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  1. Evo Morales explains why he was toppled in a US-backed military coup. His “crimes”: - being indigenous; - reducing extreme poverty; - nationalizing ’s resources; - kicking out transnational corporations; - and, most importantly, moving towards nationalizing the lithium.

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    My one-hour, wide-ranging interview with former Bolivian President Evo Morales - covering Boliva, regional and international politics - is now up at . He was one of the most thoughtful and compelling people I’ve interviewed. Full video here:

  3. Ron Paul: They lied to us about Assad gassing his own people.

  4. Everyday new proofs emerge about how they suppressed evidence that confirms US-backed terrorists staged the Douma gas attack, for which Assad was blamed to justify bombing . But where is Western media? Nowhere to be found, since these revelations totally destroy their lies

  5. Retweeted

    So my scepticism about the alleged gas attack by Assad's forces has been vindicated. Yet I was pilloried when I questioned the previous Prime Minister using it as a justification to launch military airstrikes in Syria.

  6. They lied about They lied about They’re lying about

  7. Again. They lied to us about the 2018 alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma so they could bomb . Just as they lied about “massacres” in so they could overthrow and kill Gaddafi. And just as they lied about WMDs so they could invade

  8. Retweeted

    STAND BY: Release in an hour of more internal OPCW leaked files documenting concerns of up to 20 on-site inspectors with doctored version of Douma chemical weapons report

  9. Jeffrey Epstein was an Israeli military intelligence asset recruited to blackmail US politicians, with his “biggest catch” being Bill Clinton, according to former Israeli spy Ari Ben-Menashe. This is the story that the corporate media is trying to bury.

  10. Says the immoral hypocrite who championed fracking, and who dropped toxic, environmentally destructive munitions like white phosphorus and depleted uranium on Iraq, Libya, Syria, Gaza, Afghanistan and Yemen.

  11. The US “standing with” includes: - Bombing us - Supporting Israel’s terror on our soil - Sanctioning us - Propping up corrupt politicians who steal from us - Backing the IMF’s economic strangulation of our country Thanks but we’ve had enough of your “solidarity”.

  12. Reminder: - doesn’t have WMDs. - The US has 6,800 nukes and remains the only country to have actually dropped nukes on another sovereign nation. - Iran is fighting Al-Qaeda and ISIS. - The US created Al-Qaeda and ISIS - Pompeo’s sanctions are literally killing Iranians

  13. Retweeted

    Clip from yesterday's show when I asked former counter-terrorism specialist & army intelligence officer if Israel is an ally. I ask all patriots to please watch & RT this! It needs to go viral.

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  14. Bush and Obama both invaded nations on lies. Bush and Obama both bombed weddings and hospitals. Bush and Obama both armed terrorists. Bush and Obama both murdered and uprooted millions of innocent civilians. Yup... “values are the same”.

  15. Michelle Obama thinks George W. Bush knows something about humanity, love and compassion. Millions of Iraqis murdered, maimed and displaced in the criminal war he launched on a pack of lies would certainly disagree with that assessment.

  16. So.. Nancy Pelosi knew Bush was lying to the world about WMDs in as a pretext to launch an illegal war, which destroyed an entire country, killed a million human beings and gave rise to ISIS, but she didn’t think this was grounds for impeachment. Wow

  17. Retweeted

    Donald Trump has been in power for almost three years and, despite a foreign policy with much of which I strongly disagree, has nevertheless neither started nor escalated a single war. I presume that's why the Democrats are impeaching him; Obama had destroyed Libya by now.

  18. Good humans don’t drop 100,000 bombs on 8 different countries in 8 years, killing and displacing millions of men, women and children.

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    Replying to

    Excellent interview. What America did to President Assad and to his country is horrific and it continues to this day. We must lift all sanctions, stop strangling the reconstruction of Syria and pull out all remaining U.S. troops from the region.

  20. Here’s the full transcript of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s interview that Italian State TV Rai News didn’t want to air: And here’s the full video:

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  21. President Assad on the April 2018 alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, : The OPCW faked and falsified their report at the behest of the US government. This proves that the OPCW is biased and politicized, and has been used as an American arm to further the war on Syria.

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  22. They lied to us about Vietnam They lied to us about Iraq They lied to us about Libya They lied to us about Syria They lied to us about Iran They lied to us about Venezuela They lied to us about Bolivia Just as they lied to us about the war in Afghanistan

  23. Pompeo: “I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole.” Also Pompeo: Believe me when I tell you the US government is only seeking democracy, human rights, pancakes and chocolate muffins in , Venezuela, Bolivia, , Lebanon and Nicaragua!

  24. The Political and Media Office of the Syrian Presidency () will broadcast President Assad’s interview with Italian state TV Rai News tomorrow.

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    The said that the interview will be aired on the Syrian state TV and on the presidency’s social media accounts tomorrow if refused to air it. I guess the Italian TV was disappointed with Pr. Assad for not being the bloodthirsty dictator they want him to be

  26. This is disturbing. Italian state TV Rai News requested an interview with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, but now inexplicably refuses to air it. Another attempt to hide the truth about from the world. What are they afraid of?

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    Why is Trump acting as the spokesperson for Saudi Arabia? It is a disgrace that the office of the presidency is being used for the interests of the theocratic extremist Saudi Arabian Kingdom, the #1 exporter of the radical Islamist ideology that fuels jihadists like al-Qaeda/ISIS

  28. Retweeted

    It is forbidden to question the narrative charging with launching gas attacks in , no matter how much counter-evidence emerges. This reporter just quit because it refused to print his story about what investigators have found.

  29. Wow. Newsweek journalist resigns after he wasn’t allowed to publish “revelations” about the OPCW leaks surrounding the alleged chemical weapons attack in ’s in April 2018. Why is the media suppressing this information and preventing it from reaching the public?

  30. Retweeted

    Proud to have joined the first journalists signing the petition speaking up for Julian Assange. No journalist can afford to ignore the massive threat posed to real journalism by efforts to lock Assange up for good – for exposing US and UK war crimes in Iraq

  31. Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad asset who was used by Israeli intelligence to blackmail US politicians and other political figures, according to former Israeli spy Ari Ben-Menashe. I guess it’s not a “conspiracy theory” after all.

  32. After Obama drops more than 100,000 bombs on 8 different countries, he goes on to buy an $11.75 million mansion on Martha’s Vineyard. The personification of “hope and change”.

  33. Another act of Saudi terrorism that will go unpunished and unaccounted for because the US needs Saudi Arabia to uphold the system of global petrodollar hegemony and wage proxy wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen on its behalf.

  34. Wow. The man who helped invade Iraq on a lie, killing a million people; clamors day and night to topple the government in Iran; played a role in destablizing Syria; champions coups in Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Bolivia... is actually sitting here fronting like he wants peace.

  35. Retweeted

    Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad asset who was used by Israeli intelligence to blackmail American politicians, according to a former Israeli spy.

  36. If that were true, you’d be in prison for the war crimes you committed in and , not here on Twitter polluting our timelines everyday. 🤗

  37. Julian Assange is literally dying in prison for doing journalism. While war criminals Bill & Hillary Clinton, who often stayed at Jeffrey Epstein’s ranch where underage girls were brought in from all over the world, still walk around free as celebrities.

  38. Retweeted

    This doesn’t make sense, I was told Lying & corruption started in January of 2017.

  39. Julian Assange: “Clinton and ISIS are funded by the same money.” This must be why Hillary Clinton suggested assassinating truthteller Assange with a drone strike.