroyd

Samuel Hynes

C. Day-Lewis: An English Literary Life by Sean Day-Lewis

Michael Holroyd

The Life of Katherine Mansfield by Antony Alpers

Graham Hough

How far can you go? by David Lodge
Life before Man by Margaret Atwood
Desirable Residence by Lettice Cooper
A Month in the Country by J.L. Carr

John Sutherland

Metroland by Julian Barnes
The Bleeding Heart by Marilyn French
Creator by Jeremy Leven

Douglas Johnson

1943: The victory that never was by John Grigg

John Ziman

The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav

Reyner Banham

Memoirs of an Unjust Fella: An Autobiography by J.M. Richards

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