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fake news should be a leftist term


fake news should be a leftist term

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level 1
1.2k points · 18 hours ago

I feel like the “wine instead of health care” thing is a government’s version of a company throwing a pizza party...also instead of providing health care.

level 2
My Corporate Cryptocoins are Immune to Insider Trading Laws373 points · 17 hours ago

Wine instead of Healthcare

This message brought to you by the American Alcohol and Pharma Advertising Partnership.

level 2
100 points · 13 hours ago

I remember working for a small company once where the owner told us he'd get us pizza every Friday if we hit our goals. We got pizza one week, and never again. He never defined what our goals were just kept saying we never hit them. I eventually got fired for calling him an asshole.

level 2

Brought to you by suburban Facebook moms everywhere

level 2

To me this makes it sound like "wine and Netflix" is the new "bread and circuses" of our age.

level 2
16 points · 12 hours ago

Health care will never substitute eating proper food, there are so many things wrong with your comment I don't know where to begin. First of all, you are blatantly dismissing the fact that Americans eat the worst food on the planet.

  • Calorie-and-chemicals-and-cancer-rich but nutrient poor food.

  • Their food is the most processed food on the planet. Processed foods use monoculture soy and corn byproducts that are chock full of RoundUp

  • Most americans probably don't even know what olive oil tastes like, but they sure do consume a lot of palm tree oil, which will give you both cancer and heart problems

  • Red wine in moderation is actually beneficial for your health, zero calorie beer that is full of glyphosate hops probably isn't.

Americans should have free healthcare like the rest of the developed world, but they actually need dietary education even more urgently and I find your comment very misguided on this regard. Good day

level 2

Like Planet Fitness.

level 1

A lot of factors really. People in the USA barely get time off of work with 0 mandatory days off, everyone has an insanely high sugar and calorie dense diet, and nobody walks anywhere due to the whole country being built around cars. We're a really unhealthy nation.

level 2

Not everybody has a high sugar diet, you just have to spend 10 goddamned minutes in the grocery store finding a loaf of bread whose third ingredient isn't high-fructose corn syrup.

level 2

Try to develop healthy hobbies if you can America! Youuu can do ittttttt.

level 2

I stayed in Atlanta years ago and was amazed that we had to get a taxi to the restaurant next door due to the lack of pavements (sidewalks?). Taxi ride was mandatory or we would have been guilty of jaywalking but took about 20 seconds.

level 2

Western diets in general aren't the healthiest, way too many carbs, but America takes that shit to a whole other level...

level 2

Your answer would be more solid if you dropped the mention of vacation and mentioned cars for the accidental deaths they cause more than decreased walking, though more walking would be a positive even with that 10,000 step being made up nonsense.

If you eliminate traffic accident deaths the US ends up pretty much ties with the rest of the high scores. Eliminate gun violence and suicides would also help when comparing health care systems.

level 2
Comment deleted by user14 hours ago(More than 1 child)
level 1

The Mediterranean diet is very healthy, and does have a noticeable impact on lifespan. Almost as noticeable as people not dying from treatable diseases because they have access to subsidised care and medicine.

level 2
159 points · 14 hours ago

What often gets overlooked in discussions of diets between Europeans and Americans is also activity and portions.

(1) The vast majority of people in the US are entirely car dependent and therefore don’t actually move at all during the day unless they specifically make time to exercise. Whereas if you live in a walkable city with public transit you get exercise just by going about your day.

(2) Portions are much larger in the US. Even if want to argue that some European diets aren’t healthy in terms of the composition of the food, they still eat less of it. Red meat may not be healthy but if you have 4oz along with whole wheats and vegetables it’s better than having 24oz of chicken parm or a salad slathered with 1,500 calories of dressing.

level 2

No veganism is better

level 2

As if universal health care systems don't ration care.

level 2

What Americans understand as Mediterranean diet is not what Mediterranean diet is.

There’s a lot of cheese and pork in mediterranean diet. The important part is that we grow a lot of our own food or get it locally.

level 1

As someones whos been been on the phone for an hour and a half just to find out how much Humira costs I can tell you how messed up our system is. We're trying to determine which plan (option 1 or 2) to go with next year and to do so I need the cost of the drug for each plan. I finally get to someone after being transferred 7 times and they tell me they can only give me the contract price, not the price for each plan.

I don't know, to me that just seems like a scam, but what do I know.

level 2

I’ve spent so long on the phone trying to work out what to do to continue having access to Humira. I called Medicare in Australia (my home country) just to see what I’d need to do if I ended up moving back... It was like night and day in terms of the tone of the conversation. They were so polite and upbeat and it was great news.

Universal healthcare means not worrying about so many things.

level 2
21 points · 12 hours ago

It's a scam.

When I worked for a prescription glasses supplier the only insurance we accepted was... surprise! Insurance through a company owned by the parent company of the store. So what that means, is we would tell you "look at that, you're saving half the cost through insurance". But the money you were paying your insurance was going to the same company. And the justification for charging so much for eyewear is that they are considered to be "medical devices" whose costs are meant to be subsidized by insurance. So to recap:

Company A owns an insurance company and a prescription glasses store. Company A jacks up the prices on glasses because "insurance should cover it". Then company A stipulates it will only accept company A's insurance to cover the cost of company A's glasses.

It's a scam.

level 2

Get the humira savings card. $5 per month

level 2

Nobel Prize Winner for Economics, Paul Krugman shared a similar story recently on twitter. He could never figure out the difference in cost between plans so he just gave up lol. It's a scam.

level 2

Royal pain and a scam. My wife has been on humors and is now using remicade. Insurance would preapprove then deny the claim and it took months to straighten out. One thing I will say if you haven’t already sign up for the assistance program. They can actually be fairly helpful.

level 1
170 points · 14 hours ago

General strike. Now.

level 2

just vote bernie

level 1

A better diet and healthcare tend to lead to better outcomes. It's both.

level 2

the american diet is fucked due to dietary education being subsumed entirely by monied interests.

So Americans eat poorly since they were improperly educated (on purpose), only to be funneled into a for-profit healthcare system. Hmmm.

level 2

The average american diet is a horror movie poster for europeans

level 2

No no it’s either one of the other no space for nuance here

level 2

They have bigger cups in mcdonalds and free refills and stuff. The only place here with 1 free refill is Subway

level 1

Fake news was a leftist term. Democrats and leftists started using it in the 2016 primary season to talk about the insane stories Trump was making up and he took it and started using it to refer to factual reporting about himself. Gotcha catchphrases like that never work out for the left because we always insist that words mean things and the far right just doesn't care.

level 2

Thank you. I was looking for this comment.

level 2

God I remember that. It lasted about a week before the Trumpists picked up on it.

level 2
0 points · 6 hours ago

Fake News is the political equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and saying "No u."

level 1

We already have a term for that

It's called manufacturing consent

level 1
17 points · 13 hours ago

Also, shorter work hours and guaranteed vacations and pensions.

level 2
-5 points · 12 hours ago(0 children)
level 2
-7 points · 8 hours ago(0 children)
level 1


level 1

hot take: it is, and just cuz the rightwingers over-use a word or reference does not mean they own it and it's tainted for ever.

level 2

Yeah, it originated with Hillary Clinton (I know she’s not really left wing, but for American standards 🤷🏼‍♂️) calling out the large amounts of conservative-leaning misinformation on Facebook, Trump stole it from there on out, though.

There could be debate, though, about the term’s underlying origins which could lie in a German term Lügenpresse (literally “press of lies”) which began becoming largely popular when used by Catholic conservatives against a liberal uprising in 1848.

level 2

Just like Deep State.

I don't know that there is a single accepted definition for that one but there is absolutely a large section of our government that doesn't change with the votes, and has it's own priorities.

level 1

Well food definitely as a part in it, Europe diet is fat based meanwhile in the US it’s sugar based.

level 2
Cpt. Anarcommie6 points · 11 hours ago

Adding to this, as far as I've read, fats (some more than others) are for the most part healthier than sugars.

level 1

You can compare to Canada to control for that factor.

level 1

That being said, the diets in Europe and Asia are typically less focused on red meat which has been shown time after time to be detrimental to health, and more focused on fish which is an excellent form of protein with very little downsides. Wine has also been shown to reduce the risk of certain heart conditions when taken in moderation

level 1

Our food is definitely worse.

But yeah free healthcare and also sane retirement provisions really makes the difference.

level 1

The GOP= terrorist organization

level 1

I can’t imagine how miserable a person you are if your twitter handle is argumentwinner

level 1
2 points · 12 hours ago

The first time I ever heard the term "Fake News" was from Trump. Never heard it before he started using it.

level 1

I mean olives contain monounsaturated fats and there have been studies that show red wine in moderation over the age of 50 reduces the risk of heart disease... also American tax payers as an average pay $1000 dollars a year to treat diabetes. So yea I think cutting back on the butter might help..

level 2

It's the ridiculous amount of sugars in everything that are the problem. Things that legitimately don't need sugar are full of high fructose corn syrup. Things like bread and tomato sauce, stuff that you'd only put a pinch of sugar in at home have corn syrup as the third or fourth ingredient.

level 2

Diabetes is the inability to process sugar. Butter would have literally 0 effect there either way. In fact butter may actually be good

level 1

Maybe, but I'm not a big fan of using terms coined by the Trump administration, even when used ironically or against them.

level 2
20 points · 13 hours ago · edited 13 hours ago

That's the thing though, it wasn't coined by Trump. Plenty of media scientists and liberals used the term to describe the sudden influx of websites hosting completely made up stories originated from mostly eastern European countries, but then Trump went 'no u' and libs being libs the term is now completely dominated by the right.

I.e. from Business Insider, 15 November 2016

Even worse is that Facebook makes it easy for users to share misinformation, false news stories, hyperbolic memes, and outright conspiracy theory. Some of these sites are intended to look like real publications (there are false versions of major outlets like ABC and MSNBC) but share only fake news; others are straight-up propaganda created by foreign nations (Russia and Macedonia, among others).

level 2

My memory could be wrong, but I think the term was originally used to describe what the alt right was doing, then Trump just hijacked it.

level 1

Great. There goes my New Year’s Resolution.

level 1

wait wasnt zoomerleft banned? and now they are leftiez?

level 2

I guess I just noticed the crosspost calls it “western media” like the Kremlin and Russian television and trolls like to do lol. I think MSM media works fine and don’t care for that loaded term. It’s loaded with communist vs capitalist west memories and seems like a weird term to use because it pits East vs West like we are in the 60’s and just feels like Cold War propaganda lol.

level 1

ok but I'm still gonna do that stuff.

level 1

How does someone in a developed country.

level 1


level 1

It is though! That's why it's so diabolical. The news is shit. That's why Trump's been so successful with the "fake news" shtick. Major media is garbage. It's just not all "liberal propaganda" it's propaganda that hurts everyone in this awful consumer society

level 1

Former president openly states women are indisputably better than men

People want that in charge of health care

What could possibly go wrong?

I suppose the women will be happy, they get to live, while we only get to live if no women are waiting for treatment.

level 1

“Fake News” did briefly mean what it says, referring to literal hoax non-existing news outlets online.

level 1

I get free wine and free health care, not gonna lie to you.

level 1

Partly true. I think diet and exercise both play major roles though. I don't have stats on hand but I'm pretty confident the average European's yearly caloric intake is substantially lower than the average American's. The proportion of Americans who live largely or wholly sedentary lifestyles is likewise higher than the proportion of Europeans.

level 1

It’s probably a little of both to be fair

level 1

He thinks he’s a screenshot

level 1

Well that and not pumping everything full of corn syrup.

level 1
C̸̩̠̈̔̕h̶̝̟̟̥͆̓͋̂͝ḁ̴̢̣̲͕̄̑͛n̸̡͔̗̘̘͗͑̄͗̀g̸̪͓͈̮̣̔͜ě̷̡͑̏̒1 point · 11 hours ago

It's all fun and games until there is fake left wing news.

level 1

And also food

level 1

The "wine is healthy" thing is so bullshit. Any noticeable health benefit to wine is absolutely undone by the negatives of regularly drinking any amount of alcohol.

Also, no one ever mentions you can get all the same benefits with none of the drawbacks by drinking grape juice.

level 2
1 point · 8 hours ago · edited 8 hours ago

This is true from a physical health perspective, but it doesn't factor in any mental benefits that may make the occasional glass of wine a net-positive for your health.

But I agree the whole "wine is healthy" thing is misleading. Doing things that relax you and relieve stress are healthy, and wine, in moderation, might accomplish this.

I really don't think wine, red meat consumption, or any other dietary nuances factor into the difference in lifespans as much as exercise and sugar intake.

level 1

He thinks he’s a screenshot

level 1

Eh, is there some citation that shows this? Last I heard it was a combination of things -- universal healthcare doesn't hurt, but they are also less obese and actually go to the doctor less frequently. I could be wrong though.

level 1

Fake news should be used by everyone, most news in this country is either retarded, propaganda, or a shooting

level 1

I'm pretty sure the term was coined by people talking about right-wing conspiracy theories presented as legitimate journalism, like Pizzagate. Then Trump pulled the predictable stunt of accusing the accusers, and it became conservative doublespeak for "facts I don't agree with."

level 1

Imagine wanting to live to an old age just so you can pass by the age of retirement and keep working full time until you’re forced into an old folks home LMAO

level 1

Also we dont get shoot by our police and used as human meat shields !

level 1

Explain Scotland

level 1

I'm confused. Does that mean the proctologist uses olive oil?

level 1

Yes, but can you generate profits from people not dying? Checkmate, Europeans.

level 1

Damn, I wonder if it might actually be that half of all Americans are fat pieces of shit?

level 1

And for a long time eating habits. Americans diet has been total shit for much longer than most of Europe. However they're still pretty into smoking tobacco whereas Americans are kinda leaving that behind.

level 1

“Fake news” is a term first used by Clinton to describe the massive pile of Soviet bullshit propaganda infecting social media during the 2016 campaign. That the entire world just allowed Trump et al to co-opt it to describe actual fucking news is one of the greatest failures of news media in history.

level 1

Not Europe, its the Mediterranean and it's TRUE as fuck..

level 1

Lol, nobody actually believes this, right? Like if we nationalize our healthcare suddenly life expectancy will rise 😂😂😂

level 1

i prefer western media because it confuses people in such a way that their entire worldview is questionable

level 1

First people need to understand the difference between real fake news (fake media sites publishing made up stories for financial gain) and propaganda, because most of the so called 'fake news' coming out of the west is really propaganda that's being written off as fake news which is a very dangerous game for the media to be playing.

level 1

Weird title but okay is the single most impressed I have ever been with a mod.

level 1

That title is funny considering trump has said it countless times

level 1

Anyone have a source on this? Has the impact been isolated to universal health care or are we just dropping deliciously spicy hot takes

level 1

Only buttTrumpets use the term "leftist"

level 1

Yeah maybe also we don't eat disgusting fast food every day, and have way different standards when it comes to GMO, pesticids and hormones ?

level 1

This meme is literally false making your title hilarious.

level 1
-6 points · 13 hours ago(1 child)
level 1
-5 points · 14 hours ago(More than 2 children)
level 1

tbf if opiates were free our life expectancy would probably drop even faster

level 1
-17 points · 14 hours ago(More than 4 children)
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-14 points · 14 hours ago(More than 3 children)
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-80 points · 18 hours ago(More than 7 children)
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-11 points · 14 hours ago(0 children)
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